Each unaccompanied alien child must receive a minimum of six hours of structured education, Monday through Friday, throughout the entire year in basic academic areas (Science, Social Studies, Math, Reading, Writing, Physical Education, and English as a Second Language (ESL), if applicable). In the event of a medical emergency, the care provider must safely and appropriately transport the child to the emergency room for evaluation using soft restraints or must contact 9-1-1 for crisis response and transportation to the nearest emergency room. It is a web-based tool designed to assess offenders criminogenic, The START:AV includes assessing harm to others and rule violations, for example, violence, non-violent offenses, substance abuse, unauthorized absences such as, 01. To the greatest extent possible under the circumstances, when transporting unaccompanied alien children care providers will assign transport staff of the same gender as the child or youth. Learning materials must reflect cultural diversity and sensitivity. If you havent read our original DPIA guidance yet, you can do so here: Clearly there are far more takeaways from both of the articles above that we could cover here but time is precious so maybe we will come back to them in a future article. You also have to meet a higher legal bar for processing as you need to identify both a lawful basis under Article 6 UK GDPR as well as a separate condition for processing under Article 9 UK GDPR. Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); administration of prescribed medication and special diets; appropriate mental health interventions when necessary. Whenever possible, this involves releasing an unaccompanied alien child to the care of a family member. Care providers may assign individual chores to unaccompanied alien children to teach them responsibility for their own living environment, but unaccompanied alien children may not be required to clean areas they do not occupy or use, such as administrative offices. Facilities must provide regular updates to ORR regarding the mental and physical health of children in isolation. Are victims of trafficking, at high risk for trafficking, or victims of other crimes, Have a history of criminal, juvenile justice, or gang involvement, Have a history of behavioral issues or violence, Have special needs, disabilities or medical or mental health issues, May be subject to bullying (e.g., transgender youth), Seeking information on maps and roads adjoining the facility; or. Proper physical care and maintenance, including suitable living accommodations, food, appropriate clothing and personal grooming items. The plan includes at least one hour per day of large muscle activity and one hour per day of structured leisure time activities other than television (three hours per day on weekends or holidays). Confirmation of reduced risk. However, it will take consistency and commitment from the employer and employee to build and maintain a healthy culture of excavation safety. Care providers must respond to non-emergency requests within 24 to 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. In addition, ORR will not maintain a list of LSPs or other attorneys who have filed actions against ORR for purposes of impeding their ability to provide legal services to UC. General outing procedure. In addition, ORR must provide all transportation accommodations for Saravia hearings in accordance with its transportation policies and procedures (See Section 3.3.14 Transportation Services). Providing the child, at a minimum, with the following items: clean clothing, clean bedding, and personal hygiene items. If high-risk exposure situation was identified and/or confirmed upon return, then the plan for identified high-risk exposure during outing will be followed as outlined below: Facility plan for Recommended Posts. Once ORR receives the results of any investigation, ORR will inform the unaccompanied alien childs parents, legal guardian, or next-of-kin of the results in a timely manner. A health risk assessment includes a questionnaire, an assessment of health status, and personalized feedback about actions that can be taken to reduce risks, maintain health, and prevent disease. WHT is the largest, most influential web and cloud hosting community on the Internet. If the care provider (or transport agency) believes the child cannot be transported safely in soft restraints to a non-emergency appointment or hearing due to the existing serious risk of violence or escape, the ORR/FFS and the secure care provider must work with the appropriate parties to schedule a new appointment or hearing for the child at a later date. For example, a UC expressing extreme anger and pushing past a staff member when told to stay inside the facility because the time for outdoor activity has ended, does not, by itself, constitute a pre-meditated runaway attempt. Concurrent planning is the exploring of alternative options to the sponsorship process (including multiple sponsorship options) during the process of preparing to release children to parents, other relatives, or family friends. An excavation risk assessment involves a lot of factors. The first part asks questions that are important for the home to consider about the planning, the purpose and safety of the trip. The child or his/her attorney or legal service provider should make the request in writing to the ORR/FFS as soon as practicable before the next hearing or interview. Method of NotificationHow must care providers and ORR make notifications? Considering these factors, you can identify the potential risks associated with an excavation project and put controls in place to mitigate those risks. An attorney of record