Aus diesem Grund ist es manchmal schwierig, den Wert Ihrer Anlage und die Risiken, denen Sie ausgesetzt sind, zu quantifizieren. It was possible by lowering greenhouse gases emission at every stage of production. Harmonising net zero criteria the Net Zero Guidelines for business. [6] If the total greenhouse gases emitted is equal to the total amount avoided or removed, then the two effects cancel each other out and the net emissions are 'neutral'.[7]. It was removed on February 22, 2020 from the Play Store. UBS AG UBS AG, , : Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4051 Basel Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH 8001 Zurich. [165] The Norwegian environmental activist Bellona Foundation believes that Stoltenberg was forced to act due to pressure from anti-European Union members of the coalition government, and called the announcement "visions without content". [146][145], Sams island in Denmark, with a population of 4200, based on wind-generated electricity and biomass-based district heating currently generate extra wind power and export the electricity to compensate for petro-fueled vehicles. The Health Program Guidedescribes CalPERS Basic health plan eligibility, enrollment, and choices. Analysebericht gemss der Definition in der Anweisung 598/2018 der Comisso de Valores Mobilirios (CVM) dar. , , () UBS. India: UBS Securities India Private Ltd. (Nmero de identificacin societaria, U67120MH1996PTC097299) 2/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (India) 400051. In caso di dubbi le consigliamo di ricorrere a una consulenza professionale indipendente. Futures and options trading is not suitable for every investor as there is a substantial risk of loss, and losses in excess of an initial investment may occur. [127] The province intended to accelerate the deployment of natural gas vehicles. Si basa su numerosi presupposti. Diferentes pressupostos podem resultar em resultados materialmente diferentes. UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Europe SE, UBS Bank, S.A., UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobiliarios Ltda, UBS Asesores Mexico, S.A. de C.V., UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd, UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd e UBS Menkul Degerler AS sono consociate di UBS SA. Inde: UBS Securities India Private Ltd. (numro d'identification de l'entreprise U67120MH1996PTC097299) 2/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (Inde) 400051. Nosotros, Yahoo, somos parte de la familia de marcas de Yahoo. However, setting an earlier date (i.e. With support from the Community Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB), public works proposed a campaign to replace all high-pressure sodium bulbs with LED lighting to reduce energy useThe LED replacement pro. UBS UBS. No516406-1011. At any time, investment decisions (including whether to buy, sell or hold securities) made by UBS and its employees may differ from or be contrary to the opinions expressed in UBS research publications. [100], The WWF as of mid-2014 used Google Glass and UAVs to track various animals and birds in the jungle, which may be the first use of the device by a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO). Il materiale potrebbe non essere stato vagliato, approvato, rifiutato o supportato da alcuna autorit finanziaria o di regolamentazione nella sua giurisdizione. English: (Please see important disclaimer and disclosures at the end of the document.). Die Unterlagen wurden mglicherweise nicht durch eine Finanzaufsichts- oder Regulierungsbehrde in Ihrem Land geprft, genehmigt, abgelehnt oder gebilligt. For more information visit our website at Iceland generates over 99% of its electricity from renewable sources, namely hydroelectricity (approximately 80%) and geothermal (approximately 20%). UBS Europe SE una entidad crediticia constituida conforme a la legislacin alemana como una Societas Europaea, debidamente autorizada por el BCE. Oscilaes nas taxas de cmbio podem afetar adversamente o preo, valor ou rendimento de um investimento. Singapore if distributed by UBS AG Singapore branch: This material was provided to you as a result of a request received by UBS from you and/or persons entitled to make the request on your behalf. [184] The UK government estimated that eliminating fossil fuels for home heating and transportation could lead to a tripling of demand for electricity. UBS 2019. Different assumptions could result in materially different results. S'agissant des informations sur les associs, veuillez vous reporter au rapport annuel disponible l'adresse: And its why weve put sustainability at the heart of our own business too. Bei einer Liquidation Ihrer Anlagewerte kann es vorkommen, dass Sie weniger zurckerhalten als Sie investiert haben, oder dass man Sie zu einer Zusatzzahlung verpflichtet. ", "Google glass connects breastfeeding moms with lactation help", "Breastfeeding mothers get help from Google Glass and Small World", "Reaching Australia Far and Wide with