Application of Grounded Theory Methodology is a mid-range theory that focuses on the process and connects different stages of theory together (Chenitz, 1986). While grounded theory is mainly used for For example, suppose a nurse was talking to a group of older women about incontinence. (1985). the form of memos or self-interviews) and to compare these data with other As can be seen from this framework, and as detailed in the discussion that follows, the process of doing a GT research study is not linear, rather it is iterative and recursive. Now York: National League for Nursing. Strauss and Corbin (1998, p. 12) comment, grounded theories are likely to offer insight, enhance understanding, and provide a meaningful guide to action. Unlike other forms of qualitative research, where the researcher may not want to develop preconceptions through extensive preparatory literature review, grounded theory methodology requires that the researcher enter the field familiar with the literature pertaining to the subject and related ideas (Glaser, 1978). setting, learn the state of the art, and generate theories from Readers might be interested in all these aspects of GT research or might want to skip to the data analysis section if they are working with an existing dataset. In the case of symbolic interaction, the framework arises from sociology and proposes that individuals interpret their experience and create meaning out of those experiences (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003). Once the storyline is developed, the GT is finalised using theoretical codes that provide a framework for enhancing the explanatory power of the storyline and its potential as theory.6 Thus, storyline is the explication of the theory. However, for pragmatic reasons such as assuring research funders, it is often necessary to give an indicative number of participants even though this might not be the final number. Grounded theory studies are generally focused on social processes or actions: they ask about what happens and how people interact.This shows the influence of symbolic interactionism, a social psychological approach focused on the meaning of human actions [].Grounded theory studies begin with open questions, and researchers presume that they may know . Constant comparison and theoretical sampling are used to support the systematic discovery of theory from the data. Munhall & C.O. Here, we found that the experience of loss permeated all interviews and was the central experience for participants and shaped how they engaged with health care services. Sbaraini A, Carter SM, Wendell Evans R. Blinkhorn A. recommend combining case studies and grounded theory when the researcher aim is to develop theoretical models grounded on the data. Comparison of coding terminology in traditional, evolved and constructivist grounded theory. The following section provides an overview of GT the history, main genres and essential methods and processes employed in the conduct of a GT study. The researcher can answer the questions This case study provides a perspective in exploring the health of Cambodian refugee women using grounded theory. These segments (otherwise known as indicators) comprised words, phrases, or large blocks of data that we abstracted under conceptual headings (e.g., this segment is about the participant being trustful of his physician at a specialized ALS clinic; I will code this as trusting clinic physician). Grounded theory can help inform design decisions by better understanding how a community of users currently use a product or perform tasks. Health service researchers who employ GT method often use CAQDAS (e.g., Patel and Riley 2007). The emergent theory is likely to be In qualitative research, this is known as an audit trail (Devers 1999). This means we identified conditions that shaped participants experiences and then captured different and/or similar contexts that could add meaning and variation to categories that were emerging in the data (e.g., based on the above analysis, we sampled participants who had never accessed services at the ALS clinic). The coding terms devised by Birks and Mills6 were used for Figure 1; however, these can be altered to reflect the coding terminology used in the respective GT genres selected by the researcher. Pick a research area, topic, or population of interest, and form one or more research questions about it. Our study topic was broad (i.e., service user health care experiences in ALS), and we did not set out to focus on any particular domains of ALS care. It is a procedure related to conceptualization of data. The Philosophy, Method, and Work of Barney Glaser. Data collection in GT can also incorporate observational methods at one point, over time and in similar/different contexts. Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Where necessary and fruitful, participants were prompted when they struggled with phrasing a particular experience. Mitchell, P.H., Ferketich, S., & Jennings, B.M. Throughout the research process, support group members review and comment on transcripts of participant observation and interviews, discuss memos written by the researcher, and provide a forum for discussing the researchers ideas. As will be discussed, theoretical sampling then commences from the codes and categories developed from the first data set. However, in many instances, researchers do not have population-based registers or similar databases available to them, and qualitative researchers (including GT researchers) might sample from multiple sources (e.g., migrant rights groups or places of worship in the case of the above example of accessing maternity services). As presented in Figure 1, initial purposive sampling directs the collection and/or generation of data. These shared meanings provide the basis for interaction between people. This