Vagal afferents from the gastrointestinal tract are critical for monitoring various aspects of digestion, such as the release of enzymes and food absorption. Without considering pancreatic and stomach hormones, in the proximal and distal intestine as well as in the duodenum, we can at least enumerate CCK, neurotensin, GLP-1, PYY, oxyntomodulin, serotonin, obestatin and nesfatin as satiation-triggering signals. Low-Carbohydrate & Depression | livestrong Two main findings support a mechanism whereby exercise, similar to diet, enhances cognitive processes through effects on energy metabolism and synaptic plasticity. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0) (. Interestingly, a randomized control trial (Multidomain Alzheimer Preventive Trial, MAPT) reported that elderly with the lowest quartile of DHA in erythrocytes get benefit from the LC n-3 PUFAs supplementation with regard to cognitive improvement [292]. Modifications on antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in mice under fraxetin treatment. Shipt and Instacart are two of the most widely available grocery delivery services in North America. The research showed that depriving people of sleep for one night created pronounced changes in the way their brains . The ingestion of prebiotics as non-digestible carbohydrates (CHO) such as cellulose and inulin, fibers and polysaccharides is indeed a strategy known to improve the enteric ecology via the increase of beneficial gut bacteria population that may provide resilience against metabolic derangement. Finally, insulin, which has classically been regarded as a gut hormone that is produced in the pancreas, has also been found to alter synaptic activity and cognitive processing (see REF. Saturated fats are found mostly in animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Lack of Concentration - BRAINEFFECT Stanley S., Wynne K., McGowan B., Bloom S. Hormonal regulation of food intake. Fat Deficiency: 5 Signs of Too Little Fat in Your Diet - Healthline The effects of the hypothalamus can also involve the immune system, as it heavily innervates the thymus and several immune-system molecules can affect synaptic plasticity and cognition. Ct M., Matias I., Lemieux I., Petrosino S., Almras N., Desprs J.P., Di Marzo V. Circulating endocannabinoid levels, abdominal adiposity and related cardiometabolic risk factors in obese men. 4) FATTY LIVER:- Polyunsaturated fats reduce the deposit of fatty droplets on the liver. As a consequence, adequate dietary intake and nutritional status have a recognized impact on brain functions such as cognitive processes, emotions, behaviour, neuroendocrine functions and synaptic plasticity with consequences on health [2]. Peripheral administration of ghrelin increases food intake in normal rodents24,25 and humans26,27, whereas chronic administration can lead to adiposity24,25. FAs are classified depending on the degree of saturation/unsaturation in the carbon chain and on the lenght of carbon chain. Second, disruption of energy homeostasis during voluntary wheel-running abolished the effects of exercise on the actions of BDNF and BDNF end products that are important for learning and memory, suggesting that energy metabolism influences BDNF function147. Diabetes mellitus in schizophrenic patients. Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on risk of Alzheimers disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Consistently, ghrelin administration disrupts fertility in adul female rats [117]. Bazan N.G. Furthermore, researchers found that women . Cummings DE, et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are normal constituents of cell membranes and are essential for normal brain function (FIG. This desensitization of anorexiant signals transmitted through the gut-brain communication occurs as consequence of HFD intake, and is emblematic of the vulnerability of the homeostatic regulation of food-derived energy intake. In turn, diets that are high in saturated fat are becoming notorious for reducing molecular substrates that support cognitive processing and increasing the risk of neurological dysfunction in both humans3 and animals4. Dietary (n-3) fatty acids and brain development. These studies, however, have sparked further debate in the scientific community that age, vitamin B12 status, genetic makeup, the presence of existing medical conditions and the current drug programme of patients receiving folic acid are important factors to be taken into consideration to reduce undesirable secondary effects, such as anaemia, low immune function and cancer101. As a consequence, the manipulation of lifestyle factors, such as dietary interventions is a recognized approach to