(. More so because auto saves build up too easily and worry about deleting the wrong file2. This is currently not the case on MacOS v20211021-3d6b9df-sm. (*the player would obviously make a little protrusion of levees on the 2 sides to prevent water from leaking through*).This is a much needed fix and would prevent the Dev's from having to make more variants of floodgates. It would be helpful to have notes on the building of what you need to actually build it once unlocked. (, Fixed that the confirm load game dialog with 2 green arrow buttons had tooltips with (E) to confirm, while the E to confirm doesn't work here as it would be ambiguous. Consider reducing the time for trees to grow back, not significantly, but waiting 8 days for a single log from a spruce tree is a bit much, alternatively you could increase the yield from the trees, maybe to 2, 4, and 8 logs to help balance it out while still making it a significant difference. (, Fixed that biters would sometimes prefer running away over choosing another target. (, Fixed false-positive desyncs when using mods and running /c game.force_crc() or /toggle-heavy-mode (, Fixed a crash when defining a fluid stream prototype with zero particles. Would save worker time in both hauling and pumping but would require space and planning to pull off. (, Fixed LuaEntityPrototype::module_inventory_size would return nil when entity has 65535 slots for modules. Love it so far.~resource refund from deconstruction~building staffing priorities~new building, some sort of mechanical capacitor to make wind power more useful, or make wind power more consistent so we can "let the wind do the heavy work" as you suggest.~allow mapping of the rotate key to the mouse, can be entirely mouse operated if this could be implementedI have logged a shameful number of hours on this game and hope it makes it to full release. Roboport normal resolution graphics have been updated to be a downscale from the high resolution graphics. Improved save-game speed by up to 2x depending on the save file size. Build Priority InheritanceWhen you give higher build priority to something, anything required to build it gets the same priority. LuaObjects are now saved using binary format instead of previous format with intermediate Lua table. I'm not sure if I need to be separating each of these suggestions into its own comment, so if not let me know.It would be great if we could in-situ change the type of crop/tree planted in a tile. (, Fixed trees with not-flammable flag would still catch on fire. Priority system for building hiring. (, Fixed a crash when fast-replacing electric pole ghosts with non-electric-poles. Added support to save/load LuaProfilers. Terraforming using soil would be great. One more that sadly didnt fit anymore: Diagonal blocks that dont need a block below, only one to the side, so we can have aqueducts with arches in them and other awesome stuff.Maybe the option to upgrade district center to get more range. (, Fixed a crash caused by undoing an entity deconstruction which another player already cancelled. (, Fixed fast electric pole dragging logic with obstacles in the way. This faction would be somewhat immune to the above disaster idea. A very useful feature would be an estimation of how long your water supply would last (if pumping stopped :). [Ironteeth? Added LuaEntity::is_military_target read. (, Fixed that failing to read file attributes on Windows would sometimes crash the game. The steel doors opened and we were still exposed to the enclosure -- the outer enclosure seemed to be a protective device. * Your email will be visible only to moderators. Perhaps a campaign would be in order with some crazy characters like Tropico.The pacing. Added LuaLogisticNetwork::can_satisfy_request. There just doesnt seem to be enough info for the player to pull together all at once to accurately and easily manage more than 2 or 3 districts at a time. )Last but not least i would really love to see a way to either trade with neigbours or do some military action against other clans / wild animals?But still i think this game is going to be great. example: Build a suspension bridge to dual lodge, you need a platform in front of the lodge for a path to connect them. I just "beat" this game, by having a self-sustaining colony. Simply hover over an existing entity and press Q.So basically if I need to build a certain building and I already see it on the map, I can just put mouse on it, press Q, then chose where to build it. Perhaps you do not want to be a technological mastermind. (. Unified laser and beam related ammo categories to just "laser" and "beam". Fixed belt traversing related to using ghost building over real belts to create upgrade order to change direction. (. (, Fixed that train would sometimes NO_PATH during repath while in intersection where the path passes through a block that is already occupied by that train. There needs to be a stronger focus on how beavers actually live. Button for auto-rotating back to default 'North' position8. I really love whats in the game so far! 1. When you destroy/remove a building you should be able to regain some materials. You can maybe add a fertilizer building that turns logs into dirt or a farm that harvest dirt over time. Consider either forcing the player to unlock the previous as a prerequisite for the next level OR if the player unlocks a higher tier tech, have it auto enable the lesser versions. (, Fixed