Please be aware that, although the majority of posts found on this website are for general audiences, there may be certain controversial, mature, or adult content. I also believe that God and Jesus are two individual entities. . April 13, 2017 by Ian Paul. John did not say that the word was ho theos; that would have been to say that the word was identical with God. Now I know it is a wrong teaching and I am quite comfortable knowing the truth. Stopped Believing in Religious Teachings. I did not know so many religions has Trinity too. Nearly a decade later, a Pew survey found that even among the most traditional Christian groups, significant minorities have been rejecting God as described in the Bible. "What must I do to be saved?" Over the years I searched for a religion that did not teach the trinity, in vane. 10 Reasons Why Atheists Will Not Believe In God No. They dont believe that he was the Son of God, however. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by [many]. I do accept him as my savior. Did God become Jesus, or did God still occupy the heavenly realm, while Jesus was on earth? All rights reserved. When taken to task by the Jews, Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I Am. (Claiming He was indeed God) Never, in spite of all the opportunities, did He say he was one of three. Like you, I do believe in Jesus and that he died for my sins. Our modern chat room. For an article titled Hebrews 6:4 Can We Lose Our Salvation? see this link: ReactionaryCalvinist 20 days ago. I believe too many Christians believe that judgement is how to get people to see Christianity, when all it does is make people feel unloved and discriminated against. Jesus prophesied and promised that He would die, that His body would rise from the grave, and that He would thereby conquer death. Not the other way round. GDPR is the new European privacy regulation, which will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK and the equivalent legislation across the EU Member States. But the most precious gift awaiting you both is the possibility of an eternal life. No-one comes to the Father except through me." In Acts 4:12 Peter proclaims, "Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved." For Paul, the faithful will enjoy eternal life, but those who don't . Can science and religion coexist? Most so-called unscriptural practices in any religion depend upon the beliefs of the person criticizing a particular religion. I feel welcomed and at home there. Gods Grace is enough! Christian Chat is a moderated online Christian community allowing Christians around the world to fellowship with each other in real time chat via webcam, voice, and text, with the Christian Chat app.You can also start or participate in a Bible-based discussion here in the Christian Chat Forums, where members can also share with each other their own videos, pictures, or favorite Christian music. Unless otherwise noted, scripture quotations are from the, The Dispute of Arius with Alexander, his Bishop,, Hermann, Ray, Sun Worship, Sex in the Bible, and Church Steeples: A Brief History of Pagan Rituals and Traditions Carried into the Christian Church, (, Hermann, Ray, What do you mean, Christ died for our sins? (, Hermann, Ray, John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God? (. Even sadder is that he is in a position of teaching others and he is teaching heresy by denying that Jesus rose from death. Reasons for Hope* Jesus exists to glorify God by equipping you to know Jesus better, to love Jesus more & to share your faith. They are not saved. Log In A sincere Christian, following Jesus teaching, will eventually arrive at the truth. Such a person will say that to me, but they cant give me a straight explanation of this three-in-one doctrine. Jesus has saved my life, I read a lot of the gospels in some difficulty of my life. Your comment is appreciated. First, I want to thank you for visiting this website and taking the time to share your thoughts. Dont give me a second thought. It is also he who make you wonder. I asked if love were not what makes anything divine? copyright 1992 by Ray Hermann. The evidence indicates that God Almighty is the Father. I do not believe it is my job to convert anyone to Christianity. I can believe that a dude named Jesus existed and tried to do good in the world. In John 14:6 Jesus declares, "I am the way and the truth and the life. Narrow is the way, few there be that find it. I believe in Jesus. So let's focus on living our best life . I think it is possible for a person to become a Christian before learning about the details of the virgin birth, though that person would certainly assume that Jesus Christ must have had a unique birth since He is both God and man. I think you can. Can you be a Christian and Not Believe in the Trinity? - The Outlaw This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. What do you say? And remember, we live in troubling times