Both sides hope to persuade foreign readers to support their own point of view through these publications. Historically, the term was used for venerated spiritual masters[4][5] or heads of monasteries. According to Buddhist professor and Nyingma teacher John Markansky: [S]ome Tibetan monks who now introduce Westerners to practices centred on a native Tibetan deity, without informing them that one of its primary functions has been to assert hegemony over rival sects! After the fall of the Qing dynasty and before 1950, the region which roughly corresponds to the modern-day Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) was a de facto independent state although unrecognized by other states. A few days went by, and a messenger brought Phabongkas response to the Potala, with a gold coin and a white kata. "[note 1], The Heart Sutra is "the single most commonly recited, copied and studied scripture in East Asian Buddhism. In a 1946 "Final Interrogation Report by American Intelligence", Schfer claims to have met "the pro-German regent of Shigatse" (the 9th Panchen Lama had died in 1937 and the 10th was not to arrive before 1951). Notable Japanese commentaries include those by Kkai (9th Century, Japan), who treats the text as a tantra,[32][33] and Hakuin, who gives a Zen commentary. Summary of the sutra. The Gelugpa school has three great monasteries, namely Sera, Ganden, and Drepung. [web 37] The allegations have been challenged as they were not substantiated by concrete evidence. They are as follows: e.g. [15], Scholar Donald S. Lopez Jr. explains, "The Dalai Lamas renunciation of Shugden in 1976 caused great discord within the Geluk community, where devotion to the deity remained strong among the Geluk hierarchy and among large factions of the refugee lay community; spirited defenses of his worship were written and published. [9][clarification needed], The Panchen Lama reportedly supported China's claim of sovereignty over Tibet, and supported China's reform policies for Tibet. The Tibetan Army was established in 1913 by the 13th Dalai Lama, who had fled Tibet during the 1904 British expedition to Tibet and returned only after the fall of the Qing power in Tibet in 1911. [citation needed] The lack of agreement of the various sides as to terminology highlights that the "serfdom in Tibet" controversy is a politicised debate, with the term "feudal serfdom" largely being used by the People's Republic of China as a justification for their taking control of Tibet. It was an intra-CCP struggle to eliminate political opposition to Mao. [53] He concludes that "serf" is a misleading term for the Tibetan mi ser. Chinese government officials repeatedly warn "that he must reincarnate, and on their terms. In protest of repressive government policies, at least 156 Tibetans have self-immolated since February 2009. There were several types of serf sub-status, of which one of the most important was the "human lease", which enabled a serf to acquire a degree of personal freedom. As the only provincial level "poverty-stricken areas which lie in vast, contiguous stretches" in the People's Republic of China, the Tibet Autonomous Region developed a lot of anti-poverty programs, and the impoverished population has been shrinking substantially. It might be China or some other anti-Tibetan elements. Goldstein argued that Tibetan society fulfilled all these requirements, and argued in detail against the specific diverging opinions of fellow scholars Miller, Micheal, Dargyay and Aziz. Several reasons for the 14th Dalai Lama's stance have been given. The tradition also speaks of three main protectors adapted to the three scopes of practice described in the Stages of the Path (skyes bu gsum gyi srung ma): Mahakala for the person of great scope, Vaibravala for the person of middling scope, and the Dharma-king for the person of small scope. "[17] This involves the promotion and practices of the Nyingma school. Tibet came under the control of People's Republic of China (PRC) after the Government of Tibet signed the Seventeen Point Agreement which the 14th Dalai Lama ratified on 24 October 1951, but later repudiated on the grounds that he rendered his approval for the agreement while under duress. ", "Dalai Lama wraps up teachings in France", "Avalokiteshvara Empowerment and Public Talk", "The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy", "Charting the Shugden Interdiction in the Western Himalaya", "Himalayan Buddhist Art 101: Controversial Art, Part 1 Dorje Shugden", "Schisms, murder, and hungry ghosts in Shangra-La. [19] The Chinese government points to improvements in health and the economy as justifications for their assertion of power in what it calls a historically-Chinese region. The traditional Tibetan society, however, was not nearly as bad as China would have us believe. In 1980, in order to help Tibet out of poverty, the 1st Tibet Work Forum (moderated by Hu Yaobang, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party), decided to give the Tibet Autonomous Region financial support, in order to build a "united, prosperous, civilized new Tibet". Thus the bodhisattva, as the archetypal Mahayana Buddhist, relies on the perfection of wisdom, defined in the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra to be the wisdom that perceives reality directly without conceptual attachment thereby achieving nirvana. It is dated to c. 7th8th century CE by the Tokyo National Museum where it is currently kept. [79], In 2008, Robert Barnett, director of the Program for Tibetan Studies at Columbia University, said that it was time for accusations of cultural genocide to be dropped: "I think we have to get over any suggestion that the Chinese are ill-intentioned or trying to wipe out Tibet. "[21] Some scholars reject NKT/WSS claims that the 14th Dalai Lama has suppressed religious freedom, indicating that the situation is actually the opposite. Mller, Max (1881). "[40] According to Kay, Kelsang Gyatso downplays the oracle of Shugden, since it conflicts with his notion of Shugden being a Buddha: [T]he oracle may have been marginalised by Geshe Kelsang because his presence raised a doctrinal ambiguity for the NKT. [15] Concentrating as it does on questions of national sovereignty, the official position of the Tibetan Government in Exile is more moderate in tone than that of some of its more extreme supporters who conflate the rule of the lamas with Tibetan Buddhist ideals, seeking to promote a Buddhist dogma that competes with the Marxist dogma of "feudal serfdom" by portraying Tibet under the lamas as, in Robert Thurman's words: "a mandala of the peaceful, perfected universe". Emptiness is Form", and declares the other skandhas to be equally emptythat is, dependently originated. Tsepon Lungshar, an official educated in England, introduced reform in the 1920s; after losing a political struggle the reformist was sentenced to be blinded by having his eyeballs pulled out. These areas now respectively belong to Qinghai Province, Gansu Province, Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province of China. The Shukden Affair and Buddhist Modernism",, "Statement by the CTA on Shugden/Dholgyal followers from Tibet", "Rift among Tibetans riddles security agencies' task". [42] The debate was initiated by Goldstein in the XI edition of the Tibet Journal, in which he defended his description of the features of Tibetan society as being very comparable to European serfdom. .Despite the formal denials of the cults practitioners, the common strategy of the Chinese authorities by now was obvious. Gerhard Herzog: The Heart Sutra The Diamond Sutra. Its northeastern extension Qilian Shan is another main northern range of the Kunlun. [7][8] In addition, the Dalai Lama regime was shaky, and the Kuomintang used this to their advantage to expand into the Lhasa regime of the Dalai Lama. rsiha). Authorities also intensified a crackdown on possessing or displaying photos of the Dalai Lama, continued to monitor religious festivals, and, in some areas, banned students from attending festivals during their school holidays. Also in 2008, a section of Ganden Shartse at Mundgod similarly separated itself from Ganden and is now known as "Shar Ganden Monastery". [21] Another seminal promoter of the term is historian[22] A. Tom Grunfeld, who based his writings on the work of British explorers of the region, in particular Sir Charles Bell. Altyn-Tagh or Altun Range is one of the chief northern ranges of the Kunlun. Tibet claimed three provinces (Amdo, Kham and -Tsang), but only controlled western Kham and -Tsang. Goldstein, Melvyn C., Tsering, Tashi, and Siebenschuh, William. In Volume 1, 71 of The World as Will and Representation, Schopenhauer wrote: "to those in whom the will [to continue living] has turned and has denied itself, this very real world of ours, with all its suns and Milky Ways, is nothing. Supporters of this theory cite remarks the Panchen Lama made on 23 January to high-ranking officials and that were published in the People's Daily and the China Daily. "[web 41], According to propaganda observers, the de-facto ban issued by the 14th Dalai Lama has generated considerable social tension and division in the diaspora, as well as in Tibetan society within China, leading the Chinese government to consider the Dorje Shugden controversy an important front for undermining what it says are efforts promoted by the 14th Dalai Lama aimed at destabilizing China. [web 18]. [The Dorje Shugden] ban was formalised and made official with the passing of three resolutions in the Tibetan Parliament which stated clearly the Tibetan leaderships reasons for discouraging and banning the practiceDorje Shugden practitioners continue to be abused, belittled, ostracised and violently discriminated against. T. G. Arya, Central Tibetan Administration, MacFarquhar, Roderick & Michael Schoenhals (2006). [4] Furthermore, the areas of Qinghai with large Tibetan populations were not continuously ruled by Lhasa, including in the period leading up to the establishment of the PRC (in the late 1930s and 1940s) when the Kuomintang Muslim warlord Ma Bufang ruled Qinghai within the Republic of China (ROC).