tooltips not showing electric energy source information for electric-energy-interface entities. I would like to have a setting that tells me when a city would run out of food or water and a potential alert system that tells me when they are very low. (, Fixed a crash when using 0-length debug names in Lua bytecode. First off let me say that Timberborn has immediately jumped into the pantheon of my favorite games. I have a small network of waterwheels setup, but it seems like my beavers can't build past an already existing shaft to build another. The new building is an electric running wheel, with a platform on top to place new buildings on top and integrate the running wheels into the overall structure of the beaver metropolis. (, Fixed that the "Trains" side menu button icon had one train window 1 pixel wider. (, Fixed Artillery wagon and turret showing wrong tooltip title in deconstruction planner. Right now the beavers just don't build it and no explanation is given- Add some faster method of item/beaver transport. i get that you want to make players restricted in growth but you could do it in another way so that you don't have to faff about with delivering items between each district and dedicating so many beavers to that work. Or have a "pick these crops" selection just like you have the "cut these trees", except have the crops auto-selected when they are initially planted.4. . I'd like to be able to build power lines over (across) a path. (, Fixed that train could get stuck within chain signal section when exit signal is requested to close by circuit network and train is forced to repath. It would make much more sense if we could point potatoes on top of current carrot plots, farmers would then "uproot" the currently planted crop and immediately replant the updated crop (in this case, potatoes). I like the idea of having a small pond to take water from in the early game, but refilling it can be a pain. If i do have for one region 5 storages i need to click and change each one to make limit of bread or something else alos i need to do calculation 5/n(all i want). I don't understand why there isn't a trade post. Fixed that train would not immediately reserve signals in chain signal section after repath when there are no signals within braking distance. My suggestions:-Archimedes Screw for transferring water to higher elevations. (, Fixed a crash related to units and mod events. Added detailed night lighting of entities. I got my entire colony dead because no one was bothered to work in pump. On a busy map trying to find the one gatherer/lumberjack flag somewhere on the map is tough sometimes. Resources from deconstructed buildings (completed & not) are dropped on the ground instead of destroyed/lost, Having a clockwork power storage type building would be a nice addition, stackable and upgradeable through science points with only say a 3x2 foot print. (, Fixed that building rolling stock could place multiple of them when there are close adjacent rails. (, Fixed linked containers with filters would not preserve filters while there are no containers placed. Fixed black border in spidertron technology icon. This is how people ate in the past before commuting great distances became normal. A few times I had to find a missing path and it was under a raised platform with demo not refunding resources early game that can be very harsh. (, Fixed that instant blueprint building in the map editor didn't work with undo. You can fill it up in the last day before the drought comes, but you'll be crippling your water supply as the beavers constantly refill it. Warnings on low supply per district, set by player. also make it easier to see that buildings like the triple lodge have their entrances one floor up. There comes a point where resources outweigh population and there's nothing to do. (, Fixed that lamp tooltips could wrongly show them as producing pollution. If that was the intent, the current implementation is fine. Added hotkey (default O) to toggle the train overview GUI. etc The tutorial is not enough detailed a spend time to understand how to exchange resources between districts. (, Loaders are now able to take or insert more than 1 item per transport line per tick. Or an idea what to improve in the distribution chain? Could be an upgrade thtt would need to be unlocked with science points.2. When there's a lot of facilities but the population is low, I need to pend all buildings to guide the beavers to make them work at a particular facility, usually water related. Similar to drought, but instead of losing water, water gets spent faster, work gets slower, debuffs bc of heat. , (https://timberborn.featureupvote.com/suggestions/198054/digging-up-and-moving-ground-soil-blocks) - , , . You can access that through mod commands. - More tree types- Places that are real like the Red Wood forest making huge trees but they are not allowed to be cut down or even could do a national park then say you could not build in areas that would have a rare tree growing- Seasons as an option that one could turn on or off that would make winter harder to grow things- with the seasons have green houses for growing crops or some type of shelter form the cold but in summer the plant would die if keep inside from it getting too hot or not enough rain- Have rain but not thunder storms when it would rain you would not be able to build anything- Have some building be able to upgrade so the it could