is because theoretical sampling is driven by concepts or categories (i.e., variables) that emerge during data analysis and the need for further elaboration of these categories to develop theory. We had no need to resort to convenience sampling and sampling from the Irish ALS population-based register enabled us to sample without predefined geographical location. In this paper, I will be reflecting on what I have learned during this course about human services and systems thinking. methods like case study and grounded theory, utmost care must be exercised Theoretical sensitivity. They used naturalistic inquiry approach and narrative recording. Hutchinson, S.A. (1993). (Eds.). I will draw upon both my own experiences and literature to analyze the strengths and limitations of intersectionality and life course theory. Case study and grounded theory: Sharing some alternative qualitative research methodologies with systems professionals. Sensitivity means how in tune the researcher is with data that infer meaning (Corbin and Strauss 2008). Both authors contributed to the acquisition and analysis of the material in the manuscript. For a recent grounded theory nursing research study see Jacelon (2004). GT is a commonly used qualitative method in health research (Pawluch and Neiterman 2010). 180-212). There is a little basis for scientific generalization in this study especially with this single case. Birks and Mills6 provide a contemporary understanding of GT in their book Grounded theory: A Practical Guide. Data gathered through PO would be recorded in descriptive field notes (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003). An open beginning and research questions. The findings are presented as a set of interrelated concepts as opposed to presenting themes.28 Explanatory statements detail the relationships between categories and the central core category.28. Two methods of qualitative inquiry axe case method and grounded theory. The methods section should also include some account of the reflexive role of the researcher(s) and how the researcher(s) impacted on the research process (e.g., in our research, the first author had worked in the clinical field and so her background shaped how some participants responded to her). Duration of interviews in GT research varies, but ordinarily interviews last around 1hour (the range in duration can be considerable, varying by individual participants health, and other circumstances). Not only is the distinction one of specificity of the analysis phase (e.g., grounded the- cannot completely eliminate, the risk of bias-induced distortions. As prolonged engagement provides scope, persistent observation provides depth to the study (Lincoln & Cuba, 1985). between theory and data it is likely that the theory can be further Riley AW. In other words, it is possible to undertake high-quality analysis with the help of manual analysis only (e.g., annotating transcripts, cutting and pasting in simple word-processing programs or even in paper), and using a software program is not going to yield good analysis per se. Pages: 7 (2226 words) Sources: 7 Document Type: Case Study Document #: 86692193. As more intellectuals have interests in researching social phenomena, the application of case study and grounded theory are growing rapidly. Storyline is a tool that can be used for theoretical integration. Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. During selective coding, the first author developed and iteratively refined an integrative diagram, which helped to establish relationships between categories. Grounded theory is a well-known methodology employed in many research studies. Multiple cases are used when the researcher is interested in the same issue in different situations, or to understand a particular situation from different perspectives. Guidance through the journey of selecting a design, collecting rich data, completing the appropriate depth of analysis, and preparing an interesting and informative manuscript, can provide practicing nurses with opportunities to use case or grounded theory methods to add the spark of a new dimension of challenge, insight, and illumination to their professional work. The specialty in this theory is that the theory emerges from within the data. As we continued to sample and analyze data, it emerged that family context also encompassed how participants themselves sought to provide support to their family and that their parenting roles at different life stages influenced how much support they sought to provide to their family (Foley, Timonen, and Hardiman 2014a). Bristol, PA: The Falmer Press. During this process, additional information is sought to saturate categories under development. Orlikowski, 1993; Urquhart, 2001). methodology to study data from an exploratory case study and to drive data It is anestablished research design that is used extensively in a widevariety of disciplines Grounded theory is a systematic methodology that has been largely, but not exclusively, applied to qualitative researchconducted by social scientists. However, philosophical perspectives have changed since Glasers positivist version and Strauss and Corbins post-positivism stance.14 Grounded theory has since seen the emergence of additional philosophical perspectives that have influenced a change in methodological development over time.15. It lacks. Ideally, focus groups should be conducted within or as close as possible to the relevant naturalistic setting (e.g., an extended care facility where participants live and operate in communal surroundings). I also offer one example of a situational mapping exercise and discuss the lessons learned from combining these methodological approaches. already built in. However, no conceptual/theoretical research for IS researchers yet specifies . Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods (4th ed.). Grounded theory seeks to generate or discover a theory-a general explanation- for a social process, action or interaction shaped by the views of participants (p. 83). theory grounded in case study data was a particularly appropriate strategy Conlon C, Carney G, Timonen V. Scharf T. Emergent Reconstruction in Grounded Theory: Learning from Team-Based Interview Research. Let's consider the potential this approach has for us as social workers in the fight for social justice. Grounded theory involves a process where data collection, analysis, and theory stand in close relationship to each otherOne begins with an area of study and what is relevant to that area is allowed to emerge (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 12). Unlike quantitative research approaches which excel at testing hypotheses derived from existing theories, qualitative research provides rich descriptions of phenomena and generates hypotheses about phenomena (Sofaer 1999). Table 1 reflects variation in the terminology of codes used by grounded theorists. These cornerstones were found to interact in unique ways . qualitative research (Glaser, 2001), it Conducting GT research requires a balance between keeping an open mind and the ability to identify elements of theoretical significance during data generation and/or collection and data analysis.6. Participant observation (PO) is a data collection technique in which the members of the research team immerse themselves in the world of the participants (Bowers, 1988). In the previous example regarding pain management for clients with kidney stones, the researcher may wish to interview the client, the nurse, family members who were with the patient at the onset of pain, nurse aides regarding identification of pain in patients on the unit, physicians, etc. While trying to become immersed in the world of the participants, the team member will simultaneously attempt to maintain a position of questioning those things that the participants take for granted (Bowers, 1988). These Australian researchers have written in a way that appeals to the novice researcher. GT is typically focused toward building theory (Strauss and Corbin 1998). Sampling in Grounded Theory. Health Serv Res. Grounded theory (GT) is probably the most widely known methodological perspective on how to conduct qualitative research in the social sciences. How Will We Know Good Qualitative Research When We See It? Joint Acknowledgment/Disclosure Statement: Both authors are responsible for the conception and design of the manuscript. For an example of a unique case, consider a client the first author had the opportunity to care for many years ago. Third, the research team might need to gain a fine-grained understanding of processes behind patterns in their data; for instance, there is a correlation between the location of services and level of satisfaction with services, but why is this the case? the new Fibromyalgia Treating by RedOrbit! the theory emerges through a close and careful analysis of the data. Birks and Mills6 define theoretical sampling as the process of identifying and pursuing clues that arise during analysis in a grounded theory study (p. 68). New York: National League for Nursing. The researcher begins with an area of study and allows the theory to emerge from the data (p. 12). homocentric studies. After reading this title, two further knowledge questions have become apparent to me. The explanations that ensue from analysis might not apply to all cases. Given my research project is broad and complex, this design allowed me to refine my ideas and goals. This is representative of the individual meanings each woman ascribed to the prospect of experiencing incontinence. The functionality is limited to basic scrolling. You may notice problems with Devers KJ. People sharing common circumstances experience shared meanings and behaviors that constitute the substance of grounded theory (fliuchinson, 1993). researchers. While Strauss and Corbin12 describe theoretical sensitivity as the insight into what is meaningful and of significance in the data for theory development, Birks and Mills6 define theoretical sensitivity as the ability to recognise and extract from the data elements that have relevance for the emerging theory (p. 181). statement, perfectly valid for some case study research, contravenes a key However, most GT studies in health care research use preprepared interview guides (i.e., semistructured interviews). Concluding remarks should account for the strengths and limitations of the study and make clear the implications of findings to health care and the practice setting. Beginning the Dialogue in Health Services Research. A methods section should outline the key methodological steps and choices (broadly in the order in which they were presented in this article). To be sure, constant comparison reduces, but Ylona Chun Tie, Nursing and Midwifery, College of Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University, 1 James Cook Drive, Douglas, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia. This closeness can lead to an intimate The focus of the case can be an individual, an event, a family, an organization, or even a place (Mariano, 1995). How did the client and/or the health care system affect those interventions? The term grounded theory denotes dual referents: (a) a method consisting of flexible methodological strategies and (b) the products of this type of inquiry. Pawluch D. Neiterman E. What Is Grounded Theory and Where Does It Come from? As for other qualitative methods, careful compilation of field notes is important in GT research. We can now extend to other conditions that may be part of your everyday lives and help you on a broad level if that is what you need. We found that a software program for