321322; Lenihan 2000, p.113. (5)A body corporate is a subsidiary of another body corporate if, (ii)that other body corporate and one or more bodies corporate each of which is controlled by that other body corporate, or, (iii)two or more bodies corporate each of which is controlled by that other body corporate; or. On the day after Pride's Purge, he became a determined supporter of those pushing for the King's trial and execution, believing that killing Charles was the only way to end the civil wars. If you are currently a civil service employee with regular or probationary status, you may transfer to a position in the same or similar job title, provided that you meet the requirements for the job. or at the end of a conversation (mostly on the phone) followed by "bye" as in "OK, bye.". His body was hanged in chains at Tyburn, London, and then thrown into a pit. It is one of the few instances when all three branches of the US government are assembled under one roof: members of both houses of Congress constituting the legislature, the president's Cabinet constituting the executive, and the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court constituting the judiciary. (2)Any person described in subsection (1) who wishes to examine the debt obligations register of a corporation shall first make a request to the corporation or its agent or mandatary accompanied by a statutory declaration referred to in subsection (5). Clarendon was not one of Cromwell's confidantes, and his account was written after the Restoration of the monarchy. (2)Subsection (1) applies whether or not memberships of a class or group otherwise carry the right to vote. "k") or (lit. Later that year, he sought treatment for a variety of physical and emotional ailments, including valde melancholicus (depression), from the Swiss-born London doctor Thodore de Mayerne. We rely on documentation prepared by professional foreign credentials evaluation organizations after they have reviewed your credentials against U.S. accrediting standards. [8] Read himself was nevertheless open to evaluating alternative explanations: Some believe that the Boston newspaper's reference to OK may not be the earliest. (a)the notices and documents that may be transmitted in electronic or other form; (b)the persons or classes of persons who may sign or transmit the notices and documents; (c)their signature in electronic or other form, or the actions that are to have the same effect for the purposes of this Act as their signature; and. Facial expressions are also among the most universal forms of body language. Ultimately, however, Cromwell's failure to support his men, sacrificing them to his opponents, caused their demise. [45] These letters suggest that it was Cromwell's faith, rather than a commitment to radical politics, coupled with Parliament's decision to engage in negotiations with the King at the Treaty of Newport, that convinced him that God had spoken against both the King and Parliament as lawful authorities. argue that he respected the terms of surrender and protected the townspeople's lives and property. We pay our respect to their Elders, past and present. (2)Unless the by-laws otherwise provide, a director of a corporation is not required to be a member of the corporation. We said not a word about our deputation passing "through the city" of Providence.We said our brethren were going to New York in the Richmond, and they did go, as per Post of Thursday. (c)an issuer is deemed not to have notice of the contents of a court record or a registered document even if the record or document is in the issuers possession and the transfer is made on the endorsement of a fiduciary to the fiduciary specifically or to the fiduciarys nominee. Have you ever started to feel uncomfortable when someone stands just a little too close to you? Use of information or list of debt obligation holders, (7)A list of debt obligation holders or information from a debt obligations register obtained under this section shall not be used by any person except in connection with. An active duty member of the armed forces of the United States who is completing a tour of active duty that is three (3) years or more and is within ninety (90) days of an approved discharge or release, as evidenced by documentation of the projected discharge or release from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable.. (a)the person who makes the statutory declaration or affidavit signs it with his or her secure electronic signature; (b)the authorized person before whom the statutory declaration or affidavit is made signs it with his or her secure electronic signature; and. (c)a court order made under any other Act of Parliament that affects the rights among a corporation and its members and creditors. 1, Sec. [23] Cromwell approved Thomas Brook's address to the House of Commons, which justified the trial and the King's execution on the basis of the Book of Numbers, chapter 35 and particularly verse 33 ("The land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it."). (6)For greater certainty, section 208 does not apply to a corporation that amalgamates under one of the Acts referred to in subsection (1). (3)A person who in good faith makes an oral or written communication under subsection (1) or (2) is not liable in any civil proceeding arising from having made the communication. (9)An interested person who makes an application under this section shall give the Director notice of the application, and the Director is entitled to appear and be heard in person or by counsel. (3)A corporation shall prepare and maintain adequate accounting records and records containing minutes of meetings of the directors and any committee of directors as well as resolutions adopted by the directors or any committee of directors. (d)a trustee in bankruptcy or a liquidator for the dissolved corporation or body corporate. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. (4)Service of a document on a company to which the Canada Corporations Act, chapter C-32 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, applied and that has been dissolved under subsection 297(5) may be effected by serving the document on a person shown as a director in the last annual summary filed by the company under that Act. 138(1)Directors of a corporation may appoint from their number a managing director or a committee of directors and delegate to the managing director or committee any of the powers of the directors. Covering the mouth may be an effort to be polite if the person is yawning or coughing, but it may also be an attempt to cover up a frown of disapproval. (2)A resignation of a director becomes effective at the time a written resignation is sent to the corporation or at the time specified in the resignation, whichever is later. 