have more workers the build wouldn't have to change- When getting to the max happiness have new things added like- More crops like corn or even sugar cane- Bigger housing- new social places- new power sources- new water tanks- new building that could be for storage and other recourses-Allowing to build up the land, hi i just played your game for the first time today! It detects the closest production building (Built or queued) that could drop there. - Layered view so you can see where a connection is missing once you have build several buildings on top of each other - Aquaducts, even to allow moving water from one district to another. Unified the search button in the mod settings GUI. (, Fixed that disabled mod depenencies would get re-downloaded when installing mods. :D. Hello! I hate districts. Maybe tracking of power levels would be nice when using wind power. Soltar, sounds like https://timberborn.featureupvote.com/suggestions/211532/river-beaver-faction. Possibly colorize for full employment, no employmentSorry if this is a duplicate suggestion. Just some ideas:[Ressource]Fish! Instead of clicking through each option and therefor sending the wrong requests to your haulers, being able to select the desired recipe from a dropdown. because just running a load of inventor huts to get 12k for the last statue doesnt feel right. (, Fixed crash when storage tank was defined with too small fluid flow sprite with low priority and ended up streamed. This provides a resource but with the challenge of having to drain and then refill a deep body of water to get it.A nuclear reactor which is a large (maybe three by three) structure which produces an incredible amount of power, but must remain submerged for cooling purposes. Realizing you've accidentally caused a floodzone several hours into the game, but long before you can blow up terrain, can get old quickly. You need a clear feature to prioritize different jobs. (, Fixed that game.map_settings.path_finder.fwd2bwd_ratio could be set to nonsensical values. Nice if I could set the default, say to 20 when first starting and raise with time, as needed. It is recommended to set this on your world spawn. (, Fixed a crash when loading some corrupt save files. berry bushes) would be amazing. we should start with that to clear the nature.You should add a building in job's panel to dig. The lighting you get from leisure places is really aesthetically pleasing, I'd love to be able to cover the entire colony in flickering orange light!also the threat of buildings catching fire in droughts could be a good way to manage "is this a safe setup or am I a budding pyromaniac? The rain boosts crop production, but may cause flooding in areas where water has nowhere to go, encouraging proper water management.Summer: The current drought. Fixed multiplayer desync related to electric pole ghost building. Trees Growth: It's also very slow. Shutting a beaver away in an inventor's hut and waiting for the bar to fill up with enough Science Points (this name is overly utilitarian and doesn't match the game's overall whimsical aesthetic, I'd rename it something like "Ingenuity") isn't terribly engaging, and there's only one thing to do with those points once you've patiently waited for them to accrue: unlock a new structure.Perhaps we could have research synergies: an inventor's hut could optionally be built as an add-on to various types of structures. ----> Disease and hospitals ---->Can we get fish !!!! Changed loader to only connect to the front belt, not from side. This is to fix internal problems related to modded loaders with custom sizes and side loading of it. (, Fixed that "only-in-cursor" didn't work nicely with wire items. Close background processes. I would like the ability to automate the flood gates. Expanded undo to work with fast replace and upgrade planner. Added sample_index parameter to LuaFlowStatistics::get_flow_count(). I'll keep it brief, but I like sounding civil in hopes it eases reading, and comes off as polite and not demanding, as suggestions should be. , . Shockbyte being able to build ladders to get to higher housing levels and warehouse levels would be a good idea. Fixed save/load instability occuring when the game was saved after a robot threw cliff explosives but before the cliff exploded. Personal request button have custom text + red diode when it is out of network or when the personal requests are turned off. And I'm having a blast playing! I'd like to be able to set work assignment zones for haulers and builders, or a way to assign a number of haulers to a specific build/pickup site. Added LuaLogisticNetwork::get_supply_counts. Would waste water so not use full in a drought but in wet seasons could be a good way to prep for a drought. That one works PERFECT! or getting resources from these building wrecks or reuse them as place to live or store things?A map idea could be, that you beavers start in a park or zoo in a overgrown city ruin and expand form there. ; Change the GameName= section to a world name of your choosing. i would like to see the supply and demand of food, water, wood ect. Sometimes i just want to build a bit higher or only quite further out, but not wanting to add a new district-More ways to carry stuff from District to District. Fixed that biters sometimes couldn't pathfind near the edge of generated chunks. They are mostly useless later on except for iron teeth.. but maybe flour + berry = pie? This saves