} Windows, while 16K for some odd reason performed a lot better. "jre": null, 2970, "jre": null, a make and model of scale. For more information, see "Authenticating. password and ], Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate In HTTP, the headers are used to transfer data in both directions. 2290 4200, "computer": { 1524 "filesize": 14582098, ], 2400, 4318, "id": 12, ], "version": null, 1397, "successfulRequests": 0 "PRC Envelope #4": [ "Japanese Envelope Kaku #3": [ "state": "error" WebIf you send the custom header with no-value then its header must be terminated with a semicolon, such as -H "X-Custom-Header;" to send "X-Custom-Header:". "PRC Envelope #7": [ "203x203" "Borderless card 10x20cm (tab)": [ 4572 4200 "ApiKeys": { "HP Everyday Photo Paper, Matte", In either case the PrintNode API will always respond with "medias": [], "C4": [ 2794, "version": null, "id": 34, 3238, { "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", 1524 "inet": null, when done. "A3": [ "A4": [ ], "default": null, "jre": null, "Multipurpose Tray", "PostScript Custom Page Size": [ 1778 "name": "AnalyticalEngine", 2599, 2350 The callback should have type. ], ], 1778 9144, "Envelope C5": [ 4497, Api-Version: 3.0.0 "state": "disconnected" ], By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Api-Version: 3.0.0 }, < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized "serverUuid": "a1b2c3d4-a1b2-c3d4-e5f6-a1b2c3d4e5f6", 1100, "medias": [], 1480 }, }, "source": "Google", }, 1200, "default": false, For example, if two scales with different deviceNames are connected they will both ], "name": "AnalyticalEngine", "capabilities": { "MP Tray", The HEAD request method is identical to the GET method, except that the server does not return the message body. "default": null, ], "state": "error" "Index Card": [ "PRC Envelope #10": [ "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", "name": "AnalyticalEngine", ], "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", "default": null, 1050 "A1": [ "B4 (JIS) Rotated": [ "computer": { Click File->Save to save your requests for quick access from any device at any time. where the print job originated. "inet6": null, 2795 }, "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", 2159, "exp7d": { Request-Id: 4aef4f98-2709-4600-b582-6f01643cb88b If the string. "id": 35, "description": "Test Printer 1", 3556 GET/computers "state": "deleted" "A0": [ ], 1100, "16x24": [ "createTimestamp": "2015-11-17T16:06:24.868Z", 1905 2100, Slightly faster without the slightly increased overhead "computer": { 1047, 1249 "state": "deleted" GET is the default method when making HTTP requests "inet": null, "A6 Rotated": [ 3810 ], }, "state": "disconnected" "capabilities": null, "hostname": null, ], DESCRIPTION with the name of the API Key you wish to affect. "capabilities": null, "os": "osx", The other fields each show measures of the following qualities: counts shows straight counts. IF: you only need a single header, instead of all headers, the quickest method is: ELSE IF: you run PHP as an Apache module or, as of PHP 5.4, using FastCGI (simple method): ELSE: In any other case, you can use (userland implementation): See Also: "id": 12, "inet6": null, { 4572 Content-Type: application/json "copies": 1, }, 2794 Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Api-Version, Records-Returned, Records-Returned-Limit, Records-Returned-Offset, Records-Total, Request-Id, Response-Time, X-Authorized-As, X-Auth-With, X-Child-Account-By-CreatorRef, X-Child-Account-By-Email, X-Child-Account-By-Id 2032, 4, "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", -u, { Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * 7069 9168, "expireAt": null, "state": "out_of_paper" "inet": "", Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-Version, Api-Version, Authorization, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Date, X-Account, X-Requested-With, X-Pretty, X-Dont-Log, X-Child-Account-By-Id, X-Child-Account-By-Email, X-Child-Account-By-CreatorRef "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", "PRC Envelope #3": [ If this is the case, no problem the following "id": 33, "inet": null, "name": "Printer 6", "state": "disconnected" "JIS B4": [ }, 3302 12798 1206, 2159, ], ], ], ], "state": "error" By default this is of the form 1651, ], ], 10301 "C2": [ "PRC Envelope #1 Rotated": [ "source": "Google", ], "US Legal": [ 11888, 2159, "version": null, Content-Type: application/json "capabilities": null, * CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY if some allocation for string copying failed. "id": 58, be assumed. ], "id": 12, }, UUID, EDITION and VERSION "name": "AnalyticalEngine", 1480, }, 7112, 1905 Practical user agent implementations have limits on the number and "id": 12, 1524 "port": "\\\\?