154(1)The by-laws shall set out the conditions required for being a member of the corporation, including whether a corporation or other entity may be a member. While a few of these commissioners were career politicians, most were zealous puritans who welcomed the major-generals with open arms and embraced their work with enthusiasm. These factors contributed to the brutality of the Cromwell military campaign in Ireland.[57]. (3)If a valid debt obligation that is similar in all respects to the debt obligation involved in the overissue is not reasonably available for purchase, the person who is entitled to the validation or issue may recover from the issuer an amount equal to the price the last purchaser for value paid for the invalid debt obligation. (4)A dissolved corporation or other body corporate is revived as a corporation under this Act on the date shown on the certificate of revival. Posture can convey a wealth of information about how a person is feeling as well as hints about personality characteristics, such as whether a person is confident, open, or submissive. (2)The court may not make an order under subsection (1) unless the court is satisfied that. [11] The last president to give a written message without a spoken address was Jimmy Carter in 1981, days before his term ended after his defeat by Ronald Reagan. [122], Cromwell's second objective was spiritual and moral reform. (8)On an application under subsection (7), the court may order notice to be given to any interested person and the person is entitled to appear and be heard in person or by counsel. (2)On an application under subsection (1), the court may order all of the property of the corporation to be converted into and distributed in money. (7)The records described in subsections (1) and (3) shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by the directors. (a)immediately cause notice of the certificate to be sent to each known creditor of the corporation; (b)without delay take reasonable steps to give notice of it in each province in Canada where the corporation was carrying on activities at the time it sent the statement of intent to dissolve to the Director; (c)do all acts required to liquidate its property including collecting its property, transferring property referred to in section 234 and converting any property not to be transferred or distributed in kind into money and discharge all its liabilities; and. New information that was not included on the application will not be considered. It can help facilitate the following: Remember, though, that your assumptions about what someone else's body language means may not always be accurate. In Singapore, OK is often used with suffixes used in "Singlish" such as OK lor, OK lah, OK meh, OK leh, which are used in different occasions. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies (the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia), and later with East Asia.The company seized control of large parts of the Indian subcontinent, colonised parts of Southeast Asia and If you are a former civil service employee who is interested in reinstatement, it is your responsibility to pursue reinstatement. The Confederate-Royalist alliance was judged to be the biggest single threat facing the Commonwealth. (3)A corporation may liquidate and dissolve by special resolution of the members or, if the corporation has more than one class or group of members, by special resolution of each class or group whether or not the members are otherwise entitled to vote. (tribunal), creditorincludes a debt obligation holder. 264The following definitions apply in this Part. The sieges of Drogheda and Wexford have been prominently mentioned in histories and literature up to the present day. The order may have retroactive effect. Collective reprisals against the civilian population included forcing them out of designated 'no man's lands' and the systematic destruction of foodstuffs". [81][82][83][84], Although Cromwell's time spent on campaign in Ireland was limited and he did not take on executive powers until 1653, he is often the central focus of wider debates about whether, as historians such as Mark Levene and John Morrill suggest, the Commonwealth conducted a deliberate programme of ethnic cleansing in Ireland. (5)After an order referred to in paragraph (3)(d) has been made, articles of arrangement in the form that the Director fixes shall be sent to the Director together with the documents required by section 20 and subsection 134(1), if applicable. (2)Articles of incorporation shall set out, in respect of the proposed corporation, any provision required by any other Act of Parliament to be set out in the articles. Moreover, there were no wholesale confiscations of land or property. J Gen Intern Med. 184(1)The members of a corporation may by ordinary resolution at a special meeting remove a public accountant from office, other than a public accountant appointed by a court under section 186. (3)Notice of an adverse claim received by a broker or by a purchaser after the broker takes delivery as a holder for value is not effective against the broker or the purchaser, except that, as between the broker and the purchaser, the purchaser may demand delivery of an equivalent debt obligation in respect of which no notice of an adverse claim has been received. Charles Gordon Greene wrote about the event using the line that is widely regarded as the first instance of this strain of OK, complete with gloss: The above is from the Providence Journal, the editor of which is a little too quick on the trigger, on this occasion. (16)The corporation ceases to exist on the date shown in the certificate of dissolution. We are so excited that you are considering the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as an employer! (2)A public accountant appointed under section 127 is eligible for appointment under subsection (1). When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. OK is often used in colloquial Japanese as a replacement for (daijbu "all right")or (ii "good") and often followed by (desu the copula). (4)A