navigating the menu and is really handy when building like buildings next to existing buildings. Fixed various problems related to latency state and belt building. (, Fixed SpidertronRemotePrototype was silently forcing stack size to 1 and not marking prototype as non stackable. The Lizard From The Amazing Spider-Man Over Scorpion. (, Fixed that linked custom inputs didn't work for some game controls. Platforms with a path on them cannot be deleted. (, Fixed script error if you lose supply challenge in multiplayer. (, Fixed item tooltips for fluid furnace recipes. I love this game.. It would be a quick way to see if anything is falling apart elsewhere while focused in on a different section. (, Fixed an item duplication when fast replacing underground belts with a damaged item. My only issue is that everything is 'unlockable' from the beginning. A library for the use of books maybe. Removed rocket silo rocket prototype property "result_items" because it did nothing. Although the game runs good on Proton, a native Linux version would be really cool if it isn't much work!At least fixing the Alt+Tab black screen when on Proton, would be huge for QoL. The infobox will also list the prototype type. Storage Priorities and Hauling RoutesSometimes it'd be nice to have the beavers be a little more organised and to have a backlog of resources moved to where they're likely to be needed.I'll often put Log storage for example near tree farms which is great for keeping my lumberjacks working but it's awful for having next door supply for planks, paper or transport to other districts what would be nice is being able to be able to prioritise thingsExample:Most ImportantEmpty lumberjack flag to any storageEmpty drop off point to any storageMove logs to fill the closest storage to lumber mill(s)Never take logs from the closest storage to lumber mill(s) for building or the distribution postMove logs to fill the closest storage to paper mill(s)Never take logs from the closest storage to paper mill(s) for building or the distribution postEmpty storage closest to lumberjack flagMove logs to fill the remaining storages, closest to the distribution post firstLeast Important. Read full answer. My suggestion is all around the warehouse system. Tactics Online: Strategically reposition your champions before a fight keeping in mind each Soul Reapers unique strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps even a structure with a job for a beaver to man the floodgate to raise and lower it when droughts occur and the water becomes too low on one side. Same logic with other techs of similar interface. Edit the selected suggestion and create a new one. I think levees, dams, and platforms should natively have pathing. Please add a feature to assign beavers to specific houses. I would like to see a partial recovery of resources when demolishing a building or structure. (. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. Also, beavers swim, a lot. (, Fixed market gui would show wrong numbers when an offer has the same item multiple times. Fixed that LuaGameScript::ban_player would incorrectly use reason as a player name when given player was never in game. (, Fixed a crash when opening the blueprint library through lua. an area with seeds to harvest and grow for better food3. Fixed that the fast belt traversing tutorial didn't work when the option was turned off. A way to link a floodgate to a depth meter would be really helpful, allowing automation of a dam, so my crops don't all die the minute I stand up to make a brew. water pumps to turn them all on/off - even better a summary overlay of all structures that can be turned on/off for quick access. Part two coming up. make it a little bit easier to organize your settlement.Shortcut for paths would be very helpful, would make it a little bit smoother to expand and add new buildings.A "pause all" button for certain buildings, like water pumps, would be helpful.Side note would love more factions to be added. or create a way to store energy. Also.. makes me wonder if the beavers can recycle these like, building on the ruins of a bridge to cross a ravine? (, Fixed armor rich text tags not using the correct icon. Also, when you submit a new suggestion, ask yourself how detailed you want to make it, especially in the title. (, Fixed tips and tricks description text disappearing in certain resolutions. I would like for my beavers to be able to destroy structures and haul of resources used to make it (blueprints that have resources already as well). (, Fixed heavy-mode when character dies in multiplayer. It May already be implemented I still need to test. Fixed inserter status related to placing items into full chest in some cases. Especially with the nature minded beavers. Love the game!QoL improvements:Easier irrigation. Solid game otherwise keep up the good work. Spring accumulator that accumulating surplus of power and release it then power off. Fixed that rail ghost building didn't play the ghost building sound. On your Multicraft Panel, navigate to Files > Config Files. (. Is there always complete loss or resources when deleting/removing a building? (it's mostly the problem when placing buildings on top of each other) Image of what I'm trying to describe:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TB2_CLf28OyPUB-p7xh8kTG3Y1cRoxQO/view?usp=sharing. levee) and added in lower levelsI hope to have helped. Also, the music at times can be