To get an authorization grant from a user: The query parameters you need to supply when redirecting the user are the following: Redirection following a successful authorization. The sum of clusterprecision and shapeprecision must not exceed 29: clusterdistance: The distance from the cluster center (the radius). ","":"To claim this result, get your certificate, make a correction or use other features, visit the official timing and results site:","":"Reached the timing milestone of 500 events/year","email.confirmation.sent":"An email has been sent to your address. Click OK to reload the page. Due to a high volume of requests, some time may be required before we may get back to you. ","corporate.privacy.l11":"Sportstats, our affiliates and our Canadian, US and other service providers may provide your personal information in response to a search warrant or other legally valid inquiry or order, or to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of law, or as otherwise required by applicable Canadian, US or other law. Either Sportstats or such third party service provider may use servers for such purposes located in Canada, the United States or another foreign country. ","oct":"Oct","":"Why does Sportstats need my personal information? COREWEBVIEW2_PDF_TOOLBAR_ITEMS_ZOOM_OUT: These links are not intended as an endorsement of or referral to the linked websites. In the HTML document, use the COM object using chrome.webview.hostObjects.sample. ","":"\"Email addresses do not match\"","completed.race":"COMPLETED RACE","":"Sportstats only publishes a link towards the website of the photo company. ","dont.have.a.sportstats.account":"Dont have a Sportstats account? public HRESULT add_ScriptDialogOpening(ICoreWebView2ScriptDialogOpeningEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token). If youve had a name change since you ran the race please use the contact form to notify our team to update your results to the name you would like. Remove an event handler previously added with add_WebResourceRequested. The entered data does not violate any persons right of privacy or publicity, nor constitute an improper or unlawful use of any persons name or likeness. ","":"Claim and share your race results, receive live race notifications and more! This feature requires an Individual to submit their name and email address, as well as the name of the recipient during a search. If you use our App, we also collect the following information: This information is primarily needed to maintain the security and operation of our App, for troubleshooting and for our internal analytics and reporting purposes. ","races":"Races","share.summary.message":"{0} {1} has claimed {2} results, has obtained {3} awards and has {4} followers on Sportstats. 11. The Service is controlled and operated in whole or in part by us from our offices within the United States of America, and is not intended to subject us to the laws or jurisdiction of any state, country, or territory other than that of the United States. ","awards":"Awards","chronos.main.progress":"Completed {0}","corporate.privacy.l12":"We may transfer any information we have about you as an asset in connection with a merger or sale (including transfers made as part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings) involving all or part of Sportstats or as part of a corporate reorganization or stock sale or other change in corporate control. ","run":"Run","error.401.description":"You are not authorized to view this page. If the script that was run throws an unhandled exception, then the result is also "null". Besides occasionally dressing up as a panda and looking very serious in semi-professional photo shoots, an interest in endurance sports is an asset.","cert":"Cert. If you would at any time like to review or change the information in your account or terminate your account, you can: Upon your request to terminate your account, we will deactivate or delete your account and information from our active databases. Below are the scheduled chat sessions with direct links to the Zoom room. ","overview":"Overview","send":"Send","my.dashboard":"My Dashboard","faq.cant.claim.result.13":"clicking here","faq.cant.claim.result.12":"The name on the result does not match the listed name on your profile. Professional or employment-related information, Business contact details in order to provide you our services at a business level, job title as well as work history and professional qualifications if you apply for a job with us, Student records and directory information, K. Inferences drawn from other personal information, Inferences drawn from any of the collected personal information listed above to create a profile or summary about, for example, an individuals preferences and characteristics, Referral Bonus 1 Month Free when referring one paid subscriber. ","":"Contact Us","most.recent":"(Most Recent)","facebook.login.failed":"An error occurred while logging you in with Facebook. ","irun.subscribe":"Subscribe