maintain and preserve brain health along lifespan. Bookshelf Conclusion: The Long-term Side Effects of Low-Carbohydrate Diets. Cummings D.E. Memory, mood, reaction times, vigilance or visual acuity, Subjects at risk for developing late age-related macular degeneration, 1 g LC PUFAs and/or 10 mg lutein/2 mg zeaxanthin, Improvement of executive function and gray matter volume, Subjects with subjective memory impairment aged 62-80 years, 1g DHA, 160 mg EPA, 240 mg Ginkgo biloba, 60 mg phosphatidylserine, 20mg d- tocopherol, 1mg folic acid and 20 g vitamin B12 6 months, Cognitively healthy individuals aged 50-75 years, Improvement of recall of object locations, Healthy older adults aged 50-70 years with subjective memory deficits, DHA or DHA plus Gingko biloba, phosphatidylserine and vitamins B6 and B12, Cerebral hemodynamics and cognitive functions, Non demented patients with cognitive complaints, 800 mg DHA and 225 mg EPA and/or cognitive training and physical activity 36 months, Elderly people (average 83 yr) with moderately severe dementia from thrombotic cerebrovascular disorder, Individuals with cognitive impairment no dementia or Alzheimers disease, Subjects with diagnosis of probable Alzheimers disease, Memory, psychomotor speed, executive function and attention, and visual-constructive skills, Drug-nave patients with mild Alzheimers disease, DHA, EPA, phospholipids, choline, UMP, vitamin, Individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease, Alzheimers disease assessment and dementia, No improvement of cognitive and functional decline, Positive correlation between n-3 PUFA rize and cognitive performance, Alzheimers disease patients, Vascular dementia, Dementia with Lewis Bodies, Parkinson disease dementia, Frontotemporal dementia. A standing concern in the field has been how caloric intake or meal frequency affects energy metabolism and health in humans. The oral gavage in rats of emulsified sunflower oil produced higher endotoxaemia and hypertriglyceridemia than that caused by the ingestion of non-emulsified sunflower oil. Reducing your dietary fat intake significantly can cause you to become deficient in these essential vitamins which can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms including anemia (a low red blood cell count), vision problems, weak bones and skin problems. Modulation of hippocampal plasticity and cognitive behavior by short-term blueberry supplementation in aged rats. Sugary Drinks. Fighting Epilepsy with Fat - TMC News This study investigated some possible events linking systemic inflammation, lipid digestion and endotoxin absorption at the light of the large use of oil emulsification in several common industrial foodstuffs. There are many vegan protein powders on the market, with a variety of flavors and ingredients available. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. Genetic ablation of CD36 does not alter mouse brain polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations. Naufahu J., Cunliffe A.D., Murray J.F. DHA and SPMs are impaired at the periphery and within the brain of Alzheimers disease patients [265, 266] and in accelerated aging mice model [267]. Impact of Dietary Fats on Brain Functions - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC) A diet that is high in saturated fat reduces the expression of SIRT2 in the rat hippocampus90, whereas a diet that is high in omega-3 fatty acids has the opposite effect2. Adiponectin and reproduction. Cornejo M.P., Hentges S.T., Maliqueo M., Coirini H., Becu-Villalobos D., Elias C.F. Furthermore, BDNF levels are reduced in the plasma of patients with major depression71, and chronic administration of antidepressants elevates hippocampal BDNF levels72. Marsicano G., Lutz B. Neuromodulatory functions of the endocannabinoid system. These kinds of therapeutic diets are nearly free of sugar, contain an adequate amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and are calorie restricted by roughly 10-25%. In these animals, BPA works as a powerful anorexigenic signal, depressing cannabinoid signalling and upregulating the hypothalamic expression of CART [197]. Dysfunctions of the intestinal barrier increase the risk of endotoxins access to systemic circulation and development of a chronic inflammatory state and higher susceptibility to brain disease [36]. You may switch to Article in classic view. The stimulatory effect of leptin on the neuroendocrine reproductive axis of the monkey. Ravinet Trillou C., Delgorge C., Menet C., Arnone M., Soubri P. CB1 cannabinoid receptor knockout in mice leads to leanness, resistance to diet-induced obesity and enhanced leptin sensitivity. Gut to brain dysbiosis: Mechanisms linking western diet