Assessment tests given to kids in fourth through eighth grade show that average reading and math scores are __________ for children in high-poverty schools compared to students in low-poverty schools. One of the main reasons for this competition is the. Dr. Ramirez is a sociology professor, and while he makes much less money than doctors and lawyers, he is viewed as having relatively high prestige because of. The media play a stronger role than any other agent of socialization. A researcher used personal judgement to select participants in a ____________ sample. There are 240,000 shares of common stock outstanding, and there is no preferred stock. See J. C. Davies, Human Nature in Politics (New York: John Wiley & Sons . Which term is defined as the processes by which everyone on Earth becomes increasingly interconnected economically, politically, culturally, and environmentally? In 1991 Albert __________, former president of the American Federation of Teachers, pointed out that unlike many other countries, in the United States "there is little connection between what students are supposed to learn, the knowledge on which they are assessed, and what we expect our teachers to know.". This preview shows page 1 out of 1 page. The term __________ is used for the percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds who are not enrolled in school and have not earned a high school diploma or equivalency. Financed by payroll taxes, premiums paid by recipients, and a government subsidy, __________ automatically entitles everyone to hospital insurance, home health care, and hospice care through this program. According to C. Wright Mills, who rules America? Householders who live alone or share a residence with individuals unrelated to the householder, such as college friends sharing an apartment. Approximately what percentage of public high school students in the United States will drop out before graduation? Through media outlets, I learn things about politics as well as the government. The following people all attend the same church. At the beginning of her sophomore year of high school, Janis's family cannot afford to buy her new clothes and shoes or enough supplies for school. Why are people more likely to marry individuals with social and cultural backgrounds very similar to their own? A comparison of various factors such as infant mortality, child and teen death rates, and teen birth rates show that children's well-being in the early twenty-first century is __________ than in the late twentieth century. how has the information revolution changed the nature of work? Which of the following is NOT a service sector job? Identify which of the following is one of the main causes of the rising economic inequality in the United States over the past few decades. what term is used by sociologsts to describe this extra labor? One reason women are more likely than men to live in poverty is the expense of child care. The agents of socialization that shape our political values and beliefs nurture the opinions we have about political issues, parties, candidates for office, government and so much more. The ACA was pushed through in part because of a health care crisis, which includes __________. How did Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in their theoretical assumptions? Marianne often orders tests and procedures for patients that may not be necessary but are likely to protect her from a lawsuit. The political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is the influence that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on politics around the world. To convert or attempt to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another. Sometimes, when that gets boring, she goes outside, takes a garden hose, and pretends to be firefighter. What is defined as the proportion of the population who are workers compared to the proportion not working? These six women and their group leader participated in a(n) _______________. According to the chapter, what is the basic dichotomy between churches and sects? Which of the following is a negative lesson that can be learned by children in schools with a competitive environment? Gladwell defines Twitter like this, "The platforms of social media are built around weak ties. The veterinarian has suggested that Will reach into the pen where the dogs stay and pick up the first puppy that walks into his hand. This information can be classified as ________ data. According to Karl Marx, what social relations matter most in a capitalist system? This sample would lack ____________ because not everyone has Internet access. In what year were women in the United States granted the right to vote? Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. Group A will receive special conflict handling therapy program. His best friend Matt, whose parents are blue-collar workers, has been socialized to believe that hard work and following instructions is all he needs to support himself. Based on the video Hate Groups USA we watched in class, the hate groups that were focused on the most were the______, ________, and _________. Historically, the phrase socialized medicine has been used to attack health reform proposals in the U.S. Assume that the yield to maturity remains constant for the next three years. With more and more people relying on social media for as a source for news, there are worries that such content could influence audiences unable to distinguish truth from fact or news from propaganda. A new religion with practices and teachings at odds with the dominant culture and religion. According to the textbook, one conclusion we can draw about the upper class in the United States is that, The super-rich in the United States were able to accumulate vast amounts of wealth partly because globalization enabled them to. Conflict theorists believe that arguments over values and beliefs have their roots in: Which social theory focuses on micro-level interactions? playing loud music The myth of family decline as the cause of social problems promotes which of these ideas? Independent. Which of the following phrases best describes a random sample? Diverse family forms that include more than a breadwinner husband, homemaker wife, and their dependent children. JP Morgan Chase. 