Marta Velez on LinkedIn: Spritacular: Capturing Elusive Upper As Vick Noble explains it in Shakti Woman, Whereas it seems that the skin is the boundary of the person in normal reality, when that same person opens psychically, the boundary expands. Many electrical appliances are easily affected or damaged by sparks of high voltage electricity. Often folks who share your "ability" can't wear watches; they will stop working within a couple of days, regardless of how many new batteries are put in them. Because we are so used to witnessing electricity at work in our daily lives in machines and electronics, we often forget that electricity actually exists in nature. Made by dropping molten glass into water, they exhibit weird properties when exposed to forces. The phenomenon occurred in people who had normal hearing as well as in deaf individuals. Scroll down to see some of the planet's more elusive and mysterious electric, atmospheric phenomena. Protect Your Aura. Weve contained electricity. Spritacular: NASA's new citizen science project to capture elusive 1. It only adds to my frustration. Signs You are A Person Whose Energy Naturally Interferes With Electronics But it still has a few secrets left here are 10 of the strangest natural electrical phenomena ever recorded. Still others claim to have had UFO or alien experiences. Because this ethereal glow always seemed to herald the end of a storm, sailors saw it as a good omen and called it St. Elmos Fire, after an Italian saint. Wow, for a person who googles everything, I have reached a point to google and found this. I cant get most of them back on without getting someone in. I swear on my soul, that I saw a UFO like 4 months ago in South TX. If i don't touch it I get 0 in the serial monitor. Strange electrical phenomenon. One of yhe most bizarre things Ive ever seen. Native American shamans filled ceremonial rattles with quartz crystals, which would glow and flash when shaken. SLIDERS: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena SLIDERS: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena . They also affect other electrical appliances such as headlights and alternators in automotive vehicles, lights/light bulbs and computers. 1.3 ball lightning. Each night tens of thousands of bolts rain down, possibly caused by rising methane swamp gas meeting billowing Andes winds no matter the source, the end result is beautiful and terrifying. If you worry that the machine wont work again, youll only get emotionally revved up and produce the same experience again. The mysteries surrounding his death are plentiful. Great article, thank you. Listening to @Danny_Robins' spooky new series, The Witch Farm, and learning about the supernatural phenomenon of "electric drain" which now makes me wonder again about the massive unexplained electricity bills for my late parents' empty house #TheWitchFarm . I went for years unable to wear them. Understandably, after fearing for their lives and surviving, sailors over the centuries have adopted the saint as their personal guardian at sea. Ive always had some kind of draw to quartz, especially rose quartz. These rays are absorbed by our atmosphere and are therefore invisible to terrestrial people. Years ago I had walkie talkie radios fail daily while working on stage for the taping of a T.V. You can witness these lights at home. Thank you so much for this article, I needed this! I feel better. Fires, Floods and Other Disasters: Is Your Business Prepared for Summer 2022? Fortunately, there are a host of natural phenomenon to help us better understand and improve. According to the eyewitnesses, in the midst of a dark, booming thunderstorm, an 8-foot-wide great ball of fire blasted through a window of the Church of St. Pancras and ricocheted off pews and windows, leaving 4 dead and 60 wounded. Ball lightning has only recently been taken seriously; up until the 60s, it didnt officially exist. Friends on retreat or traveling with me couldnt understand why I stopped carrying my own until they witnessed for themselves what happened when I held theirs. It happened so frequently that I couldnt help notice that these lights and TVs etc were doing strange things only in my presence. I used to have to keep dryer sheets in my back pocket and that only helped a bit. Pingback: Everyday Gyaan Recognizing Spiritual Signs In Your Life. It lasts longer if I dont keep it in my pocket or hold it in my hand. The local grocery store was remodeling and had the ceiling panels removed. Norfolk, But tonight I was really upset just had an emotionally charged conversation I went to the computer and clicked on a game. On any given night, there are up to 20,000 lightning strikes, some of which can be seen clear across the Caribbean Sea. When I make a call, I lay it on a surface and put it on speaker. I really noticed it when my began to glow. . Strange blue electrical fog in Yellowstone National Park Although the panel is the heart of a homes During the holidays, most of us end up using additional electricity in our homes. BRILLIANT!! 1.1 the three suns. Researchers from the University of Minnesota were testing a low-light TV camera for an upcoming rocket flight mission. Over decades scientists, starting with Physics Nobel Laureate Hannes Alfven, have shown that if the Big Bang hypothesis is thrown out, the evolution of the cosmos and the phenomena that we observe today, like the cosmic microwave background, can be explained using the physical processes we observe in the laboratoryespecially the . The Aurora Borealis in the northern hemisphere and Aurora Australis in the southern hemisphere derive their names from the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and resemble gently undulating curtains. I am glad that you shared this helpful info with us. The drops are named after Prince Rupert of the Rhine, who first introduced them to his cousin King Charles II. Strange Electrical Phenomenon. Almost felt like it wanted me to see it. T note though, a couple of psychics who knew things about methey never could have known or googled have told me I have 5he ability. So intense is this almost-daily storm that it has been identified as the single most active replenisher of ozone into our atmosphere and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's usually associated with thunderstorms but lasts considerably longer than regular flashes of lightning. The article was like reading a book of me, especially when I read about things going crazy depending on emotion. Unsure what exactly generates these massive electrical charges, scientists assume particles of ice, dust, and debris rub together and produce enough static electricity to cause these stunning and strangely colored lightning bolts. 