consumption, the microbiome, and cognitive impairment. De Filippis F., Pellegrini N., Vannini L., Jeffery I.B., La Storia A., Laghi L., Serrazanetti D.I., Di Cagno R., Ferrocino I., Lazzi C., Turroni S., Cocolin L., Brigidi P., Neviani E., Gobbetti M., OToole P.W., Ercolini D. High-level adherence to a mediterranean diet beneficially impacts the gut microbiota and associated metabolome. Changes in IGF-1 receptors in the hippocampus of adult rats after long-term adrenalectomy: receptor autoradiography and. Your body needs dietary fat to help it absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. Not getting enough of these essential nutrients can, among other things, increase your risk of: Research has found that fat is an essential part of the structure of your skin cells and helps your skin maintain its moisture barrier. Toyooka K, et al. You wouldnt be able to live a healthy life without it. By contrast, disorders in energy homeostasis have been linked to several neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases pointing out the importance of the microbiota-gut-brain communication for brain health. IGF1 is synthesized in the liver, in skeletal muscle and throughout the brain, whereas brain IGF1 receptors are expressed mainly in the hippocampus49. Within this picture, the gut-brain axis constitutes the bidirectional route by which multiple signals (e.g., neural, neurohormonal and immunological) converging to the gut and in the gut re-encoded can access the brain. Chemically defined projections linking the mediobasal hypothalamus and the lateral hypothalamic area. In addition to the capacity of the gut to directly stimulate molecular systems that are associated with synaptic plasticity and learning, several gut hormones or peptides, such as leptin, ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) and insulin have been found to influence emotions and cognitive processes (FIG. The overall prevalence of diabetes in a group of 95 patients with schizophrenia was 15.8%, and this increased to 18.9% with age61, whereas diabetes in 203 patients with manic depression ranged from 2.9% in patients of approximately 30 years of age to 25% in patients of 7579 years of age60. With respect to the deleterious effects of obesity on microbiota ecosystem, the ingestion of dietary fats and in particular of fat-rich diet increases the circulating levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Curcumin is relatively non-toxic and has few side effects at doses greater than the low dose that has been tested in mice122. The results of a recent randomized clinical trial indicated that a 3-year folic acid supplementation can help to reduce the age-related decline in cognitive function100. Dysregulated eating produces a dramatic impact on the composition of gut microbial community. In turn, diets that are high in saturated fats negatively impact brain functions and increase the risk of cardiovascular and neurological diseases [24]. Wren A.M., Seal L.J., Cohen M.A., Brynes A.E., Frost G.S., Murphy K.G., Dhillo W.S., Ghatei M.A., Bloom S.R. Ghrelin enhances appetite and increases food intake in humans. How Diet and Nutrition Affect Older Adult Brain Health Fat plays many vital roles in brain function. Heres a look at the nutritional value of these sugar substitutes. Under caloric restriction or fasting, leptin levels in blood dramatically decrease, causing a drop in hypothalamic kiss1 mRNA expression [164]; thereafter, leptin administration ameliorates kiss1 levels [124]. Sugary drinks include beverages like soda, sports drinks, energy drinks and fruit juice. Indeed, in animal models of Alzheimers disease, PGE2/EP2 blockade in microglia potently reverses the A42 driven pathogenicity and memory loss [256]. Vauzour D., Martinsen A., Lay S. Neuroinflammatory processes in cognitive disorders: Is there a role for flavonoids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in counteracting their detrimental effects? An overview of evidence for a causal relationship between dietary availability of choline during development and cognitive function in offspring. This means: But not all fats are created equal. Unlike saturated fats, monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. In fact, ~40% of kisspeptin neurons located in the ARC express leptin receptor [124]. However, not all fish is created equal. Ackerman K.E., Slusarz K., Guereca G., Pierce L., Slattery M., Mendes N., Herzog D.B., Misra M. Higher ghrelin and lower leptin secretion are associated with lower LH secretion in young amenorrheic athletes compared with eumenorrheic athletes and controls. Dermatitis is a general term to describe inflamed skin. August 6, 2013 11:00 am. Previous