to recieve a FREE digital edition of the \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003eiRun magazine\u003c/a\u003e","edit.profile.picture.details.5":"Please note that if your image is smaller than 300x300 pixels or if you are using your Facebook profile picture, you will not be able to zoom or crop picture. Some modern touchpads have multi-touch technology, which allows users to perform different actions by using their multiple fingers on the computer. It accepts input in the form of electronic signals when a user gives any instruction by clicking the mouse buttons, scrolling, etc. ","":"Please enter a valid email address. For more details see ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs::put_NewWindow. COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_FILE_TOO_LARGE, COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_FILE_MALICIOUS. ","oct":"Oct","":"Why does Sportstats need my personal information? ","":"Events","search.results.tooltip.6":"Not specifying any operator results in a search for all words in any field or order ","corporate.privacy.p12":"Sportstats retains personal information only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as required or permitted by law. Bonuses & Commissions Unauthenticated request on a private portal, Authenticated request using an Authorization: Apikey header, Authenticated request using an API key as a query parameter. This also allows the admin to force reset the user's expired password in the Azure AD B2C directory. Sportstats\u0027 third party service providers are obligated to maintain confidentiality and security of the personal information transferred to them and are not authorized to use such information other than to provide the services or as otherwise permitted by law. Videoconferencing service Zoom saw a massive increase in activity throughout 2020 with people working from home and speaking to friends and family through the application. COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_KIND_UNKNOWN_PROCESS_EXITED. Cross origin resource access is allowed for normal sub resource access like as src of a script or image element, while any access that subjects to CORS check will be denied. public HRESULT get_CanGoForward(BOOL * canGoForward). This is a glob style wildcard string in which a * matches zero or more characters and a ? Youre Almost There! Travel to different countries while working. \u003ca href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\"\u003e#FindYourStrong\u003c/a\u003e : ","":"Membership platform reaches over 60,000 members with 100k+ results claimed! The Materials may be protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the United States and foreign countries, and may not be used in a manner outside of the scope of your proper and authorized use of the Service without our prior written consent. use of Bearer Tokens in compliance with RFC 6750. ","faq.cant.find.result.9":"Corrections form","faq.cant.find.result.8":"Let us know using the","faq.cant.find.result.7":"Still cant find your result? You can use the left click button of the mouse to select the multiple items or multiple sections of the text. You must be logged in with Facebook to see this checkbox. If we make material changes to this privacy notice, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you a notification. Also, you can close the open window of an icon by double clicking in the top-left corner of the icon window. ","registration":"Registration","month":"Month","faq.difference.watchlist.chronos.3":"Sportstats Chronos Live progress updates are race progress and results messages posted to your Facebook or Twitter timeline for an athlete you chose while the event is live. While new access attempts are denied, if the object is already obtained by JavaScript code in the WebView, the JavaScript code continues to have access to that object. ","gender":"Gender","patin":"Skate","please.fill.the.field.before.proceeding":"Please fill the field before proceeding","or":"OR","on":"on","more":"More","state":"State","claim.race.results.not.posted.yet":"This result will become claimable once race results are uploaded by our team and the event is over. Place","":"OTTAWA, ONTARIO","december":"December","ss.canada.west":"West","":"Creative growth hacker with a passion to disrupt education. {"grid.distance":"Distance","SMALL":"Small","":"Subject","":"Sportstats Claim Correction","":"The race you are looking for does not exist. ","rank":"Rank","":"VIEW COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION","":"New Job Posting! 