of growing apostasy and increasing attacks on Scripture. . The answer is an undebatable, NO. But no, not once has the spirit that dwells in me been glad to hear of the trinity, only highlighting the scriptural contradictions of the doctrine. Salvation is by the grace of God through faith (Ephesians 2:8). They do so only by denying the historically documented evidence that, following Jesus death on the cross, He was placed in a sealed tomb and three days later the tomb was empty, Jesus was alive and He lived among many witnesses for 40 days. We are not saved by believing in the inspiration or inerrancy of the Bible. Ill try to keep down my screams of agony. Phil Newton. Yes, and thank you for taking the time to comment. But they have lost faith in the church. "Can you still be a Christian and not believe the whole Bible except the part of Jesus?" Believe what seems right to you and don't be too fussed if some people don't think you are "really" Christian. You have been saved by Him because you believed that He is God and you trusted in His love for you and His work on your behalf(includingHis resurrection from the grave). Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance. So, anyway, if you believe the good news, your physical cadaver will get up too. to Me dont need to be in a religion to believe in Jesus . This is so helpful! I used to think that among those, there must be one that is right and I used to search for it. even without the bible, historically Jesus really d. What might seem to some like a first-time misdemeanor of shoplifting fruit, was actually an irreversible irredeemable sin. They are all the same and are all equal. The Pain of Betrayal. Thank you for reading this article and for taking the time to write; that is appreciated. He was also not a Unitarian. Paul! Can you be a Christian Witch? Historical and archeological evidence offers proof that Jesus of Nazareth lived in the first century BC. Your kind comment is appreciated. Thus, their entire system of worship would be shown to be a fraud. Since the UK is now no longer a member of the EU, you may be charged an import tax on this item by the customs authorities in your country of residence, which is beyond our control. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions or rulers or powers all things have been created through him and for him. (Colossians 1:1516). There is a disconnect with The Organization they follow. Where was it? imo. <. That was wrong. 10 Things This Christian Doesn't Believe About The Bible - john pavlovitz I was trying to live as Jesus taught when I should have been reciting the Apostles Creed like a cockatiel. The rabbi's main point is that Jews do not believe that Jesus satisfies the prophecies concerning the Messiah. Reasons for Hope* Jesus, Yes, send me answers to interesting and challenging questions about Jesus and the Bible. Thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion. Of course, I usually fall woefully short of the mark. However, their works were a demonstration of their faith. In a time when we have easy access to every word God has given to man, it seems the number of skeptics is growingboth inside and outside the church. It denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Second, you couldnt possibly understand who Christ isthat He is God in human flesh. Jesus, unlike the founders of all the other religions in the world, did not claim to be a person who could point the way to God; he claimed to BE the way, and the only way to God. You cant be a Christian if you dont believe in Jesus. If our online resources haveblessed you,please supportReasons for Hope* Jesus. And its particularly embarrassing to be a [denomination name] minister bound for hell. Ive been such a fool. Regardless of what you believe about reincarnation, one thing is for sure: we all have a limited time on this earth, and we need to make the most of it. OBS respects your privacy and is compliant with the European Union GDPR regulation. In decades past, some people denied that Jesus ever existed. One: God understands your unbelief and He has the solutions for it. I cant find a church to attend. How did the walls of Jericho come tumbling down? However, I crammed a lot into a brief response to you. To these people, truth is more important than tradition. Whats the Crimson Worm? Christians are free to disagree. The church teaches salvation thru Jesus so I enjoy my friends.. But it's so popular it ranked among the top pages viewed: Reasons for Hope* Jesus is donor supported. If someone denies the Scriptures as infallible they deny the authority of the Triune God. Our faith stands on the resurrection of the Lord of Glory. Oh, and we have to LITERALLY believe Jesus corpse got up. The Holy Trinity is something to research and decide for your self, but reading the Scriptures and and Gospels in full and in context will be truth enough for you. Peter Ould writes : The recent BBC commissioned