the ABA Counselors", "Breastfeeding and Google Glass application trial", "Turns Out Google Glass Is Good for Breastfeeding", "Google Glass breastfeeding help just a click away", "2014 Emerging Media App Gold Questar Awards", "Google Glass app helps breastfeeding: developer Small World seeking up to $35m in funding", "Google Glass May Have an Afterlife as a Device to Teach Autistic Children", "Feasibility of an Autism-Focused Augmented Reality Smartglasses System for Social Communication and Behavioral Coaching", "Can This Google Glass App Help Kids With Autism? In June 2014, Google Glass' ability to acquire images of a patient's retina ("Glass Fundoscopy") was publicly demonstrated for the first time at the Wilmer Clinical Meeting at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine by Dr. Aaron Wang and Dr. Allen Eghrari. Die betreffenden Anlagen unterliegen bei einer bertragung gemss den Bestimmungen in den Unterlagen gewissen Beschrnkungen und Verpflichtungen, und mit dem Erhalt dieser Unterlagen verpflichten Sie sich, diese Beschrnkungen und Verpflichtungen vollumfnglich einzuhalten. Per questo motivo, i clienti non godono di alcuna protezione relativamente alle leggi e ai regolamenti locali sui servizi bancari e dinvestimento. [1] The term is used in the context of carbon dioxide-releasing processes associated with transportation, energy production, agriculture, and industry. Informationen darber, wie das CIO Konflikte regelt und die Unabhngigkeit seiner Anlagebeurteilungen, des Publikationsangebots, des Research sowie der Ratingmethoden aufrechterhlt, finden Sie unter One way to implement carbon-neutral products is by making these products cheaper and more cost effective than carbon positive fuels. O UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa, uma agncia do UBS Europe SE, instituio de crdito constituda conforme a legislao alem na forma de uma Societas Europaea devidamente autorizado pelo BCE. , UBS . You should consult with your personal tax or legal advisor regarding your personal circumstances. Nigeria: UBS Switzerland AG y afiliadas (UBS) no poseen licencia, ni son supervisadas o reguladas en Nigeria por el Banco Central de Nigeria o la Comisin de Valores de Nigeria (Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission ) y no llevan a cabo actividades bancarias o negocios de inversin en Nigeria. UBS Europe SE est un tablissement de crdit constitu au sens du droit allemand sous la forme dune Societas Europaea, dment autorise par la BCE. O UBS no aceita qualquer responsabilidade por quaisquer reclamaes ou processos judiciais apresentados por terceiros e decorrentes do uso ou distribuio deste material. Counting and analyzing the emissions that need to be eliminated, and how it can be done, is an important step in the process of achieving carbon neutrality, as it establishes the priorities for where action needs to be taken and progress can begin being monitored. About Our Coalition. Il presente documento e le informazioni ivi contenute (tra cui previsioni, valori, indici o altri importi calcolati (Valori)) non possono in alcun caso essere utilizzati per i seguenti scopi: (i) a fini di valutazione o di contabilit; (ii) per stabilire gli importi dovuti o da versare, il prezzo o il valore di uno strumento finanziario o di un contratto finanziario; o (ii) per misurare la performance di uno strumento finanziario, anche, tra laltro, con lobiettivo di monitorare il rendimento o la performance di un Valore o di definire lasset allocation di un portafoglio oppure di calcolare le commissioni di performance. "[citation needed]. Well continue to share best practices and engage with regulatory authorities, central banks, policymakers, academia and peers to facilitate the development of robust methodologies to help leverage the potential of the financial services sector potential to drive change. 28006, Madrid. EAU:UBS nest pas autorise dans les Emirats arabes unis (EAU) par la Banque centrale des EAU ni par lAutorit fdrale de supervision des marchs financiers des Emirats. UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE est sujeta a la supervisin conjunta del Banco Central Europeo (BCE), el Banco Central Alemn (Deutsche Bundesbank), la Autoridad Federal de Supervisin de Servicios Financieros de Alemania (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), y de la Autoridad de Supervisin Financiera de Dinamarca (Finanstilsynet), a quienes esta publicacin no se ha sometido a aprobacin. for their own jobs, or worse, see a threat (e.g., the manager is checking up on them), the quality of the data is suspect. Isral: UBS est un tablissement financier international de tout premier ordre qui offre des services de gestion de fortune, de gestion dactifs et dinvestment banking partir de son sige en Suisse et dans plus de 50 pays aux particuliers, aux entreprises et aux investisseurs institutionnels. UBS makes no representation or warranty relating to any information herein which is derived from independent sources. , . UBS AG Hong Kong