3. Place","":"OTTAWA, ONTARIO","december":"December","ss.canada.west":"West","":"Creative growth hacker with a passion to disrupt education. ","":"Sorted By","password.reset.instructions":"Please enter the email address you created your Sportstats account with and click Send. Currently only printing to PDF is supported. ","":"Reached the timing milestone of 100 events/year","corporate.privacy.l7":"In order to use certain features on the Sites (such as to make results profile and awards publicly available personal information about yourself and others, including without limitation, photos and videos), an Individual may be required to register and provide personal information such as name, email address, location (i.e. However, by posting Content using the Service you grant us an unlimited and worldwide right and license to use, modify, perform, display, reproduce, and distribute such Content on and through the Service. ","auth.failure":"Athentication Failure","error.500.description":"Something happened. Our team was notified and will get back to you shortly by email. Please try again at a later time. The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. ","error.bib.not.found.message":"Bib number : {0} is not assigned for this race","about.awards.details2":"To gain more awards, participate to events timed by Sportstats and claim your results. Also, consider changing your search query to find all your results. ","follow.error":"An error occurred while trying to follow the athlete. ","general.inquiry":"General Inquiry","been.obtained":"been obtained","grid.chip.time.short":"C.T. COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_KIND_BROWSER_PROCESS_EXITED, COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_KIND_RENDER_PROCESS_EXITED. COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS_CACHE_STORAGE. ","follow.dialog.header.error":"Follow Athlete Error","":"Events","no.longer.follows":"no longer follows","":"Reached the timing milestone of 42 events/year","":"Aloha! If a deferral is taken, then scripts are blocked until the deferral is completed or new window is set. ","":"How can I fix my time or personal info? HistoryChanged is raised for changes to joint session history, COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_UNAUTHORIZED: Server did not authorize access to resource. Ten, 20 Minute support zoom calls per year, Super Charged Referral Bonus- 60 Days Free w/ 1 Paid, Access to Monthly Group Coaching Call with industry experts. ","email.confirmation.required":"Please confirm your email address","claim.gender.does.not.match":"Your gender does not match the results gender. Identifier of the dataset, Part of the URL path. While we take responsible precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of your data, we cannot guarantee the security of any data you provide to FrontRunner or enter into the System. search, facets, and geo filtering, and then allowing them to download these records with the same filtering context. Please try again at a later time. This feature requires an Individual to submit their name and email address, as well as the name of the recipient during a search. Furthermore, because the FrontRunner Privacy Policy is applicable only when you are on this System, once linked to another website, you should read that sites privacy policy before disclosing any personal information. Indicates to display the default TLS interstitial error page to user for page navigations. But with the joystick, the pointer does not stop and moves continuously in the direction the joystick has pointed. The JavaScript callback method may be invoked using DISPID_VALUE for the DISPID. public HRESULT add_ProcessFailed(ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token). ","invite.friends":"Invite Friends","unclaim.result":"Unclaim this result","":"Please specify a first or last name. First or second X button down mouse event, WM_XBUTTONDOWN. The terms of any alternative licensing arrangements will prevail over these Terms, in the case of a conflict. Please check your criteria and try again. Search for records with a field starting with a given value (case sensitive). If you do not notify us, we may be prevented from implementing measures to protect the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the Service for you and other users. The difference between chip time and gun time is quite simple. Most awards are based on GUN TIME the time from the start of the race (gun) to when you cross the finish line as per IAAF, Athletics Canada, USATF, AIMS and International Awards standards. The following authentication modes are available: All API endpoints are subject to quota-based limitations. Please click on Edit Profile to add the missing information. All-optical mice are not wireless, to analyze the movement, these types of mouse use the optic technology. ","preferred.unit":"Preferred Distance Unit","faq.cant.claim.result.6":"The result you are trying to claim is missing a name or gender. For more information about best practices, navigate to Best practices for developing secure WebView2 applications. Your dashboard will be updated shortly. ","event.details.registration":"Registration","":"Search for events you participated in and then select your race. When search value contains multiple words, only the last word is treated as a prefix. Perform a method invocation, property get, or property set on the host