[5]. Another was from Tibet. "[web 1] According to Dodin, "The demonstrators are almost exclusively western monks and nuns, ordained in the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) according to the groups own ritual. So although we say the "Dorje Shugden problem" in reality this is a human problem, not a Dorje Shugden problem. "[40] He quotes Kelsang Gyatso on Dorje Shugden's appearance: "Some people believe that Dorje Shugdan is an emanation of Manjushri who shows the aspect of a worldly being, but this is incorrect. "[80] Barnett voiced his doubts in a review in the New York Review of Books: "Why, if Tibetan culture within Tibet is being 'fast erased from existence', [do] so many Tibetans within Tibet still appear to have a more vigorous cultural life, with over a hundred literary magazines in Tibetan, than their exile counterparts?"[81]. "[60], Because Tibetan Buddhism prohibits killing, mutilation and other extremely cruel punishments were widely used instead in old Tibet. [web 1], Also the Central Tibetan Administration in India has stated that "In order to undermine the peace and harmony within the Tibetan people, China provides political and financial support to Shugden worshippers in Tibet, India and Nepal in particular, and in general, across the globe. ", David Kay: "Ling Rinpoche, who was from Drepung monastery, was not a devotee of Dorje Shugden, and at the time of the dispute he naturally sided with the Dalai Lama. Whipping could also have fatal consequences, as in the case of the trader Gyebo Sherpa subjected to the severe corca whipping for selling cigarettes. If it were not so harmful to persons and traditions, this would surely be one of the funniest examples of the cross-cultural confusion that lack of critical reflection continues to create.[36]. [3] Still in Lhasa, the Dalai Lama recognized the Panchen Lama Choekyi Gyaltsen a few years later, after they met. [40], In August 2020, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping gave a speech in which he stated that it is "necessary to actively guide Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to the socialist society and promote the Sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism. [77] In 1993, the Dalai Lama used the same phrase to describe the destruction of Tibetan culture. But Barnett said that claiming the difficulties faced by the Shugden practitioners are not a major human rights concern: "We see this being done under the name of human rights, which is not really quite what is at issue here. In a small 1978 pamphlet, Lobsang Gyatso alluded to a "knotless heretic teacher", which some people took as referring to Trijang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso and his advocacy of Shugden. Bell further remarked, "The slavery in the Chumpi valley was of a very mild type. Some Japanese and Korean versions have an additional 2 characters. Len Foley, Representative of the International Shugden Community." [2] Today the title can be used as an honorific title conferred on a monk,[2][5] nun or a lay person (especially in the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakya schools) advanced tantric practitioner to designate a level of spiritual attainment and authority to teach, or may be part of a title such as Dalai Lama[5] or Panchen Lama[5] applied to a lineage of reincarnate lamas (Tulkus). More than six thousand monasteries were looted and destroyed. Monks who had traveled across these areas note that the central government has allocated a disproportionate amount of funds since 1996 to pro-Shugden monasteries to assist them with construction and renovations. It is not a general Buddhist problem, but a specific problem within Tibetan Buddhism. The following is a representative sample. [web 11] Robert Thurman adds that the alleged killers had their origin within China as well. The Dalai Lama set about to overhaul the economic structure of Tibet but, unfortunately, did not live long enough to see his plans come to fruition. His father was also called Gonpo Tseten and his mother was Sonam Drolma. A third man was to lose one ear, and the others were to get 50 lashes each." This plan was to murder my assistant, Tharchin, and to implicate His Holinesss government-in-exile with this odious crime [] If he had succeeded in his plan, it would have been a cause of great trouble for the labrang, as well as a cause of disgrace to the Tibetan government and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. [13] It was de facto independent of China from 1911 to 1949, but not recognized as de jure independent of China by any nation, even its protective power Great Britain. [web 24][web 25] They also posted two lists of Tibetan participants of the protests[web 26][web 27] and a declaration by former NKT members and ex-practitioners of Dorje Shugden. [37], According to the state-run Peoples Daily, the Dalai Lama was invited by the Buddhist Association of China to attend the Panchen Lama's funeral and to take the opportunity to contact Tibet's religious communities. "[46], Tibetologist Thierry Dodin states that it is the New Kadampa Tradition "that since the 1990s has held spectacular demonstrations whenever the Dalai Lama went to the West. On 1 October 1949, the 10th Panchen Lama wrote telegraph to congratulate the liberation of the Northwest, and the establishment of People's Republic of "[45] The head of the Kagyu sect, the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, was also groomed by Chinese leaders, but at age 14 he fled to India in 1999.

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