72-year-old man who is a former pilot with a retirement income of over $160,000. Use evidence (cite sources). When it comes to political socialization, family is often the most important agent. rich school districts can spend more than poor ones on each student. Emile Durkheim's study of the role of the totem in the religion of Australian aborigines led him to the conclusion that __________. senior boom. In his book Streetwise, Elijah Anderson argues that young African American men are more likely to be arrested because: The answer to the above question explains which sub-theory to symbolic interactionist theory? Just 25% believe this is not likely the case. According to historian Stephanie Coontz in her book, Marriage: A History, the change from __________ to __________ is what made marriages today more fragile than those of the past, marriage as an economic and political insitution; a voluntary love relationship. what change caused people to migrate to cities from rural areas? B) public opinion poll. People who are African American and Hispanic are often turned down for loans, even though their credit histories are similar to white applicants. Political socialization I have been politically socialized in some ways. In addition to class, which other difference might Max Weber point to in attempting to understand their respective social positions? This group is one of the ________ groups to which Sarah belongs. What would be WCCs EPS (1) under the old production process, (2) under the new process if it uses debt, and (3) under the new process if it uses common stock? In which decades, coinciding with rising divorce rates, did family forms start to become more diverse on television? d. On the basis of the analysis in parts a through c, and given that operating leverage is lower under the new setup, which plan is the riskiest, which has the highest expected EPS, and which would you recommend? the government does not provide the insurance. The media educate the public about policy issues. Dwight Lee is a professor of economics at the University of Georgia and holds the Ramsey Chair in Private Enterprise. The relationship between income and smoking is such that the lower a person's income, __________. In the United States it is the shared notion that the United States and its institutions are sanctified by God. What conclusion did George Simmel reach with respect to the size of a group? What will the price be 3 years from today? as an agent of socialization, who does the family influence? A political generation is a group of individuals, similar in age, who share a general set of political socialization experiences leading to the development of shared political orientations that distinguish them from other age groups in society. Unfortunately, Will cannot afford to have all of his puppies tested. The chapter refers to this phenomenon as the __________. As of June 2015, same-sex marriage is legal in __________ states. ______________ is the extent to which research measurement techniques are free of errors. One problem with this method of data collection is the growth of telemarketing, in which businesses sell directly to consumers over the phone, has eroded consumers willingness to participate. When researchers suspect that research subjects will alter their behavior if they know someone is watching, the researchers are likely to use ______________ observational methods. View the full answer. What kind of solidarity did Durkheim find in a simple society in which there is no division of labor and where people resemble one another. Based on their research with monkeys, Harry and Margaret Harlow concluded that: Susie isn't old enough to go to school yet, but she loves to play house. government because everyone has been socialized or resocialized to uniformly buy from HISTORY 1123 at Central Bucks Hs-west E) Internal . Which of the following is a true statement about social class? Which person would a millennial rate higher on occupational prestige than older Americans? Why might EBIT actually be affected by financial leverage at high debt levels? 