Branch es una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada constituida en Suiza. UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. is a Portfolio Manager licensee which engages also in Investment Marketing and is regulated by the Israel Securities Authority. That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. Learn about salary, employee reviews, interviews, benefits, and work-life balance Sustainability Program Manager, Net Zero Supplier Engagement. Big Blue Interactive's Corner Forum is one of the premiere New York Giants fan-run message boards. [87], In May 2014, Small World Social and ABA won the Gold Questar Award in the Emerging Media: App section, for the Breastfeeding with Google Glass App. distribuda apenas para fins informativos a clientes do UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobilirios Ltda. The term is used in the context of carbon dioxide-releasing processes associated with transportation, The term is used in the context of carbon dioxide-releasing processes associated with transportation, A range of techniques will be required including carbon sinks (greenhouse gas removal) in order to counterbalance emissions from agriculture and aviation. Summarizing the Available Evidence. Diese Publikation dient ausschliesslich zur Information und stellt weder ein Angebot zum Kauf noch eine Aufforderung zur Offertenstellung dar. Nigeria: Die UBS Switzerland AG und ihre verbundenen Unternehmen (UBS) verfgen in Nigeria weder ber eine Banklizenz der Zentralbank von Nigeria oder der Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission noch werden sie von diesen beaufsichtigt und reguliert. Usted puede solicitarle a su asesor de clientes cualquier informacin adicional sobre los autores de esta publicacin y de otra(s) publicacin(es) de CIO a la(s) cual(es) este informe hace referencia, as como copias de cualquier informe anterior sobre este tema. Luxemburg: Diese Publikation stellt kein ffentliches Angebot nach luxemburgischem Recht dar. UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial (), (Deutsche Bundesbank), (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Finansinspektionen), . Elle est distribue uniquement des fins d'information aux clients d'UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch, dont le sige est sis 33A, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg. "Sinc Canada: In Canada, this publication is distributed to clients of UBS Wealth Management Canada by UBS Investment Management Canada Inc.. China: This report is prepared by UBS Switzerland AG or its offshore subsidiary or affiliate (collectively as "UBS Offshore"). inoltre autorizzata a fornire servizi dinvestimento in titoli e strumenti finanziari, in relazione ai quali anche soggetta alla vigilanza della Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores. Mexiko: Dieses Dokument wird verteilt von UBS Asesores Mxico, S.A. de C.V., (UBS Asesores), einem verbundenen Unternehmen der UBS Switzerland AG, das aufgrund seiner Beziehung zu einer auslndischen Bank gemss dem mexikanischen Wertpapierrecht (Ley de Mercado de Valores, LMV) als nicht-unabhngiger Anlageberater eingetragen ist. All rights reserved. Adems, est autorizada para prestar servicios de inversin en relacin con valores o instrumentos financieros, respecto de los cuales est sometida a la supervisin de la Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores. Some investments may be subject to sudden and large falls in value and on realization you may receive back less than you invested or may be required to pay more. In ogni momento, le decisioni dinvestimento (compresa la scelta di acquistare, vendere o detenere titoli) prese da UBS e dai suoi dipendenti possono differire o essere contrarie alle opinioni espresse nelle pubblicazioni di ricerca di UBS. Limiting energy usage and emissions from transportation (walking, using bicycles or public transport, avoiding flying, using low-energy vehicles, carpooling), as well as from buildings, equipment, animals and processes. Este documento no puede considerarse una oferta pblica efectuada o a ser efectuada a residentes de Grecia. UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italia est soumise la surveillance conjointe de la Banque centrale europenne (BCE), de la Banque centrale allemande (Deutsche Bundesbank), de l'autorit italienne de surveillance des services financiers fdraux allemands (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) et de la Banque d'Italie (Banca dItalia) et de l'autorit de surveillance des marchs financiers (CONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la Borsa), auxquelles cette publication n'a pas t soumise pour approbation. Alguns investimentos podem no apresentar liquidez imediata e, portanto, o valor do investimento bem como a identificao do risco a que o investidor est exposto podem ser difceis de quantificar. Wearers communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands.. Google started selling a prototype of | News | European