1.7 Rain of fish and frogs. Your irregular EKG is probably your energy causing the equipment to malfunction. Head over to YouTube Awak3n Tiffany H. Lewis. Strange Electrical Phenomenon - 90 - 00 Lexus LS400 - Lexus Owners Club Light bulbs may blow every time a SLIder touches a lamp or a light switch. Every time I went in the radio would start with static and they would hit it or try to tune it. About 8-9 years ago I had a very vivid and dangerously close near death experience. Like you, all independently report that high emotion plays a key role in such experiences. And ferroelectricity was reported last year in the hard mineral coating of. When our ancestors inadvertently came across this unearthly light source, it was deemed much more spiritual in nature. Glory Photo via At that time, I was extremely upset about something, and upon entering my home office soon noticed that a battery-operated clock about 3 feet from where I sat stopped advancing the time. However, the card will work if I have someone else use it. Other SLIders have been struck by lightning or suffered a major electrical shock at some point in the past. You should see flashes of light. In March 2003, the body of a man who lived during the Iron Age was discovered in a peat bog in Ireland. Known as whistler hunters, these intrepid radio amateurs often travel long distances to areas unpolluted by power lines and other electromagnetic interference in order to make the best recordings. Our team members passion, expertise and commitment are what have allowed us to grow into a national company with projects across Canada. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kick in. Thank you so much ,now i know Im not alone. I can activate the screen on my iPad by having my finger over a place and intend to tap it but before I do physically touch it it acts as if it was touched. (You can unsubscribe anytime), Related Articles: The first recorded sighting in human history dates back to England in 1638. What we dont know is what generates the electrical charges necessary to create such massive electrical storms. It could be coincidence, but it was happening at the exact moment that I was expressing anger or excitement. If the charges in the air are unusually high, often caused by a nearby storm, the clash can be so great that currents ionize and, when combined with nitrogen and oxygen, produce a blue color. here is a . Helps as i already had come to my own understanding through much of my own unserstanding, belief and logic. 1 strange weather phenomena. Hessdalen light The last time this was recorded happening was way back in 1906 and lasted a couple of weeks. OMG, totally me. Sliders: - Julie's Angelic Connections Spiritual Center | Facebook Thanks for all in put on this. (Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses). St. Elmo's fire is not lightning, and the electrical charges involved may produce a . Emotionally, I broke down immediately afterward. Gusts of 41.6 meters per second (93 miles per hour) and average wind speed of 32.5 meters per second were measured on the Baltic Sea, according to the Finnish Meteorological Institute.That's the highest ever recorded in Finland. VA The glow was brightest high up on masts and often resembled blue flames flickering in a wind. Volcano Lightning Also called "dirty thunderstorms", these lightning strikes occur in the wake of massive volcanic eruptions. St. Elmos Fire has also been seen on church steeples, the tips of airplane wings, and even the horns of cattle. Sometimes really interesting phenomena occur when they are excited, full of energy, happy or upset, even when they sleep or when they are in the presence of people with high energetic vibrations. I theorize the kinetic energy may be some sort of pshyic defense we dont understand. Cosmic rays originate far out in deep space, travel for millions of years, and eventually hit our planet. From that point on I began to notice all sorts of strange paranormal-ish phenomena. Did you ever have a near death experience or were u ever electrocuted I am a slider and it started when I was young it freaked me out and am still trying to figure out what caused this and why they say to pray about it Im a very good person. Flammable methane from the surrounding swamp combined with winds billowing from the Andes creates a volatile environment, causing the incessant lightning strikes. SLIDERS: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena Sliders: Sliders: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena (source: Psychic Spirit in You) Despite the name, Sliders phenomena are not limited to street lights only. Other customers saw and asked if I was ok. But just how weird might surprise you. I have been trying to decide whether to grow and use this ability as a career to help others. The lightning strikes up to 20,000 times per night. Great article! Over the course of time, many myths and superstitions have found their roots in electricity. It is frustrating. Is your home or business giving you an electrical mystery you cant explain? I dont know what else to say except wow. Also known as fire devils or fire tornadoes this terrifying looking weather forms when intense rising heat and strong winds combine together. In some cases, they may spontaneously and violently explode. Occurring on powerlines, these bright lights called Wire Corona may be caused by static buildup on nearby towers and lines, and may provide an explanation for the number of UFO sightings in these areas. . Flammable methane from the surrounding swamp combined with winds billowing from the Andes creates a volatile environment, causing the incessant lightning strikes. Coquitlam, British Columbia - Canada, 7508 42nd Street wow. As we begin to move into this higher level of awareness, we become energetically supercharged and sensitive. It gives me such goosebumps. Amid the more commonly known examples we can all name exist a handful of surprising and sometimes disconcerting discoveries. The crossword clue Strange electrical phenomenon with 13 letters was last seen on the March 17, 2019. This effect also occurs at the top of church steeples and around airplane wings. The explanation? Again, my cousin & I found we can use gel pens without too much trouble. You can use the energy to heal others. Now I ask the heroes, can I Sprites are a kind of plasma discharge which result in massive, bright-red flashes up to 50 kilometers across. 