2 scholarly references with in text APA citation. Among the superrich, some people are considered "old money" and others are considered "new wealth." Caste systems like the one in India require that individuals marry within their social group. Marketers use __________ research when they want to determine if a change in one thing is responsible for a change in something else. In systems of stratification, people are typically ranked by. Which law came out of the Civil Rights Movement and banned discrimination in public facilities, education, employment, and in agency receiving government funds? . Definition. Today people are taken against their will and forced to work as bricklayers in Pakistan or as sex workers in Thailand. Which myth about families is represented by a White, middle-class, heterosexual, father-as-breadwinner, mother-as-homemaker, and children-at-home living in a one-family house? Chase Bank, a part of JP Morgan, one of the largest banks in America, has decided that it will no longer provide its services to conservatives. It is an inefficient economic system. These movements commonly focus on a single issue, such as women's rights, gay rights, or global warming. B) anthropology. Kim Jong II and his father Kim II Sung, Korea's current and former leader, have both restricted the basic human rights of their subjects. When asked for . A market research bureau semiannually conducts national surveys of more than 25,000 consumers who complete monthly logs detailing their purchases of products. Eddie's husband, Dustin, works part time as a sales clerk. Symbolic Interact . In 2003 __________. Even though I was not really into politics while growing up, the little idea that I know about politics was from my dad and some family members but as I grow up, I begin to sharpen my political ideas through learning and involving myself in political functions. Whereas in the past, Americans mostly worked at producing goods, today most jobs are in the service sector. The money a person gets from a wage, salary, or investments is ______; the assets an individual owns are ______. Sarah supports which of the following theories of poverty? Which of the following theorists would be most likely to argue that Dr. Smith's high pay reflects the needs of society for surgeons and that surgeons are less replaceable than many other lower-paying occupations? the dominant group has better power, privilege and social status. he has been socialized to prejudice. Sorts students into different classes or curriculum tracks according to their perceived intellectual ability. What term is used in the chapter to refer to fugitive slaves who formed small guerrilla groups that harassed neighboring plantations and helped other slaves to escape? This country has a system of: In addition to teaching subject content and skills, school routines and regulations train students to respect cultural values, and shape attitudes and values such as conformity and obedience to authority. In 2003, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage. Will has eight puppies. I have identified with my parents and adopted their outlook towards the system of politics. As part of her summer job, Martina was instructed to collect data from ten people to determine how they felt about a number of political issues, including socialized medicine, food stamps, and educational vouchers. What do most Americans claim about their class status? Groups that seek to alter or change a specific part of society. The 1950s model of an intact nuclear household composed of a male breadwinner, his full-time homemaker wife, and their dependent children. d. social capital., According to the textbook, what is one of the reasons that slavery does not exist in most societies around the world today? He has established two groups. Which type of students are five times more likely to receive special accommodations for a learning disability when they take the SAT? Which of the following are characteristics of a church (as an ideal type) according to the chapter? In Mrs. Clark's third-grade classroom in a Wisconsin suburb, subjects begin and end __________. The preaching of the gospel with the intention of converting others. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Krystal is trying to explain the ACA to her father, who believes that "Obamacare" is socialism. At the time of Stonewall, 48 states had sodomy laws meant to outlaw homosexual sex. Although official estimates show that relatively few elderly people live in poverty, these statistics may be misleading because. the movement of corporate money from one investment to another through investment in plants located in other nations, plant relocation within the United States, and mergers. The gathering of this quantitative data is an example of ____________ research using a longitudinal design. Socialized medicine is a term used in the United States to describe and discuss systems of universal health caremedical and hospital care for all by means of government regulation of health care and subsidies derived from taxation. Which laws prohibited the use of literacy and similar tests to screen voting applicants and allowed federal examiners to monitor elections? Those who believe that poverty results from structural factors beyond the control of individuals would see which of the following as a source of poverty? Sarah works for the American Hair and Felt Corporation. WCC has$4,800,000 of debt outstanding at an interest rate of 8%. Even though it seems excessive, being politically correct may actually benefit our society. This is an example of: Societies that encourage racial and ethnic diversity have embraced the value of: According to the text, which of the following countries is an example of a multicultural society, one in which people are encouraged to live peacefully together in political, social, cultural, and economic unity? Also, fixed operating costs would increase from$1,560,000 to $1,800,000. what is this a sign of? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. According to the textbook, the social position we are born into affects our life chances, but our class position is also. The cost of prescription drugs in the United States is __________ compared to other industrialized countries. When the census-taker appears at their door, he records them as a(n) __________. Researchers carefully design __________ with independent and dependent variables to test predicted relationships among variables. Sociologists use the concept of "norms" to describe _________. What do sociologists call awareness of our own and others' class statuses? Average annual health care costs amount to about ___________ per person, making it one of the top five household expenses. According to the chapter, school is analogous to a conveyer belt with people of all social classes getting on at the same time. The company is considering investing $7,200,000 in new equipment. However, a new poll by the Harvard Opinion Research Program at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Harris Interactive finds that Americans are split on whether a socialized medical system would be better or worse than the current . A collective/group attempt to promote or resist change. According to the author of this unit, Dara Strolovitch, the law has been most valuable to social movements as they put pressure on the political system is. Which of the following best explains why Latino household income has recently worsened? All persons living in a household unit, whether related or not. Poor pregnant women are __________ to receive prenatal and postnatal health care. According to the textbook, members of the lower middle class today. Davis and Moore's explanation of class stratification differs from that of Marx and Weber because. Sectors of the economy that fade in importance or will die out completely. The chapter refers to this phenomenon as the __________. A bond has a $1,000 par value, 12 years to maturity, and an 8% annual coupon and sells for$980. According to differential association theory, why does someone become a deviant? The first president to work towards revising health care in the United States was __________. CHAT. Marx was right about the persistence of poverty in industrialized countries, but he was wrong in thinking that. A graph of the relationship between accuracy and size of the sample shows that accuracy increases dramatically up until sample sizes near 500. Scholars believe that ______ has encouraged a shift to class-based systems in countries such as India that have been traditionally caste-based systems. Which of the following would constitute her wealth? Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that Samantha works for a(n) _______. $$ Given this definition, what level(s) of social structure listed below best describe(s) what sociologists might examine? Which term refers to an individual or family moving down in social class due to economic changes? What does Max Weber mean by a "pariah group"? Social Security accounts for about ______ of the income of the typical retiree. Fatherless families or women working outside the home are the reasons for poverty, violence, and crime. According to a Pew Research poll conducted in 2015, which household income category is MOST likely to answer that they had recovered "hardly at all" from the economic recession that began in 2008? How were you politically socialized as a child? What is the difference? This means the hospitals he's likely to go to are __________. A religious legitimation for a situation that otherwise might cause guilt or anger (such as defeat in a war or the existence of poverty among affluence). Over the past several years, as social movements advocating for equality for racial, ethnic and sexual minorities have gained momentum, there has been an increasing trend in American society to use politically correct language. Politically socialized people are more likely to actively participate in the political process. Thereafter, it takes much larger increases in sample size to gain increases in accuracy. Public, nonviolent breach of the law with the purpose of calling attention to unfair laws or practices. When a group has distinctive way of looking at life, but at the same time their values and norms reflect the dominant culture of their society, the group would be considered a(n) _________. b. Slaves are too expensive to . The processes by which everyone on Earth becomes increasingly interconnected economically, politically, culturally, and environmentally. Socialization - Introduction to Sociology - 1st Canadian Edition. If the variable that you are interested in studying is so rare that it is unlikely to be discovered using random sampling, what is the best alternative? The government that provides partial coverage of medical costs, particularly for the elderly, is known as __________. Why is EBIT generally considered independent of financial leverage? The percentage of 16- to 24 -year-olds that are not enrolled in school and have not earned a high school diploma or equivalency. political, and social factors that affect individuals' and groups' upward mobility are also known as _____ . An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. According to the chapter, a family's location in the __________ is the single most important determinant of family life. Twitter is a way of following (or being followed by) people you may never have met." But the thing . religious beliefs that are against their own interests. The FBI was in the forefront of the notorious Red Scare raids of 1919 and 1920. According to conflict theory, why are women's contributions to family life devalued? A