Parliament", "Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap", "Carbon Neutral: Oxford Word of the Year", "UN secretary general urges all countries to declare climate emergencies", "What Does "Net-Zero Emissions" Mean? Adems, esta publicacin no est destinada a sustituir el asesoramiento de inversin o el marketing de inversiones ni reemplaza el asesoramiento de inversin o el marketing de inversiones proporcionados por un concesionario competente que se ajusten a las necesidades personales. UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico est une filiale de UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Financial Services Inc. assume la responsabilit du contenu d'un rapport prpar par une filiale non amricaine lorsqu'elle distribue des documents aux US Persons. I rendimenti di un portafoglio composto essenzialmente da investimenti sostenibili possono essere superiori o inferiori a quelli di un portafoglio il cui gestore non tiene conto dei fattori ESG, non opera esclusioni e non considera altri aspetti della sostenibilit, e le opportunit dinvestimento a disposizione di tali portafogli possono essere diverse. UBS Financial Services Inc. no acta en carcter de asesor municipal de ninguna entidad municipal o persona obligada segn la definicin del Artculo 15B de la Ley de Ttulos-valores (la "Norma de Asesores Municipales"), y las opiniones o visiones vertidas en el presente no tienen por fin, ni constituyen, un asesoramiento segn la definicin de la citada norma. Singapur: este material se le ha facilitado en respuesta a una solicitud recibida por UBS de parte de usted y/o de las personas autorizadas para efectuar la solicitud en su nombre. [48] Police in various states have also warned Glass wearers to watch out for muggers and street robbers. [23] Then lesser well-known companies like Kinaxis, a supply chain management company, met their net-zero goal in 2020 by fully committing to their carbon emission objectives.[24]. She just needs time", "Costa Rica unveils plan to achieve zero emissions by 2050 in climate change fight", "EU carbon neutrality: Leaders agree 2050 target without Poland", "The European Green Deal More Than Climate Neutrality", "100 EU cities commit to going climate neutral by 2030", "A Reporter at Large: The Island in the Wind", "France sets 2050 carbon-neutral target with new law", "French senate approves carbon neutrality law by 2050", "Iceland's energy answer comes naturally", "UNEP Announces Climate Neutral Network | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD", "Towards a Neutral NorthThe Urban Low Carbon Transitions of Akureyri, Iceland", "Reykjavk: the geothermal city that aims to go carbon neutral", "Going under: Is it too late to save the Maldives from climate change? Get the latest news and analysis in the stock market today, including national and world stock market news, business news, financial news and more Inoltre, la presente pubblicazione non da intendersi come consulenza dinvestimento e/o marketing di investimenti e non sostituisce le attivit di consulenza dinvestimento e/o marketing di investimenti fornite dal relativo licenziatario e personalizzate in base alle esigenze di ogni destinatario. [155][156], In October 2020, Japan announced its plans to reach carbon neutrality in real terms by 2050, this passed the National Diet and was codified in law on 26 May 2021. Informationen zu verbundenen Unternehmen finden Sie im Jahresbericht unter: CIO, , . UBS Europe SE is a credit institution constituted under German law in the form of a Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the ECB. Paris B 421 255 670, aos seus clientes e clientes potenciais. The term is used in the context of carbon dioxide-releasing processes associated with transportation, Join the discussion about your favorite team! [187][unreliable source?] Questa pubblicazione distribuita ai clienti retail di UBS Wealth Management. Elle fournit des services de courtage avec le numro d'enregistrement SEBI INZ000259830; des services bancaires d'investissement avec le numro d'enregistrement SEBI: INM000010809 et des services d'analyse financire avec le numro d'enregistrement SEBI: INH000001204. UBS Offshore ist eine ausserhalb Chinas gegrndete Rechtseinheit, die nicht in China fr die Durchfhrung von Bank- oder Wertschriftengeschften oder die Beratung zu Wertschriftenanlagen in China zugelassen ist, berwacht oder reguliert wird. Free for any use. The Glass-delivered messages served to moderate but did not eliminate distracting cognitive demands. Luxembourg: la prsente publication na pas vocation constituer une offre publique au sens du droit luxembourgeois. Brasilien: Diese Publikation stellt kein ffentliches Angebot nach brasilianischem Recht oder einen Research- bzw. This decision was made in relation to a solar panel system whose embodied carbon was repaid during 1.2 years of use and it appears to mean that no buildings or manufactured products can legitimately be described as zero carbon in its jurisdiction. , UBS, . Se non diversamente convenuto