a bit off. I'd love to see some hotkey shortcuts for building roads and some of the more essential buildings like houses, storages. Added LuaEntityPrototype::is_entity_with_owner, is_military_target and allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target read. I suggest that the authorities improve the background and add events for the expedition, such as: "The continuous erosion of the coastline by the waves has exposed a corner of this huge underground ruin, which, according to our expedition, is also the construction of the 'biped' civilization. Some quick thoughts after spending some time with the game, some of these suggestion have probably been given already, but they all lead into the same aspects of the game that feel very untapped:The main thing I've noticed is water is by far the limiting factor. (. (, Fixed crash related to rolling stock drag building. 1) Windowed Borderless option, much nice for tabbing in and out or if you have a second monitor.2) Refund all or just some resources when deleting a building? (, Fixed that ghosts created by destroying entities weren't upgradeable. So many aspects of floods would fit really well in this game.P.S: While with droughts you can only increase the days they are las, Customizable Keybinds, In Depth Beaver list, and low resource indicator for water and food (maybe Green, Yellow, Red text on the amounts). (, Fixed that the relative gui 'type' filter didn't work. Great game all around. A elevator, floor 1,2=50 Power. I would like to see wildlife even if they cannot be interacted with (fish, birds, etc)9. ; Open 7 Days to Die Server Settings. , Tweaked the tips & tricks simulation to be more prepared for mods. Mostly QoL changes:1. After 32 Hours of playing, i have found some things that would fun adds to the game;- Aquaduct systems - for any faction.- Water pumps for the Ironteeth (i mean for pumping water up hills in to reservoirs)- Season (winter would make things harder, and Spring would allow for more game play with levees and water gates.just some ideas. Fixed multiple issues related to placing blueprints with electric poles near other electric poles or ghost thereof. (, Fixed that LuaEntity::belt_neighbours would return LuaEntity based on EntityGhost's inner entity, not the EntityGhost itself. Fixed that the low power tip didn't show in some circumstances. It would be nice if you could remove Berry bushes, after the early game they aren't needed for food much and they are in the way of building. Lowered volume on game won and lost sounds. Fixed west variation of Boiler and Heat exchanger graphics. maple trees to run a single one, just for 200 power. (, Fixed energy consumers would get too much energy when supplied through multiple electric networks. (, Fixed crash when trying to fast replace a ghost underground belt with a downgrade. I suggest adding a quantity regulator to each production building. *Prioritization for jobs. without removing the underlying levee as well. - all I want to know is the total housing spaces, and total homeless beavers (collapsing the panel just shows available housing and doesn't show homeless which is way more useful to know)3. New features:Elevator - to encourage players build vertically by reducing the path penalty with elevators. I would love to see monsoons and other natural disasters, anything that can destroy a dam or damage buildings. the game lacks such a parameter as frame rate limitation or vertical synchronization, yes, it's cool to play at 400fps+, but the load of the video card is 100% and its very loud sound is not very pleasing). Fixed that sometimes the host would not have admin rights when hosting a multiplayer game from a save. Slowing down the rate water is used in the irrigation tower. A Sci-Fi Questing modpack for 1.18.2. (. My birth death pacing seems to be in sync. I just "completed" my first map and something I would love to use in the future is a water elevator and a way to drain from lower than the top of the map flooding dam I made(or being able to put levee's on top of dams). (, Fixed false positive tile corruption detection when 255 tile prototypes were defined. Once you start covering the map it gets to be a lot to individually select everything.Pause all feature for water pumps? I've made a custom map with the editor that goes up to hight level 16 and everything is just too near/large. (, Fixed softlock in tutorial if the player took the iron plates too quickly. More jobs would be nice maybe like an entertainment category of buildings. Fixed that blueprint library slots padding was too big. (, Fixed that pressing "Restart" after a game restart would revert some map settings to default instead of loading them from the save file. It would be very nice and helpful if you could add a function to the floodgate to set the height to 75%. I would like to see something that prevents beavers from being stupid and trapping themselves. Why is this? If they arent dying from hunger then its thirst. Suggestion add a Button like the Priority button so you can click on building with that button to unpause and pause the buildings you want to pause or unpause because it's such a tedious task to go in every single building when you had a death wave and don't have enough workers and the workers just keep being on a lumber mill while the more needed job is water collecting or woodcutting or Gathering berries???

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