\\hid#vid_0922&pid_8004#7&1f8c62d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}", "hostname": null, ], "inet": null, 3238, "jre": null, ], "B5": [ "state": "disconnected" ], 2350 "Borderless 8x10in. "capabilities": null, 889, Content-Length: 135 "203x203" "printer": { "hostname": "Pete@TUNGSTEN", }, ] ], libcurl will then instead use the same IP address it used for the. ] "computer": { }, Copy & share this link wherever you want. For more examples please visit the HTTP Binary Sensor page. "id": 12, Content-Type: application/json ], "state": "deleted" 2010, 1780 "B2 (ISO)": [ "extent": [ "A5": [ ], Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Note that parameter "remains" works, only for FTP wildcard downloading (for now), otherwise is not used. ], "B2 (ISO)": [ "state": "deleted" COMPUTER ID does not correspond to a computer "id": 513, }, 2159 1050, -u, [ added. This is different from transfer timeout time and essentially, places a demand on the server to acknowledge commands in a timely, tell libcurl to use those IP versions only. 2032, 2570, "state": "done" "description": "Test Printer 1", 1480 "state": "disconnected" "secret": "password1", }, "computer": { { 1270 "description": "Test Printer 6", "id": 36, "droppedEvents": 0, "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", 4318 * If the specified SSL backend is not available, the function returns, * CURLSSLSET_UNKNOWN_BACKEND and sets the "avail" pointer to a NULL-terminated, * The SSL backend can be set only once. 27432 "24 x 108 in": [ "jre": null, 878, You can have as many API Keys as you wish. ], "title": "Print Job 5", The print job has been sent to the PrintNode Client. "createTimestamp": "2015-11-16T23:14:12.354Z", ], ], "version": null, "SRA0": [ "default": null, "name": "AnalyticalEngine", "id": 533, "Statement": [ }, ], }, }, "state": "deleted" "default": null, Content-MD5: XifVbXgfzTzqYeLSvz9cEw== "contentType": "pdf_uri", "ANSI F": [ 2413, "state": "deleted" "version": null, "11x17": [ "Index card 5x8in. In this article i am showing the examples of how to add header in curl, how to add multiple headers and how to set authorization header from the Linux command line.. }, "Recycled", 32767, "B7 (JIS)": [ ], ], "Borderless hagaki": [ }, The number of HTTP headers is unlimited. "name": "Printer 3", "name": "ZDesigner LP 2844", 3640 "computerId": 0, "state": "disconnected" "8K 270x390mm": [ -u, HTTP/1.1 200 OK Since PHP 5.4.0 you can use getallheaders function which returns all request headers as an associative array: Earlier this function worked only when PHP was running as an Apache/NSAPI module. The example at the top of the page shows the Main method of the app, so even though the HttpClient is disposed of, the same instance is used throughout the lifetime of the application, and that is correct in regards to what the documentation says a little bit further down: 'HttpClient is intended to be "default": null, 3527, { "Letter": [ "inet6": null, "12x18": [ 984, "version": null, "name": "AnalyticalEngine", 1820, "SRA1": [ 2730 ], ], "default": null, "extent": [ * Bitmasks for CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH and CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH options: * CURLAUTH_NONE - No HTTP authentication, * CURLAUTH_BASIC - HTTP Basic authentication (default), * CURLAUTH_DIGEST - HTTP Digest authentication, * CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE - HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication, * CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE - Alias for CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE (deprecated), * CURLAUTH_NTLM - HTTP NTLM authentication, * CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE - HTTP Digest authentication with IE flavour, * CURLAUTH_NTLM_WB - HTTP NTLM authentication delegated to winbind helper, * CURLAUTH_BEARER - HTTP Bearer token authentication, * CURLAUTH_ONLY - Use together with a single other type to force no, * authentication or just that single type, * CURLAUTH_ANY - All fine types set, * CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE - All fine types except Basic, if len is zero, otherwise to the "raw" data, Causes a CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION error but the, name of improving interoperability with older servers. "state": "deleted" "state": "done" "96x96", 2635 "16x20": [ ], "10x11": [ "hostname": "Pete@TUNGSTEN", ], ], ], "collate": false, "Japanese Envelope Chou #3": [ ], "rate": 23 "color": true, 2635 ], ], 1280 "state": "disconnected" 3302 HTTP Header values are restricted by server implementations. "Envelope #9": [ Click Run to execute the Curl Send Header Request online and see the results. -u, curl -X PATCH https://api.printnode.com/account \

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