studies from the same investigators showed that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with reduced cognitive deficits (in reading and spelling, and teaching-rated behaviour) in children affected with developmental coordination disorder that is, in children with specific impairments of motor function that are independent of their motor ability 85. Indeed, the exposure of different inbred strains of mice to repeated shift between diets with a different nutritional profile demonstrates that gut microbiota can be drastically modeled by dietary factors regardless of the genotype [37]. Hopperton K.E., Trpanier M.O., Giuliano V., Bazinet R.P. Delpech J.C., Madore C., Nadjar A., Joffre C., Wohleb E.S., Lay S. 2015. Vitamin E: see above, High serum calcium is associated with faster cognitive decline in the elderly, Calcium: milk, coral. Gropp E., Shanabrough M., Borok E., Xu A.W., Janoschek R., Buch T., Plum L., Balthasar N., Hampel B., Waisman A., Barsh G.S., Horvath T.L., Brning J.C. Agouti-related peptide-expressing neurons are mandatory for feeding. To help maintain good health, most of the fats you eat should be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. Chronic dietary -lipoic acid reduces deficits in hippocampal memory of aged Tg2576 mice. An overview of evidence from cognitive and behavioral tests in humans and animals. Indeed, archeological evidence shows that early hominids adapted to consuming fish and thus gained access to DHA before extensive encephalization occurred. Peet M, Laugharne JD, Mellor J, Ramchand CN. Author of Your Brain on Food (Oxford University Press). If no fatty acids are present in the diet, biochemical signs of fat deficiency show in seven to 10 days, the same is seen in people with chronic problems absorbing fat and those with cystic fibrosis. Eat organic, suggest the study's authors.) In humans, a de novo mutation in TrkB, a BDNF receptor, has been linked with hyperphagic obesity, as well as impairments in learning and memory 47. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. A talk between fat tissue, gut, pancreas and brain to control body weight. 2. Durga J, et al. Vagus nerve stimulation increases norepinephrine concentration and the gene expression of BDNF and bFGF in the rat brain. The Negative Impact of Sugar on the Brain - Verywell Mind "If you want to age your brain, just eat the typical diet most Americans consume," says Dr. McCleary. Yan M., Zhai Q. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor antisense oligonucleotide impairs memory retention and inhibits long-term potentiation in rats. Indeed, OEA activity can also help to disclose some mechanisms underlying the obesogenic effects triggered by the overconsumption of palatable energy-dense food, linking fat sensing within the gut-brain axis to homeostatic and hedonic processing of food intake. Systemic insulin-like growth factor-I administration prevents cognitive impairment in diabetic rats, and brain IGF regulates learning/memory in normal adult rats. Moreover, as observed for probiotics, also prebiotics can affect brain signaling pathways involved either in the prevention or in the pathophysiology of affective disorders. Ghrelin positively regulates the tone of eCBs and hypothalamic 2-AG levels increase after food deprivation and decrease after food consumption in parallel to ghrelin [201]. Wheless J.W. Brain development is most sensitive to a baby's nutrition between mid-gestation and two years of age. Background: The diets contained five percent total fat; the remainder of the diet contained a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals . Bryan J, Calvaresi E, Hughes D. Short-term folate, vitamin B-12 or vitamin B-6 supplementation slightly affects memory performance but not mood in women of various ages. Low folate levels in the cognitive decline of elderly patients and efficacy of folate as a treatment for improving memory deficits. Your brain is always "on." It takes care of your thoughts and movements, your breathing and heartbeat, your senses it works hard 24/7, even while you're asleep. If you dont get enough fat in your diet, you may notice symptoms such as dry rashes, hair loss, a weaker immune system, and issues related to vitamin deficiencies. Orexigenic and anorexigenic peptides influence kisspeptin neurons with stimulatory or inhibitory effects, respectively. 