individually representing11a UC may request a copy of the childs case file or documents in the childs case file in accordance with Section 5.10.1 UC Case File Request Process and Section 5.10.3 Information Sharing with LSPs, Attorneys of Record, and Child Advocates. ORR long term foster care is defined as an ORR-funded and administered family placement in a community based setting. This referral is appropriate if the care provider suspects the child was a victim of trafficking at any point in the childs life and in any country. All children and youth must be treated fairly and equally and provided with inclusive, safe, and nondiscriminatory services. The educational program shall include instruction and educational and other reading materials in such languages as needed. The second Excavation risk assessment is the process of identifying and assessing the risks associated with excavation work. Care providers must provide opportunities for unaccompanied alien children to observe and practice their spiritual or religious beliefs, including but not limited to, the celebration of religious holidays, displaying religious art, wearing religious articles of jewelry, following certain food preparation and/or dietary restrictions and attending services and activities (as long as it is safe for the unaccompanied alien child and staff). Care providers will upload the form into the ORR database within five (5) days of receiving the completed form and include a copy of the form in the unaccompanied childs case file. However, if an infectious child must be moved internally within a facility, to another facility, or to the hospital, care providers and others having interaction with the child must follow Standard Precautions, depending on the mode of disease transmission (e.g., surgical mask should be worn by children with diseases spread by the respiratory route). Safety: Risk Management Plan for Youth Group Outings. Care provider facilities case management teams use standardized screening tools to assess children for mental health and victims of trafficking issues. All unaccompanied children (UC) should receive the following immigration legal-related services when in ORR legal custody: Additionally, UCs may also receive direct legal representation in seeking immigration legal relief and/or protection from removal. Care providers have a responsibility to initiate health care services when they observe children in need of medical attention. Review risk assessment regularly. The seven-day (7) assessment must not rely solely on these emotions and behaviors. End of preview. Care providers must provide new clothing and footwear, items for personal hygiene, grooming, and hair as deemed appropriate and needed. ORR will collaborate with the regional organizational representative to address such emerging issues as needed. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. 02. An Office of the Administration for Children & Families, ORR Unaccompanied Children Program Policy Guide: Section 3, In addition, ORR must provide all transportation accommodations for. There are 5 steps to conduct a risk assessment: Identify the hazard. Put controls/safe guards in place. . Care provider staff must also provide UCs attorney of record a copy of the Notice of Placement in Restrictive Setting for children placed in staff secure, secure, and Residential Treatment Centers in accordance with Section 1.4.2 30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review. If the child arrives at the care provider facility with appropriate clothing the UAC will be allowed to wear it. Unaccompanied alien children may be separated into class groups according to their academic development, level of literacy, and linguistic ability rather than by chronological age. x[YoF~7bDlxf,Y!MQaTD^oUAR$3#Qu~U]*,&LS/P\_7V]_7k?^qo9!9C/}/OW>{\_P/E>p,c3\4,k)y*m/X>?WgX3,eI>1a|%O -G%,!Y(CO%r%h[aN8M'.gKwXd+\I%,ke`Cc?hQ.Pz@-=-fZDYe\. Further, each facility must inform ORR about each suspected or confirmed case and follow ORR medical guidance on managing cases and contacts, which is prepared and disseminated to care providers by the ORR/Medical Services Team. In those instances, the care provider must explore other planning options for the future. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. The risk assessment form below is in two parts. It is important to perform an excavation risk assessment to mitigate these risks. As important as observing a childs need for medical care is creating an atmosphere that allows a child to request care. <> As part of release planning, if an unaccompanied alien child is on any chronic psychotropic medications, the care provider must address the unaccompanied alien childs situation, including likelihood of maintaining medications upon release from ORR custody, with the prescribing psychiatrist to determine if medications should be continued or if a period of weaning off the medication is required before release. Tips for Doing a Risk Assessment Gather information Before you begin your risk assessment, gather enough information. endobj The use of restraints or seclusion must be performed in a manner that is safe, proportionate, and appropriate to the severity of the behavior and the childs chronological and developmental age; size; gender; physical, medical, and psychiatric condition; and personal history. Foster care provider facilities must provide support services and appropriate interventions, when necessary, to help keep a child in the placement. endobj Types of Restraints Used During an Emergency Safety Situation. Visitation and contact with family members (regardless of their immigration status), which is structured to encourage such visitation. Processing data