poll on belief in the Resurrection of Jesus has attracted a lot of media attention. The Holy Spirit is not a person or entity, but is Gods great power his invisible, active, penetrating, and vital force. The Spirit testifies along with the water of Jesus baptism, and his atoning blood. Yes, it is correct. Comments on John 1:1 by trinitarian William Barclay: "Jesus does not promise that every family member of a Christian will believe, but he does promise family division. Whoever is in heaven is indeed there because of the saving passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When Greek speaks about God it does not simply say theos; it says ho theos. they wouldn't believe in His miracles either. The earliest-found usage of the term Christian deism in print in English is in 1738 in a book by Thomas Morgan, appearing about . (Please note: A few minor adjustments were made by OBS only to make William Barclays explanation easier to read, and to compact the lengthy comment. Hopefully, someone will remember where you are buried and come dig you up. Jesus died as a ransom for Adam. I believe the trinity is a man made concept not biblical, God is our Heavenly Father, Jesus is his chosen son and to be a Christian one must believe that, John 3:16. The Son of God is Jesus Christ, begotten by the Father. 'If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him . If you believe all the above you will get to be with God in heaven. I believe our Lord and Savior came to earth from God through the power of Gods Holy Spirit. Fellowship with other believers. I am still figuring out what to label myself when it comes down to my beliefs and where I stand with religion. Where Do You Find Significance in Your Life? Can you be a Christian but not a disciple? - Baptist Christian Forums Do I have to believe the Bible is inerrant to be saved? Note: If John 1:1 means In the beginning was Jesus and the Jesus was with God, and the Jesus was God. How can Jesus be God and be with God at the same time? Read his bad news and youll find that this minister needs to come to understand the truth of the Good Newsthe life, death, burial, AND resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it was in the . And we call this story, the good news.. I am a firm believer that Jesus would want everyone to feel loved and accepted by His followers. "Overall, US adults appear to have a superficial attachment to well-known Christian beliefs . Impossible since Jesus is the One who makes being born again possible. I removed the ministers nameand the mention of hisdenominational affiliation because that is not whats important here. Most people read over it and dont understand what it all means. Help Grace to You bring important resources like this to people in your community and beyond, free of charge. byJ.C. Ryle,1816-1900, The Road from Knowing About God to Knowing God is Paved in Suffering, Each New Morn, New Widows Howl, New Orphans Cry, New Sorrows Strike Heaven Upon the Face, Glorify the Lord in the Fires of Affliction, by James Smith (1802-1862). If you ask me to explain my situation, the more I talk, the higher my voice will go, and the more it will choke and crack. Some dont believe the creation or the flood records. Erosions of biblical truth grew like a cancer, slow but sure. Ive been a Born Again Christian for 44 years now. This did not mean that Jesus was a co-creator with his Father, but only a servant of God, who carried out the Almightys will. You never know when or where a seed has been planted. All will become clear, one day . While it can be said that the Holy Spirit reflects personality (that of God and all who display his attributes), it is obvious, from scriptural research, that the Holy Spirit is not a person. And the Holy Spirit? He is Gods Son, impregnated in Mary by Gods Holy Spirit. Even when He was not ready to go down the road of Calvary, he received strength through the Holy Spirit. However, if you accept that telling people that people must believe in you in order to have access to G-D then that in Judaism is an unacceptable teaching. I hold nothing against people who do, or do not believe. The Incarnation of Christ is an essential component of the biblical gospel, as John 1:1-14 and many other biblical passages make clear. The doctrine itself was first introduced by Tertullian at the end of the 2nd century. When people say that girls are emotional and cry a lot, I think that was true, much to my surprise, of myself this year. Can a non-Christian believe in Jesus Christ? : r/Christianity Surely, it would be my Fathers will for me to know this. That's not saving faith, even though it involves a measure of belief. It declares that three days after Jesus died. I still cant get over the fact that they (some of them) cant believe that Jesus at least existed. This is the same as the so called Christian Religions. Its hard to understand how someone who reads the Bible and teaches about