1). Strike S.C., Carlisle A., Gibson E.L., Dyall S.C. A high omega-3 fatty acid multinutrient supplement benefits cognition and mobility in older women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Gao S, et al. What Are Trans Fats, and Are They Bad for You? In spite of the large variability in the design of experiments to evaluate the action of different dietary elements on cognitive abilities, there is a general consensus that a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in rodents results in impaired learning and memory74,75. Wilder R.M. Outcomes on steroid biosynthesis, gametogenesis, gamete quality and fertility rate have been reported [16-18, 142, 211, 212, 213]. Santollo J., Eckel L.A. Nitric oxide scavenging by curcuminoids. Freund-Levi Y., Hjorth E., Lindberg C., Cederholm T., Faxen-Irving G., Vedin I., Palmblad J., Wahlund L.O., Schultzberg M., Basun H., Eriksdotter Jnhagen M. Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on inflammatory markers in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in Alzheimers disease: the OmegAD study. Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? Vitamin B12 is not available from plant products, Important for preserving cognition in the elderly, Fish liver, fatty fish, mushrooms, fortified products, milk, soy milk, cereal grains, Amelioration of cognitive impairment after brain trauma in rodents, Asparagus, avocado, nuts, peanuts, olives, red palm oil, seeds, spinach, vegetable oils, wheatgerm, Reduction of seizure-induced memory impairment in rodents, Egg yolks, soy beef, chicken, veal, turkey liver, lettuce, Antioxidant vitamin intake delays cognitive decline in the elderly, Vitamin C: citrus fruits, several plants and vegetables, calf and beef liver. The activities of the mTOR and Akt signalling pathways are also modulated by metabolic signals such as insulin and leptin (not shown). Pinto S, et al. Schematic representation of PUFAs synthesis from food, PUFAs entry across the BBB and production of PUFAs bioactive derivates in neuronal cells. Dietary supplementation with the plant-derived flavanol () epicathechin, which has been shown to cross the bloodbrain barrier, elevated indices of synaptic spine density and angiogenesis and increased hippocampus-dependent memory in mice92. Meal delivery services can range quite a bit in price, which can make it challenging for those on a budget to find suitable options. Through them you can support your brain in its work and give it the important messenger substances and energy it needs to function fully. Derangement of gut microbiota has been associated with brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as ASDs, depression and Alzheimers disease (AD). Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. FAs are classified depending on the degree of saturation/unsaturation in the carbon chain and on the lenght of carbon chain. 2022 Jul 28;14(15):3097. doi: 10.3390/nu14153097. Broberger C., Johansen J., Johansson C., Schalling M., Hkfelt T. The neuropeptide Y/agouti gene-related protein (AGRP) brain circuitry in normal, anorectic, and monosodium glutamate-treated mice. Diet, exercise and other aspects of our daily interaction with the environment have the potential to alter our brain health and mental function. Dietary DHA is indispensable for maintaining membrane ionic permeability and the function of transmembrane receptors that support synaptic transmission and cognitive abilities. Long treatment with KDs is a risk for vitamin and mineral deficiency which can produce easy bruising, impairment of growth and bone fractures. The use of KDs in adults is limited due to poor compliance to the treatment, but recent studies suggest that KDs can be effective in adults as well [306, 307]. Pase M.P., Grima N., Cockerell R., Stough C., Scholey A. Sali A., Pipingas A. Ley R.E., Turnbaugh P.J., Klein S., Gordon J.I. Almonds Nutrition: Heart-Healthy Brain Booster or Fat Trap? Kramer AF, et al. Nature, nurture or nutrition? Excess energy production caused by high caloric intake or strenuous exercise results in the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ARA represents 5 to 11% of total brain phospholipids while DHA represents 13 to 22% [228]. There are several cases in which ingestion of prebiotics such as isolichenan (from the lichen Cetrariella islandica) and arabinoxylan from the yeast Triticumaestivum has been demonstrated to improve brain functions and elicit the recovery of ethanol-induced or vascular dementia-associated memory deficits in mice [60, 61]. Too much dietary fat in the brain may impact mental health Studies that showed that exercise promotes neurogenesis in the brain of adult rodents143 and humans144 have introduced the possibility that new proliferating neurons might contribute to the effects of exercise on enhancing learning and memory. The role of microglia in the healthy brain. Ghrelin enhances appetite and increases food intake in humans. Meanwhile, the group that ate the low-fat diet ended up with a protein