includes obtaining, recording or Please refer to Section 2 Safe and Timely Release from ORR Care for further information. Care providers must request records for all office visits (medical, dental, mental health), hospitalizations, radiology and lab results, and procedures. Care providers who operate secure or staff secure facilities must ensure that the unaccompanied alien children initially placed or transferred to their facility are provided a notice in a format and language accessible to the child as to why they were placed in the facility. You can use a risk assessment template to help you keep a simple record of: who might be harmed and how. youth assessment and screening instrument pdf, risk assessment in juvenile justice: a guidebook for implementation. Care provider must follow Policy Memorandum: Medical Services Requiring Heightened ORR Involvement(PDF) for serious medical services and requests for abortions. Among the topics covered in the presentation are information on the availability of legal assistance, the right to be represented by counsel at no expense to the government, the right to a removal hearing before an immigration judge, the right to apply for asylum or to request voluntary departure in lieu of deportation, and the bond hearings available in certain situations (see Section 2.9 Bond Hearings for Unaccompanied Children). There are a few things to remember when conducting an excavation risk assessment. Care providers also ensure that unaccompanied alien children have the appropriate time, space, and items for personal grooming and hygiene. With that said, here are some important tips that you should follow: When conducting an excavation risk assessment, it is important to be thorough. There are 5 steps to conduct a risk assessment: Identify the hazard. If there is reason to believe it would be dangerous for the unaccompanied alien child to open an item, the care provider must call the appropriate authorities to properly handle suspicious packages. Care providers must ensure that healthcare professionals are following ORRs latest medical guidance and reporting the findings on ORR forms. Similarly, medical disclosure to staff about a childs health condition should be determined by the Program Director on a need-to-know basis. With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you can create a comprehensive excavation risk assessment workflow and safety checklists. The risk assessment form below is in two parts. Organizational leadership support: There are a number of steps that organizations can take to support a prevention first approach to the use of restraints and seclusion. Care providers must deliver services in a manner that is sensitive to the age, culture, native language, and needs of each child. A comprehensive orientation regarding program intent, services, rules (written and verbal), expectations and the availability of legal assistance. <>>> So, it is important to consider the weather when conducting an excavation risk assessment. Excursions and routine outings. The second article that we linked at the start of this section was of a school in Bristol that has been referred to the ICO regarding their use of CCTV cameras. Unaccompanied alien children who need to remain on prescription medication must receive a minimum of a 30 day supply of medication, or the remainder of their medication if on a time-limited course, prior to transfer or release. Care providers must have accountability systems in place which preserve the confidentiality of client information and protect the records from unauthorized use or disclosure (See Section 5.9.1 Requirement to Inform Children of Limits to Confidentiality). Case managers must be continually assessing cases for potential sponsors in long term foster care. The orientation must be provided in formats that are accessible to unaccompanied alien children who are limited English proficient, deaf, visually impaired or otherwise disabled, as well as those who have limited reading skills. A risk assessment is a systematic process for identifying, analyzing, and managing potential risks to the safety, health, and property of employees, customers, visitors, and other stakeholders. It is important to carefully plan outings and to involve the children and their families in the planning and risk assessment process. At least two staff are assigned for the outing. Re-assess the risk with control in place. Care providers must be responsive to the needs of LGBTQI children and youth in an inclusive and respectful environment. The first thing to do when carrying out a risk assessment is identify potential hazards in your workplace. As part of the assessment, care providers must take into consideration individualized safety plans created for children with specific safety or behavioral concerns. Care providers are encouraged to create vocational training opportunities that will provide unaccompanied alien children with practical and competitive job skills and assist in the preparation for adulthood. For example, longer excavation projects will present more opportunities for accidents. ORR may also request assistance from other federal agencies (e.g., Department of Labor) in assessing a childs case for potential trafficking concerns. the residual risk rating. In addition, ORR will not maintain a list of LSPs or other attorneys who have filed actions against ORR for purposes of impeding their ability to provide legal services to UC. For placements into an RTC please see section 1.4.6 Residential Treatment Center Placements. Sex offender risk assessment, as used in California, is an empirical way of measuring risk of re-offense by group. Book a demo with DATAMYTE today to learn more about how we can help you improve excavation safety at your organization. I know this is confusing a lot of people, so I thought it might be helpful to break it down into sections, look at each section and work out what people might do to meet the requirements. A few years ago, a school in Sweden was fined by the supervising authority there for using facial recognition for attendance purposes. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is an all-in-one solution to your excavation risk assessment needs. All reports, notifications, and acknowledgements of receipt (if possible) must be documented and maintained in the unaccompanied alien childs case file. Soil type, water table, and the location of underground utilities will all affect the depth at which excavation can safely be carried out. In addition to the KYR presentation, all UC undergo a screening by a LSP to identify eligibility for immigration relief, as well as indicators of mistreatment, exploitation, or trafficking. Approval to cover the related costs in no way implies consent to conduct the procedure or provide the medical service when consent by a parent or legal guardian is required and cannot be obtained. In addition, the type of excavation work to be carried out will affect the risks that need to be considered. Care providers also must meet state and local licensing and public health requirements. Treatment authorization requests for office visits (primary care, specialty consultations, mental health, and dental care), laboratory tests, surgeries and procedures, physical therapy, and other specialized health treatments must be pre-approved before non-emergency services are rendered. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Each ORR-funded care provider program must have an established network of healthcare providers, including specialists, emergency care services, mental health practitioners, and dental providers that will accept ORRs fee-for-service billing system. Care providers must have an identified space within the shelter facility that may be used for quarantine or isolation in the event that an unaccompanied alien child must be separated from the general population for a medical reason. Yes, ORR will review all investigation results, the decedents case file and records, and any other available information. what you're already doing to control the risks. Ensuring that thechild receives a complete initial medical exam, including screening for infectious diseases by a licensed physician or physicians assistant, within 48 hours of admission (excluding weekends and holidays). Make the steps below to fill out youth risk assessment template online easily and quickly: Benefit from DocHub, one of the most easy-to-use editors to quickly manage your documentation online! While at the immigration court or asylum interview if the secure care provider and ORR have made an individualized determination that the unaccompanied alien child poses a serious risk of violence or escape if the child is unrestrained in court or the interview. ORR facilitates and funds health care for all unaccompanied children (UC) in its custody. The experience of the workers is another important factor to consider when conducting an excavation risk assessment. Effective video monitoring of the exterior of the building and surrounding premises, including the ability to permanently download footage when necessary. The seven-day (7) assessment must evaluate both the childs verbal statements of a desire to run away from the care provider in conjunction with any actions taken to facilitate running away, including, but not limited to: Verbal statements, alone, do not constitute active run risk. The Flores Settlement Agreement (FSA) also specifies what care providers may NOT do when meeting minimum service requirements: [unaccompanied children] shall not be subjected to corporal punishment, humiliation, mental abuse, or punitive interferences with the daily functions of living, such as eating or sleeping. Another way to conduct an excavation risk assessment is to hire a professional consultant. ORR only allows the use of soft restraints (e.g., zip ties and leg or ankle weights) during transport when a child poses a serious risk of physical harm to self or others or a serious risk of escape from ORR custody. Severity Likelihood Risk estimate =S+L Controls needed Walking along main. Upon request from an unaccompanied alien child, assuming that the request is reasonable and the safety of the unaccompanied alien child and staff is not adversely impacted, care providers must transport unaccompanied alien children to places of worship. The child attends community based school and receives on-going case management and counseling services, as well as other services as needed. Attorneys of record who are representing an individual UC and who are identified on the Notice of Attorney Representation form are eligible to receive updates on their clients case, as relevant to the purpose of the representation, and to request a copy of their clients case file from ORR, in accordance with Section 5.10.1 UC Case File Request Process. Sign it in a few clicks. ORR has protocols for diseases of public health concern that have been diagnosed in unaccompanied alien children, including varicella and tuberculosis. Vocational programs may not replace academic education or be a substitute for the basic subject areas. So, the EYFS Statutory Framework states -. The care providers retain the original letter until release, and keep copies after release (See Section 5.6.2for care provider responsibilities relating to retention of original Eligibility and Interim Assistance Letters).

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