how Jesus lived, clearly does not understand the gospel of saving grace. Jesus proceeded from deity as Gods son. They are not honoring the Father, because they do not honor the Son. Also, see Proverbs 8:22-30; 1 Corinthians 8:6. Just click the proper button at the end of each article. So, would that apply also to spiritual things? Can a Jew believe in Jesus? - Questions & Answers - Chabad Yes some of the innocuous stories were. This article is also available and sold as a booklet. Christians can believe in reincarnation if they choose to do so. I found that I liked their bible studies and most of their teachings with one glaring exception. Social sharing is permitted. We should live in the light of Jesus and share His love with others. It is something to think about. Like you, I let people know what I believe, but Im not going to enter into a debate or argument. Over my life, I have found that none of them are 100% right. It doesnt say anything about scripture being perfect, or inerrant, or infallible, or all-sufficient. Romans 10:9-10 if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. I've heard it many times. Ive been debating the Pentecostal nonsense about the supposed mystical Rapture for decades Theres just to much to add So Ill move on. Please pray for this man. I do feel better knowing some others feel the same as me. By that definition, I am a Christian, but sometimes, I really refuse to claim that label. What significance do colors have in the Bible? (Our minds are the souls interface between our spirit and our life on earth). Theres also exhaustive evidence that He was crucified on a Roman cross. That God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God bless us all. I believe this interpectoral Doctrine comes from the early Priests (1000s years ago ) not wanting to loose credibility over a doctrine that is difficult to explain and defend. I am in a somehow complicated situation and would really appreciate advice To share, I am currently following Islam but my partner has difficulties to accept and follow that particular belief and hence she proposed why not look into christianity together. Keep Easter Alive in Your Heart: He Came Back, Subscribe & receive the Hidden Names of God in Psalm 23, What is the Significance of the Wise Men's, How Did the Wise Men Know This Was the Messiah and. Maybe not the Messiah, but just a simple son of a carpenter. But it's so popular it ranked among the top pages viewed: 2022 All Rights Reserved. Can you still be a Christian and not believe the whole Bible except the The Bible is the History of the Christian Religion and also whom God is through His Son, Jesus Christ, for if You know the Son, you will know the nature of His Father, God. You can also send a message to your friends about an article just by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, or other Social Site buttons. When Jesus was conceived God begat a Son, a human being, the very first born human son of God in all creation. . I appreciate your comment and glad it gives you something to think about. I agree I believe you are correct that it is not about the Trinity. I often times settled the debate by reminding them that, it doesnt matter that you think if I dont believe the trinity I wont be saved Because, I believe in Jesus Christ, He saved me, I am Saved! Believe in God but not the Bible? - College Confidential Forums But he was not the one who manually constructed them; he designed and others built by his plans. Our mission is to glorify God by equipping, encouraging, and empoweringYOU to understand the Bibleandgrow in faith. I was raised not believing in trinitybut for a while was confused now after studying the Holy Spirit in bible its plain to me the trinity is man made.. My church teaches the trinity, I have spoke out that I dont believe in trinity but will not quarrel over such. Only Christians in Heaven? | Franciscan Media The Trinity is definitely not biblical truth and is completely a man-made concept. The reader must understand that this study is not meant to start a new debate, but is only presented to lend credible evidence, that can be used to discern a logical answer. Many things they are required to follow are not Bible requirements. Can You be a Christian without Going to Church? Because of Him, I start to find the truth and it reveals everything. Surely, Lets think quantum physics. In a similar, but very modern thought, Frank Lloyd Wright,7 the famous American architect, is credited with construction of more than 500 homes and commercial buildings, most of which still stand today. Is by the Father, the Son of God, however how did the walls Jericho... Or the flood records, see Proverbs 8:22-30 ; 1 Corinthians 8:6 in your community and beyond, of... Scriptures as infallible they deny the authority of the 2nd century Lord can you be christian and not believe in jesus Glory into a or! 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