deficiency. Schizophrenia: the illness that made us human. Despite the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms is still a work in progress, the clinical relevance of the manipulation of dietary fats is well acknowledged and such manipulations are in fact currently in use for the treatment of brain diseases. Because of those affects, researchers hypothesized having a diet with high fat percentage would allow athletes to exercise for longer . Ghrelin controls hippocampal spine synapse density and memory performance. Therapeutic ketosis with ketone ester delays central nervous system oxygen toxicity seizures in rats. Thus, the mechanisms that are involved in the transfer of energy from foods to neurons are likely to be fundamental to the control of brain function. Wu A, Ying Z, Gmez-Pinilla F. Dietary curcumin counteracts the outcome of traumatic brain injury on oxidative stress, synaptic plasticity, and cognition. Several correlative epidemiological studies highlight that the consumption of n-3 PUFAs-rich food has potential neuroprotective effects through their anti-inflammatoy activities within the brain [239]. DHA might enhance cognitive abilities by facilitating synaptic plasticity and/or enhancing synaptic membrane fluidity; it might also act through its effects on metabolism, as DHA stimulates glucose utilization82 and mitochondrial function83, reducing oxidative stress (OS)81. Resolvins: a family of bioactive products of omega-3 fatty acid transformation circuits initiated by aspirin treatment that counter proinflammation signals. Navarro A, et al. Xiong Y., Miyamoto N., Shibata K., Valasek M.A., Motoike T., Kedzierski R.M., Yanagisawa M. Short-chain fatty acids stimulate leptin production in adipocytes through the G protein-coupled receptor GPR41. Hydrogenated oils are often used to improve the taste and shelf life of processed foods. (1984). Luque R.M., Kineman R.D., Tena-Sempere M. Regulation of hypothalamic expression of KiSS-1 and GPR54 genes by metabolic factors: analyses using mouse models and a cell line. Cacciola G., Chianese R., Chioccarelli T., Ciaramella V., Fasano S., Pierantoni R., Meccariello R., Cobellis G. Cannabinoids and reproduction: A lasting and intriguing history. Rapid rewiring of arcuate nucleus feeding circuits by leptin. The site is secure. Your body needs dietary fat for many biological processes. Krabbe KS, et al. Current estimates for the national health interview survey, 1994. Dermatitis caused by a dietary fat deficiency often presents itself as dry, scaly rashes. Another study 3, published in the Journal of Attention Disorders in 2010, showed that a Western diet processed meats, fast foods, high-fat dairy products, and sugary foods doubled the risk of having an ADHD diagnosis, compared with a healthier diet. More interestingly, the positive effects of () epicathechin dietary supplementation on memory formation in this study were found to be further enhanced by concomitant exercise (see BOX 2). Most fast food is nutrient-poor, which leaves your body deficient in the vitamins and minerals your brain needs. Interestingly, the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) stimulates neuronal plasticity through the Akt pathway58, suggesting that Akt activation might be crucial for integrating the effects of food-derived signals on brain plasticity. Innis SM. Serhan C.N., Petasis N.A. Further complications of diabetes include nerve damage, kidney disease, eye issues and heart disease. Ketonemia and seizures: metabolic and anticonvulsant effects of two ketogenic diets in childhood epilepsy. People who consume a diet low in fats and especially low in cholesterol are at risk for depression and suicide. Matias I., Gonthier M.P., Orlando P., Martiadis V., De Petrocellis L., Cervino C., Petrosino S., Hoareau L., Festy F., Pasquali R., Roche R., Maj M., Pagotto U., Monteleone P., Di Marzo V. Regulation, function, and dysregulation of endocannabinoids in models of adipose and beta-pancreatic cells and in obesity and hyperglycemia. Diet and hair loss: Effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use. Subcutaneous administration of ghrelin stimulates energy intake in healthy lean human volunteers. Source: BMJ The momentum behind a move to plant-based and vegan diets for the good of the planet is commendable, but risks worsening an already low intake of an essential nutrient involved in brain health, warns a nutritionist in the online . Release of enzymes and food absorption sports drinks, energy drinks and fruit juice genetic ablation CD36. And neurodegenerative diseases such as the release of enzymes and food absorption: But not all fats are equal! 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