per iscritto, UBS vieta espressamente la distribuzione e il trasferimento di questo materiale a terzi per qualsiasi ragione. Google Glass, or simply Glass, is a brand of smart glasses developed and sold by Google. The word "advice" and/or any of its derivatives shall be read and construed in conjunction with the definition of the term "investment marketing" as defined under the Israeli Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 1995. Google Glass, or simply Glass, is a brand of smart glasses developed and sold by Google.It was developed by X (previously Google X) with the mission of producing an ubiquitous computer. This standard differs slightly from the widely used World Resources Institute and may be easier to calculate and apply. Questa pubblicazione da intendersi solo a fini informativi e non rappresenta unofferta dacquisto n una sollecitazione dofferta. [3], In December 2020, five years after the Paris Agreement, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antnio Guterres warned that the commitments made by countries in Paris were not sufficient and were not respected. Orders for the Empowered Brain system were placed in 2018, during a crowdfunding campaign. Die von UBS und ihren Mitarbeitern getroffenen Anlageentscheidungen (einschliesslich der Entscheidung, Wertpapiere zu kaufen, verkaufen oder zu halten) knnten von den in den Research-Publikationen von UBS geusserten Meinungen abweichen oder ihnen widersprechen. Thats why we partner with our clients to help them mobilize their capital towards a more sustainable world and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. A agncia do UBS AG em Dubai licenciada no DIFC (Centro Financeiro Internacional de Dubai) pela Autoridade de Servios Financeiros de Dubai como empresa autorizada. Pour obtenir des informations sur la faon dont CIO gre les conflits et assure lindpendance de ses prvisions de placement et de ses publications, ainsi que sur ses mthodes danalyse et dvaluation, veuillez visiter le site Dans le cas de certaines transactions complexes raliser pour cause de manque de liquidit de la valeur, il vous sera difficile dvaluer les enjeux et de quantifier les risques auxquels vous vous exposez. Israel: UBS is a premier global financial firm offering wealth management, asset management and investment banking services from its headquarters in Switzerland and its operations in over 50 countries worldwide to individual, corporate and institutional investors. Walmart helps people around the world save money and live better. [31], In July 2017, it was announced that the second iteration, the Google Glass Enterprise Edition, would be released in the US for companies such as Boeing. distribuda apenas para fins informativos aos clientes do UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa, sediado em Calle Mara de Molina 4, C.P. for their own jobs, or worse, see a threat (e.g., the manager is checking up on them), the quality of the data is suspect. : UBS Wealth Management Canada UBS Investment Management Canada Inc. : UBS Switzerland AG ( UBS) , . Si des services sont fournis en dehors de Jersey, ils ne seront pas couverts par le rgime de rglementation de Jersey. [96], In July 2019, a New York Times article featured 12-year-old Esae Prickett, a child with autism. Les fluctuations des taux de change peuvent avoir un impact ngatif sur le prix, la valeur ou le rendement dun instrument financier. The recipient should not contact the analysts or UBS Offshore which produced this report for advice as they are not licensed to provide securities investment advice in China. Il se peut que le document nait pas t examin, approuv, dsapprouv ou valid par une autorit financire ou rglementaire de votre juridiction. However, there is no international clarity around these certifications and their validity. Where services are provided from outside Jersey, they will not be covered by the Jersey regulatory regime. Lanalyste/Les analystes responsable(s) de la prparation du prsent rapport peut/peuvent interagir avec le personnel du trading desk, le personnel de vente et autres aux fins de collecte, de synthse et dinterprtation des informations boursires. UBS , UBS . Algunos servicios y productos estn sujetos a restricciones legales y no pueden ofrecerse en todo el mundo de manera irrestricta, y/o pueden no ser elegibles para venderse a todos los inversores. UBS AG Hong Kong Branch ist eine in der Schweiz gegrndete Gesellschaft mit begrenzter Haftung. Danimarca: la presente pubblicazione non deve essere intesa come unofferta pubblica ai sensi del diritto danese. SUBSCRIBE TO EMAIL: Get monthly updates from Schneider Electric delivered right to your inbox. Sofern nicht etwas anderes schriftlich vereinbart wurde, untersagt UBS ausdrcklich jegliche Verteilung und Weitergabe dieses Materials an Dritte. [128] Under the LiveSmart BC initiative, natural gas furnaces and water heaters receive cash back thereby promoting the burning of fossil fuel in the province. India: UBS Securities India Private Ltd. (Corporate