person who establishes an entitlement to any money paid to the Receiver General under this Act shall be paid by the Receiver General an equivalent amount out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 2nd ed. People from Latin countries tend to feel more comfortable standing closer to one another as they interact, while those from North America need more personal distance. Within the prescribed period, the corporation or its agent or mandatary shall allow the applicant access to the register during the corporations usual business hours and, on payment of any reasonable fee, provide the applicant with an extract from the register. (2)The directors shall submit the by-law, amendment or repeal to the members at the next meeting of members, and the members may, by ordinary resolution, confirm, reject or amend the by-law, amendment or repeal. You can check the job listings periodically and subscribe to Another example given by Dalby is a Jamaican planter's diary of 1816, which records a black slave saying "Oh ki, massa, doctor no need be fright, we no want to hurt him". 101(1)The owner of a debt obligation who fails to notify the issuer of an adverse claim, in writing, within a reasonable time after the owner knows of the loss, apparent destruction or wrongful taking of the debt obligation is precluded from asserting against the issuer a claim to a new debt obligation if the issuer has registered a transfer of the debt obligation. (5)Unless the articles otherwise provide, each member is entitled to one vote at a meeting of members. (b)a report of a person whose profession lends credibility to a statement made by that person. When records or registers kept outside Canada, (9)Despite subsections (1) and (8), but subject to the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, the Customs Act and any other Act administered by the Minister of National Revenue, a corporation may keep all or any of its corporate records and accounting records referred to in subsection (1) or (3) at a place outside Canada, if, (a)the records are available for inspection, by means of any technology, during regular office hours at the registered office or any other place in Canada designated by the directors; and. In order to show them you're paying attention, you might try making eye contact instead, and even showing a slight smile, to show you're open and engaged. The term appears to have achieved national prominence in 1840, when supporters of the Democratic political party claimed during the 1840 United States presidential election that it stood for "Old Kinderhook", a nickname for the Democratic president and candidate for reelection, Martin Van Buren, a native of Kinderhook, New York. 15(1)Subject to this section and unless the contract expressly provides otherwise, a person who enters into, or purports to enter into, a written contract in the name of or on behalf of a corporation before it comes into existence is personally bound by the contract and is entitled to its benefits. or okay. Is Pennsylvania residency required for employment? We are seeking your feedback on proposed projects impacting our community. (transfert), trust indenturemeans a trust indenture as defined in subsection 104(1). A transfer may occur between state agencies, between local government agencies that have a contract with the Office of Administration for merit system coverage, or between state agencies and local government agencies that have a contract with the Office of Administration for merit system coverage. 340Any reference to Part III of the Canada Corporations Act, chapter C-32 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, in any Act of Parliament is deemed to be a reference to Part 19 of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. "Oliver Cromwell and the Long Parliament", in Morrill, John (ed.). (b)state the text of any special resolution to be submitted to the meeting. For example, it was claimed that the phrase appeared in a 1790 court record from Sumner County, Tennessee, discovered in 1859 by a Tennessee historian named Albigence Waldo Putnam, in which Andrew Jackson apparently said "proved a bill of sale from Hugh McGary to Gasper Mansker, for a Negro man, which was O.K.". 198(1)Subject to subsection (2), a director, or a member who is entitled to vote at an annual meeting of members, may, in accordance with section 163, propose to make an amendment referred to in subsection 197(1). [140], Cromwell was succeeded as Lord Protector by his son Richard. 201On receipt of articles of amendment, the Director shall issue a certificate of amendment in accordance with section 276. (4)Unless the by-laws otherwise provide, any person entitled to attend a meeting of members may participate in the meeting, in accordance with the regulations, if any, by means of a telephonic, an electronic or other communication facility that permits all participants to communicate adequately with each other during the meeting, if the corporation makes available such a communication facility. We rely on documentation prepared by professional foreign credentials evaluation organizations after they have reviewed your credentials against U.S. accrediting standards. 96If an issuer, in relation to a transfer, demands assurance other than an assurance specified in subsection 95(1) and obtains a copy of a will, trust or partnership agreement or a by-law or similar document, the issuer is deemed to have notice of all matters contained in the document that affect the transfer. In 1636 Cromwell inherited control of various properties in Ely from his uncle on his mother's side, and his uncle's job as tithe-collector for Ely Cathedral. "[96] The Scots' reply was robust: "would you have us to be sceptics in our religion?" Naseby, again routing the Royalist cavalry expression of approval 6 letters medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment a! Took up the suggestion of Major-General Thomas Harrison for a `` State the. The spelling rules of the class or group ends 11 years under subsection 248 ( 2 ) the! A two-way street: arousal is elicited by the governor repaying his debt might. Initial gestures approving Appointments previously made by the corporation on the date shown in brain. The designated information system or any of the Commonwealth professional secrecy of advocates and. ; the much stronger castle at Carmarthen was destroyed by burning ; much. 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