sports entertainment company wants to research how Canadians spend their free time. Below are several statements about older people, identify each statement with one major theoretical perspective: functionalism (F), conflict theory (C), or symbolic interactionism (S). Symbolic actions (e.g., processions, sacraments, candles, chanting, and singing) that reinforce the collective remembering of the group's shared meanings. Which term refers to the process by which individuals or groups adopt the culture of another group, losing their original identity? Based on current projections, his chance of living to be 100 is __________. c. At what unit sales level would EPS=0 under the three production/financing setupsthat is, under the old plan, the new plan with debt financing, and the new plan with stock financing? Janis feels poor compared to her classmates who can afford these things. _____________ design involves the systematic collection of responses to a consumer survey instrument from one or more samples of respondents at one point in time. A _____________ system is the method marketers use to collect available information about what is going on in the world that is relevant to their business. a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In systems of stratification, people are typically ranked by a. personality. 11/01/19 Everyone is politically socialized. Religion impedes social change by encouraging the oppressed to accept their place in society. Millions of people in the United States receive health care using the government health program for the poor known as __________. Gus lives in the United Kingdom, where they have the Beveridge model of health insurance. Political Socialization. When the goals of the movement have been accomplished and the movement becomes integrated into society. cubas communist government has recently introduced reforms that make it easier to attract tourists and many skilled professionals have started workin in the tourism industry to earn more money, regardless of their degree. Q. Family members, teachers, religious leaders, and peers all play roles in a person's socialization. The term __________ is used to describe the transfer of moods, feelings, and behavior between work and family settings. getting lost during your trip. Using your sociological imagination, suggest some reasons for this apparent lack of interest. Political Socialization is the process by which people develop their political knowledge, values, and ideology. What are some other ways in which poverty might benefit society? What theory argues that punishments for rule violators are unequally distributed, with those near the tip of society subject to more lenient rules and sanctions than those at the bottom? This is an example of: A group's nonmaterial culture is primarily shaped by ________, because, as this aspect of society changes, so do the ways people think and relate to one another. ____________ is the process of selecting respondents for a survey. D) demography. In 1950, __________ of U.S. families fit the model of a male breadwinner, a female full-time homemaker, and their dependent children. This might be seen in falling church attendance for this age group. Dr. Smith is an open-heart surgeon who was trained at a top-tier medical school. in japan some are worried about the effect that the rise in one-child families is having on the foundation of japanese society. Companionship and intimacy are obvious benefits of marriage, but research has also found another benefit, which is __________. Isabella is a progressive, frustrated with the ACA because it does not "go far enough." Despite the arguments about whether boys or girls are being failed more by the schools, the fact remains that for every statistic that indicates a gender gap, there is an even larger gap by __________. Why did most white ethnic Americans come to the United States? Why did the Southern Baptist Convention vote in 1996 to boycott the Walt Disney Corporation? When I was in primary schools, I think the only politics . What does a sociological perspective tell us about education in the united states? In sociology, to what does the term deviance refer? Address_how_you_have_been_politically_socialized.docx - Political socialization I have been politically socialized in some ways. The cost of the test to determine if a dog has parvo is $59. When independent contractors work from their homes, pay for their own health care and retirement plan, and furnish their own equipment. D) turnout in presidential elections. In my case, my parents were very involved in politics and they always talked about current events around the dinner table. According to the chapter, which of the following is in decline? The unwritten, unofficial, and unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school. According to the chapter, which course is most likely to be opposed in U.S. public high schools? Textbook, members of the following is in decline term deviance refer complete monthly logs detailing their purchases of.! Years from today, is known as __________ or University Nature in politics ( new York: John &. Issue, such as college friends sharing an apartment norms '' to describe.... Phrases best describes a random sample ACA because it does not `` go far enough.,. Considering investing $ 7,200,000 in new equipment did most white ethnic Americans come to size! Credit histories are similar to their own equipment were women in the.... 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