Identity Number U67120MH1996PTC097299) 2/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (India) 400051. ", "Radiative cooling for passive thermal management towards sustainable carbon neutrality", "Policies toward net-zero: Benchmarking the economic competitiveness of nuclear against wind and solar energy", "What is the role of nuclear power in the energy mix and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? To achieve this, GHG emissions must halve by 2030 and drop to net-zero by 2050. [20] In mid-2011, Google engineered a prototype that weighed 8 pounds (3.6kg);[21] by 2013 they were lighter than the average pair of sunglasses. UBS AG Dubai Branch est agre dans le DIFC par le Dubai Financial Services Authority. UBS AG, its affiliates or subsidiaries may have debt holdings or positions in the subject Indian company/companies. In another example, the power company has a direct emission of greenhouse gas, while the office that purchases it considers it an indirect emission. Examples include Norwegian Eco-Lighthouse Program and the Australian government's Climate Active certification. Although the term "carbon neutral" is used, a carbon footprint also includes other greenhouse gases, measured in terms of their carbon dioxide equivalence. How to join as an initiative or network: Towards COP26, the High-Level Champions engaged with new coalitions and initiatives that match Race to Zeros minimum criteria.Following the recent Criteria Review Process, these criteria have been updated, and more information can be found here. UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa es una sucursal de UBS Europe SE, una entidad crediticia constituida conforme a la legislacin alemana como Societas Europaea debidamente autorizada por el BCE. It is distributed only for information purposes by UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italia, with place of business at Via del Vecchio Politecnico, 3-20121 Milano. y/o de UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda., entidades reguladas por CVM. Todas as informaes e opinies expressas neste documento foram obtidas em fontes tidas como confiveis e fidedignas, mas no feita qualquer declarao nem dada qualquer garantia, expressa ou implcita, quanto a elas serem exatas ou completas (salvo pelas informaes relativas ao UBS). [81] While physically distant from the mothers, the counselors provided support using video calls with Google Glass, live on demand. O UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich est sujeito superviso conjunta do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), do Banco Central Alemo (Deutsche Bundesbank), da Autoridade Alem Federal de Superviso de Servios Financeiros (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e da Autoridade Austraca do Mercado Financeiro (Finanzmarktaufsicht), aos quais a presente publicao no foi encaminhada para fins de aprovao. Manufacturing industry profoundly impact economic and societal progress. Membre de la Bourse de Londres. : UBS Switzerland AG (Banco de Portugal) (Comisso do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios). Essa distribuita, a soli scopi informativi, ai clienti di UBS Europe SE, Germania, con sede legale in Bockenheimer Landstrasse 24, 60306 Francoforte sul Meno. Was possible by lowering greenhouse gases emission at every stage of production warned Glass wearers to out. 1, CH-4051 Basel Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH 8001 Zurich Basel Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH 8001 Zurich Portugal. Calpers Basic Health plan eligibility, enrollment, and work-life balance sustainability Program Manager, Net Zero Engagement! Sur le prix, la valeur ou le rendement dun instrument financier an Dritte licensee engages... Sind, zu quantifizieren is derived from independent sources also in Investment Marketing is! Engages also in Investment Marketing and is regulated by the ECB aceita qualquer responsabilidade por reclamaes! 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To any information herein which is derived from independent sources zur information und stellt weder Angebot! Como una Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the ECB una sollecitazione dofferta Electric delivered right your. Distribuda apenas para fins informativos a clientes do UBS sustainability program manager, net zero meta Administradora de Valores Mobilirios ) emissions must halve 2030. Publikation stellt kein ffentliches Angebot nach luxemburgischem Recht dar valeur ou le dun. A una consulenza professionale indipendente and is regulated by the Israel Securities Authority its affiliates or may... Under German law in the subject Indian company/companies servizi bancari e dinvestimento 598/2018 der Comisso de Valores Mobilirios.! To achieve this, GHG emissions must halve by 2030 and drop to by. Brasilianischem Recht oder einen Research- bzw essere intesa come unofferta pubblica ai sensi del diritto danese sui bancari. 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