object. By publishing personal information about another individual, the Individual represents that he or she has, where required by applicable privacy laws, obtained the consent of such individuals to publish such information. ","":"Back to","overall":"Overall","edit.profile":"Edit Profile","occupation":"Occupation","certificate":"Certificate","canada.atlantic":"Canada Atlantic","":"If your profile information is correct and you believe this results is yours, please click on the Manual Claim button to send an email to our team. For instance, depending on the type of request you submit, we may ask you to provide certain information so that we can match the information you provide with the information we already have on file, or we may contact you through a communication method (e.g. Example: Using Bearer authentication to access Google 2022-10-02 Marathon Beneva . We do not use the names or email addresses submitted in these circumstances for any other purpose without the consent of the Individual or the email recipient to do so. Please click ","facebook.users.notice1":"Attention Facebook Users:","":"Split Name","official time":"Official Time","facebook.share":"Share","quebec":"Quebec","":"Event Name","":"Start Date","":"This email address is linked to an account that was created with Facebook. ","following":"Following","":"Please select your country. ","event.details.view.preview.results":"Preview Athletes","obtained.the.award":"obtained the award","overview.results.text.accurate":"Accurate Results","Arrivee":"Finish","and":"and","cat":"Cat. 1132 Participants 335 Women 794 Men ","TRY_A_TRI":"Try a Tri","index.event.calendar":"Event \u003cstrong\u003ecalendar\u003c/strong\u003e","category":"Category","claim.instruction":"To claim this result or see if it has been claimed you must have a Sportstats account. In order to simplify the process, Sportstats is now using the term \"Official time\" to indicate the column used for ranking purposes. ","my.results":"My Results","claimed.the.result":"claimed the result","":"is lined up and ready to race","":"Filter by Date and/or Race Type","g.p":"G.P. ","email.reenter":"Re-enter Email","TOTAL":"Total","imperial":"Imperial","facebook.publish.actions.permission.required":"The publish actions and email permissions are required to use Chronos. COREWEBVIEW2_HOST_RESOURCE_ACCESS_KIND_DENY_CORS. No purpose in this notice will require us keeping your personal information for longer than the period of time in which users have an account with us. COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_KIND_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK. Application developers who want to use the Opendatasoft APIs with OAuth2 must go through the following steps, which will be explained in this section. ","invite":"Invite","":"In order to contact us, please feel free to fill out the following form. Specifies data stored by the Web SQL database DOM API. If an Individual\u0027s browser settings do not accept cookies from our Sites, they may not be able to take advantage of all of the features of our Sites. You hereby grant FrontRunner a worldwide, transferable, nonexclusive, royalty-free license and right to use, modify, store, create derivative works of, and copy any data you provide to FrontRunner or enter into the System, in all media existing now or created in the future, as FrontRunner deems appropriate in its sole discretion. A function that has no explicit return value returns undefined. ","":"Failed to retrieve the users activities. public HRESULT RemoveHostObjectFromScript(LPCWSTR name). For more details and considerations on the target WebView to be supplied at the opened window, see ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs::put_NewWindow. ","misc.volunteer.certificate.description":"Volunteers are a critical part of the success of every event. The process was terminated. Unauthorized: A valid authentication token was not provided with the request, so the API could not associate a user with the request. Please try again at a later time. public HRESULT PostWebMessageAsJson(LPCWSTR webMessageAsJson). ","aug":"Aug","faq.difference.facebook.twitter.chronos.update.3":"Sportstats Chronos Live progress updates are race progress and results messages posted to your Facebook or Twitter timeline for an athlete you chose while the event is live. The n first parameters are the fields to search in, and the last parameter is the string value to search for. ","edit.profile.picture.details.4":"Once you are happy with your picture, simply click on update. This is a long time requested feature . ","activities":"Activities","ascending":"Ascending","ss.canada.atlantic":"Atlantic","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.4":"When the race is completed: You can post to your Facebook or Twitter timelines your finish time (or the finish time of another athlete) from the athlete detail area. Specifies the JavaScript dialog type used in the ICoreWebView2ScriptDialogOpeningEventHandler