1 ) Lights On and Off - A common paranormal activity is lights switching on and off. Earthquake prediction in Iraq using machine learning techniques I encourage you to research further, and to explore how you might use your electric personality in helpful, positive ways. I use this energy to heal myself and others. I had to quit my job as a graphic artist w computers dying all the time, I blew up a street light transformer while going for a casual walk under it, broke a microwave, I still run fown my car battery, cant wear a watch or it breaks, I can not use cell phones too much. While in most people this does not affect street lights, etc., in people who already have very high energy, getting revved up can boost them to a level where they actually affect electrical systems around them in noticeable ways. The Inventions, Resear This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. If you *DON'T* get constant shocks when touching either people or metal objects, yet electronic devices often fail in your presence, then your problem is not strictly electrical. Electrical phenomena - ScienceDaily And I want to admit I am one of those people. (He calls me watch-killer and makes me stand like 15 ft away from his kiosk.) Super-charged bioenergy fields (auras) seem to be the cause. When I ride in Lyfts the gps goes off most of the time. St. Elmos Fire occurs due to a difference in voltage between the ocean and the atmosphere. (Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses). Joule heating Heat produced in a conductor when charges move through it, such as in resistors and wires. The next time youre in an airplane, keep an eye out for this elusive phenomenon. They will frequently enter buildings through doorways or windows, travel down corridors, and navigate their surroundings to the point of avoiding tables, chairs, and any humans they might encounter. Commercial Plumbing. 1.6 Lenticular clouds. When we are emotionally wound up, our nervous systems light up like a busy switchboard. 5827 Adderley Street the perception of various sounds can be induced in clinically deaf, as well as normal, human subjects at a distance of inches up . 5 Bizarre Electrical Phenomena - Hutton Power & Light, LLC These strange balls can vary from the size of a pea to the size of a small bus. Everything in the universe is energy. First observed by sailors, St. Elmos Fire is an other-worldly blue or violet flame that appears around ships and heralds the end of powerful storms. He resides in London. It is also still unexplained. This strange awareness of their surroundings has inevitably led many people to believe they are paranormal in nature, or perhaps UFOs. The tips of my ears burn and all along my hair line but thats it. Its actually a nice and useful piece of information. Always having glass everywhere. Every time a bubble collapses, high pressure and temperature are produced and a flash of light is emitted. My microwave light went out very quickly .. Its really hard to do it on purpose but Ive been working on transferring the energy to people that arent suspecting it. The temperature and density of the plume of ash would suggest any water present that may aid the formation of lightning would in fact be of no use. Eyewitness reports of strange flashes of light above thunderstorms date back hundreds of years, but it wasn't until 1989 that the first such event was caught on camera. 1.8 snow rollers. Occasionally it is a electric fault so ruling this out is important. Clonycavan Man: A 2,300-Year-Old Murder Mystery - Ancient Origins Electrical Contracting. For more information, search the net for star seed, Indigo children, or Indigo adults. In any case, it appears that something alters SLIders energetic frequencies, thus causing unusual electrical phenomena. Sometimes they can form a tornado like structure that suck up burning debris and gases but luckily for us they rarely form full blown tornados. Walking or driving. This light acts differently than the light were used to on the ground. It is a rare phenomenon in which lighting take the shape of the moving globe. Mark Ludmon on Twitter: "Listening to @Danny_Robins' spooky new series These people not only transmit their own energy to other electrical systems, they also receive energy from them. I am a slider. Triboluminescence describes the phenomenon of light being emitted from a crystalline substance when it is rubbed, pulled apart, ripped, scratched, or crushed. Contrary to its name, this electrical phenomenon is not actually composed of fire, but plasma. Placed it behind walls and in wires, funneled it into vast networks arcing high above our heads and buried deep underground. Inductance The phenomenon whereby the property of a circuit by which energy is stored in the form of an electromagnetic field. Ball lightning is probably the most famous unexplained electrical phenomenon. Blog Industry Icons Boxed - Master FIles The plumes of ash support this theory but this dont explain the bolts that emanate from the mouth of the volcano. Electric fault so ruling this out is important electrical phenomena SLIders: people who Cause Strange electrical phenomena would and... And surviving, sailors over the course of time, many myths and superstitions found. Back to England in 1638 mysterious electric, atmospheric phenomena ) seem to be the Cause ;... Rare phenomenon in which lighting take the shape of the time thank you so much for this article I... Passion, expertise and commitment are what have allowed us to grow into a national company with projects across.... As I already had come to my own understanding through much of my ears and. 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