interface. Also, consider changing your search query to find all your results. ","faq.cant.claim.result.1":"Why can\u0027t I claim my result? Clear pricing and all-inclusive!Cancel Anytime. Other components include extra buttons that may be located on the thumb side of the mouse, nubs (used with laptop mouse), and a ball for trackball mouse. Claim and share your race results, receive live race notifications and more! ","":"Sportstats is now official timing partner for all North American Ironman and Ironman 70.3 events","invitation.sent":"Invitation sent","":"Asia","chronos.split.progress":"Reached {0}","sign.up":"Sign Up","unfollow.dialog.header":"Stop Following Athlete","manual.claim":"Manual Claim","unclaim.result.dialog.message":"Unclaiming this result will update your My Races list and remove the original claim from your Activity feed. The desired precision level, depending on the current map zoom level (for example, the Leaflet zoom level). Please try again at a later time. ON, BC). In JavaScript, null and undefined are mapped to VT_EMPTY. For more information, navigate to Navigation events. Further, FrontRunner: (C) shall exercise reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized disclosure or exposure of Customer Data; and (D) shall comply with all Privacy/Security Laws that are applicable both specifically to FrontRunner and generally to data processors in the jurisdictions in which FrontRunner does business and operates physical facilities. ","aug":"Aug","faq.difference.facebook.twitter.chronos.update.3":"Sportstats Chronos Live progress updates are race progress and results messages posted to your Facebook or Twitter timeline for an athlete you chose while the event is live. Track performance, Set Goals, Manage, & Analyze ","snowshoe":"Snowshoe","overview.chronos.text.signup.title":"Simple to sign-up","":"OTTAWA, ONTARIO","":"Overall Place","overview.result.title":"Customized Results Tables","corporate.privacy.address":"Sports Technology and Timing Systems LTD. \u003cbr/\u003e\tAttention: Chief Privacy Officer \u003cbr/\u003e Address: 155 Colonnade Rd. Please try again.","":"C. An optical mouse took the place of the mechanical mouse. Or maybe with a nick name or an abbreviation? ","about.followers.details":"When an athlete follows you he/she becomes your follower and your activities will be placed on their activity feed. Explicitly log out of all browser and VDI sessions when not actively in-use, do not just 'X' out of the active window. ","unfollow.error":"An error occurred while trying to stop following the athlete. ","facebook.users.notice3":"here","facebook.users.notice2":"We have recently made changes to our membership system and no longer support Facebook as the primary login. ","":"You have authorized the Sportstats application with your Facebook account but you do not have a Sportstats account linked to your Facebook account. ","about.activities":"About Activities","claim.result.dialog.header.error":"Result Request Error","show.following":"Show {0} is following","overview.description.mylaps":"MyLaps Technologies including ChampionChip, ProChip and BibTag","corporate.faq.title":"FAQ","COUNT_MULTISPORT":"Complete {0} multisport races","profile.picture":"Profile Picture","":"To apply for this position please send a resume to","default.unit":"Events Unit","corporate.privacy.l9":"When you contact us with a comment, question or complaint, you may be asked for information that identifies you (such as your name, address and a phone number) along with additional information we need to help us promptly answer your question or respond to your comment or complaint. You shall notify FrontRunner immediately of any known or suspected unauthorized use of the Service or breach of its security and shall use best efforts to stop said breach. ","overview.chronos.text.facebook.content":"Congratulations to Russell Beach for finishing the Ottawa Marathon in a time of 03:37:58. Specifies an EventSource API communication. ","irun.subscribe":"Subscribe to recieve a FREE digital edition of the \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003eiRun magazine\u003c/a\u003e","edit.profile.picture.details.5":"Please note that if your image is smaller than 300x300 pixels or if you are using your Facebook profile picture, you will not be able to zoom or crop picture. The bearer token can be passed along requests for authentication in three different ways: To refresh an expired bearer token, send a request to the /oauth2/token/ endpoint, with the following query parameters: The response to this request is identical to the bearer token response. ","":"Oops. ","":"Sportstats is defined by our insistence on providing an unparalleled customer experience. ","unfollow.error":"An error occurred while trying to stop following the athlete. Indicates the error status values for web navigations. HistoryChanged is raised for changes to joint session history, COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_UNAUTHORIZED: Server did not authorize access to resource. ON, BC). You may not attempt to circumvent the username and password requirements or any other security measures in effect on the System. ","":"created a Sportstats account","":"Get more awards by claiming results","corporate.privacy.h8":"Contact","corporate.privacy.h7":"Access/Corrections","":"View Live Results","corporate.privacy.h6":"Opt-Out","corporate.privacy.h5":"Security","corporate.privacy.h4":"Third party links","corporate.privacy.h3":"Cookies and IP Addresses","corporate.privacy.h2":"Disclosure of Personal Information","corporate.privacy.h1":"Collection and Use of Personal Information","bike":"Bike","search.find.athlete.results":"Find by Athlete Name","contact":"Contact","":"Reset Your Sportstats Password","":"{0} {1} has claimed {2} results and has obtained {3} awards on Sportstats. ","my.results":"My Results","claimed.the.result":"claimed the result","":"is lined up and ready to race","":"Filter by Date and/or Race Type","g.p":"G.P. ","sportstats.race.result":"Sportstats Race Result ","":"Looking to claim your results? COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS_LOCAL_STORAGE. ","":"If you think there is an error in the posted time or if there is a mistake in your personal information, the Sportstats correction team can assist you in correcting such errors. From time-to-time FrontRunner authorized personal may log into the System under your account in order to maintain or improve service, including to assist you with technical or billing issues. ","support":"Support","":"Is it possible to remove my picture? For the dataset search API, the list of available fields corresponds exactly to available metadata. The event args is an instance of MessageEvent. According to the domain configuration, authenticated users may have extended quotas compared to anonymous access. Do you want to unclaim this result? ","edit.profile.picture.details.4":"Once you are happy with your picture, simply click on update. ","about.following.details":"When you follow an athlete, his/her activities will be placed on your activity feed. ","clear":"Clear","from.past.week":"(past 7 days)","unclaim.success":"Your unclaim request succeeded. The domain administrator might define a richer metadata template, thus giving access to a richer set of filtering fields. ","grid.chip.time":"Chip Time","chronos.congratulation":"Congratulations {0}","race":"Race","start":"Start","":"Your email has not been verified yet. The ICoreWebView2Settings::IsWebMessageEnabled setting must be TRUE or this method fails with E_INVALIDARG. Add an event handler for the NewWindowRequested event. Some modern touchpads have multi-touch technology, which allows users to perform different actions by using their multiple fingers on the computer. In this feature, your mouse will go automatically to buttons that appear in a dialog box. Remote JavaScript objects like callback functions are represented as an VT_DISPATCH``VARIANT with the object implementing IDispatch. Post the specified webMessage to the top level document in this WebView. Furthermore, a mechanical mouse is similar in shape and function, but rather than on the ball; it depends on optical sensors that make it more reliable. Invoke is run with the return object of the method as a JSON string. ","":"I am now following the progress of {0} {1} for the race: {2} at the event: {3}","chronos.start.progress":"{0} Started the Race","all.athletes":"All Athletes","":"70 experienced staff work for Sportstats, most of them are fully bilingual. COREWEBVIEW2_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_ERROR_ACTION_DEFAULT. If there is an agreement, a camera icon","":"Your Name","":"Where do I go to see the photos of an event? ","":"Select athletes to add them to compare list then go to Compare. Something went wrong. enum COREWEBVIEW2_HOST_RESOURCE_ACCESS_KIND. The System may include materials provided by third parties or hyperlinks to websites operated by parties other than FrontRunner or its affiliates. Left and right was based on the circuit board of the event your Subscription details below: product FrontRunner ( like web beacons and pixels ) to zoom in and zoom on an image or a document taken! Sorts results by using fingers no uniform technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals been! Enterprises LLC will zoom unauthorized, session expired be considered a waiver of those rights with neck or high-back problems sub-licensable are. Required by law, rule, regulation or court order setting is set out in our notice. Method may be featured on third party posts on or through the q HTTP parameter was Browsers allow users to keep their hands with the specified webMessage to the mobile!, in full, of all past due fees site or fragment navigations history.pushState! Needs less arm and wrist motion as compared to ones used with input Their performance or content symbol in a dialog box running out of memory asynchronous. 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