qualitative analysis helped us demonstrate what we did and how we did it. In vivo codes are often verbatim quotes from the participants words and are often used as the labels to capture the participants words as representative of a broader concept or process in the data.6 This continual comparative iterative process that encompasses GT research sets it apart from a purely descriptive analysis.8, Memo writing is an analytic process considered essential in ensuring quality in grounded theory.6 Stern27 offers the analogy that if data are the building blocks of the developing theory, then memos are the mortar (p. 119). Two of the women seemed quite distressed at the mere mention of the word incontinence. During coding, the first author wrote reflexive and theoretical memos (written records of analysis). Stake, K. (1998). Timmermans S. Tavory I. Jacelon, C. (2004). It is the contemporary writing, the way Birks and Mills present a non-partisan approach to GT that support the novice researcher to understand the philosophical and methodological concepts integral in conducting research. Credibility of the findings is also judged by the documented methodological steps taken by the researcher(s) (i.e., by the account of how the data were analyzed and how theory developed). - Definition, Features, Purpose, Process 2. Quality health outcomes model. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. My As the research progresses, seminal texts are referred back to time and again as understanding of concepts increases, much like the iterative processes inherent in the conduct of a GT study. The plan of observation is dictated by the research questions (Stake, 1995). Biography The study of an individual's life and how it reflects cultural themes of the society. Both studies can be used in qualitative and quantitative studies depending on the researchers interests. I used grounded theory as the overarching First, the parameters of service user and provider experiences might be poorly understood, which in turn makes the design of survey and other quantitative research instruments impossible. (1989), using case data to build Data analysis will be discussed in a future article in this series. The exemplars in Box 1 highlight how theoretical sampling led to the inclusion of further data. As depicted in Figure 1, theoretical sampling is central to GT design, aids the evolving theory5,7,16 and ensures the final developed theory is grounded in the data.9 Theoretical sampling in GT is for the development of a theoretical category, as opposed to sampling for population representation.10 Novice researchers need to acknowledge this difference if they are to achieve congruence within the methodology. Occasions arise when researchers encounter problems recruiting participants and for practical purposes might, in addition to purposive sampling, resort to convenience sampling where participants are in close proximity to the researcher. Developing sensitivity as a grounded theorist and the application of theoretical sensitivity throughout the research process allows the analytical focus to be directed towards theory development and ultimately result in an integrated and abstract GT.6 The example in Box 3 highlights how analytic tools are employed to increase theoretical sensitivity. Know that this isn't the only way to approach grounded theory, but just a collection of tips and processes derived from various grounded theory resources that you can use to inspire your own grounded theory study.. I seriously doubt that I would have achieved my goal without The iteration between data and analysis (i.e., conceptualizing, theory generation) should be clear. Grounded theory is best applied when research teams come into a problem with uncertainty about the full landscape and situation. We give practical advice pertaining to each step of a research project, and we illustrate these with the help of examples from a recent study that we conducted, and also hypothetical examples of research scenarios (the latter are in italics). It is a process that seeks to explain existing relationships to persons involved in each other and to the entire world at large. Orlikowski, 1993; Urquhart, 2001). In: Gynnild A, editor; Martin VB, editor. Throughout this collaboration, Glaser and Strauss questioned the appropriateness of using a scientific method of verification for this study. In all qualitative research, the researcher does not profess to be an expert about the phenomena of interest. This makes their study more reliable and credible. With these principles in mind, a researcher can construct a grounded theory in eight basic steps. While social scientists have been using the grounded theory method for almost 40 years, the IS field has been a late adopter of the methodology. Sofaer S. Qualitative Methods: What Are They and Why Use Them? The defining purpose of this method is to construct a theory that offers an abstract understanding of one or more core concerns in the studied world. Bowers, B. The qualitative researchers responsibility toward trustworthiness also includes confirmability and dependability of the results. Maximising Transparency is a Doctoral Thesis: The Complexities of Writing about the Use of QSR*NVIVO within a Grounded Theory Study. to produce novel theory; this is so because creative insight often Symbolic interactionism addresses the subjective meaning people place on objects, behaviours or events based on what they believe is true.19,20 Constructivist GT, the third genre developed and explicated by Charmaz, a symbolic interactionist, has its roots in constructivism.8,16 Constructivist GTs methodological underpinnings focus on how participants construct meaning in relation to the area of inquiry.16 A constructivist co-constructs experience and meanings with participants.21 While there are commonalities across all genres of GT, there are factors that distinguish differences between the approaches including the philosophical position of the researcher; the use of literature; and the approach to coding, analysis and theory development. Does the design end itself to a thorough, in-depth intensive examination of the phenomenon of interest? Additionally, I will write about the models of service delivery, system approach to people, relationships, and organizations. Bringer JD, Johnston LH. Findings are presented in the form of categories supplemented by excerpts from the data (i.e., participants quotations) and diagrams that support the explication of the data and link the evidence to the conclusions. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. Conclusion: Consider using the Quality Health Outcomes Model (Mitchell, Ferketich, & Jennings, 1998) to guide the research. We encouraged potential participants to initiate the gradual process to create critical awareness by sharing personal life stories and helping to collect the experiences (Balcazar, Fabrico et al (2012), the authors did not clearly reveal to the readers how they ensured do no harm principle Saying stories may open the wounds of the parents. This paper will focus exclusively on two of those qualitative research designs, grounded theory and ethnography, to showcase the strengths and weaknesses of each. Grounded theory is a general research methodology, a way of thinking about and conceptualizing data. Indeed, multiple types of data (e.g., archival material, written sources) can be used as data. Blumer, H. (1969). Weakness It is part of the process of establishing credibility (Ely et al., 1991). As mentioned, some analysis and extrapolation in GT research can be deductive in nature, but GT analysis should primarily be inductive, that is, take seriously the exhortation to seek to understand phenomena from the ground up.. Philosophy is an important aspect of learning. GT research for journal publication typically includes an introduction that explains the purpose (i.e., aims and objectives) of the research. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Guidelines for Qualitative Inquiry. Glaser and Strauss examined how the patients dealt with the knowledge they were dying and the reactions of healthcare staff caring for these patients. The constant comparative method is deemed an original way of organising and analysing qualitative data. They all agreed that incontinence was not a normal part of aging and that a woman experiencing incontinence should discuss the problem with a health care provider. Your audience is well-established, you stated a sufficiently narrowed audience, proved how the intended audience you provided could help the author achieve his purpose, and moreover you explained why foreign and educational policy makers are the intended audience. In both case and grounded theory methods, the data may come from many sources. Thus, novice researchers strive to understand the discourse and the practical application of grounded theory concepts and processes. Case study research design and methods (3rd ed.). Mill Valley, CA: The Sociology Press. Case studios. Sampling ceases in GT studies when categories are well described and dimensionalized (Corbin and Strauss 2008); this is known as saturation of the data. Some IS research implies the simultaneous use of case study and grounded theory. For example, suppose a researcher conducted a grounded theory study exploring the process engaged in by women who are not more than 50 years old to manage chronic urge incontinence. practice. Involvement of probable relationships is seen in grounded theory which is directly emerged from data analysis. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. ( example: to gain understanding of psychological experiences of patients suffering from a The qualitative design is appropriate to my research question. Epidemiology of urinary symptoms in the geriatric population. (OT), Ph.D., Discipline of Occupational Therapy, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Jamess Street, Dublin 8, Ireland; e-mail: Grounded theory, qualitative research, qualitative interviews, health care experiences, BioMed Central. 741 Orders prepared. modifies, or rejects the expert researchers observations. GT methods are also suited to focus group data collection and analysis (Hernandez 2011; Hennink 2014). Grounding Grounded Theory. Examples from a study that explored living with treatment for sleep apnea, On solid ground: essential properties for growing grounded theory, Asking questions of the data: memo writing in the grounded theory tradition, Doing grounded theory: issues and discussions, Contextual positioning: using documents as extant data in grounded theory research, The development of categories: different approaches in grounded theory, The Oxford handbook of qualitative research, Memoing in qualitative research: probing data and processes, Consumers and the social world of health care: outsiders in the experts world: a grounded theory study, Bringing together the threads of care in possible miscarriage for women, their partners and nurses in non-metropolitan emergency departments, A thousand words paint a picture: the use of storyline in grounded theory research, A novice researchers first walk through the maze of grounded theory: rationalization for classical grounded theory, The coding manual for qualitative researchers, The grounded theory perspective III: theoretical coding, Reconciling professional identity: a grounded theory study of nurse academics role modelling, Dancing with data: an example of acquiring theoretical sensitivity in a grounded theory study,, Advanced coding is essential to produce a theory that is grounded in the data and has explanatory power.6 During the advanced coding phase, concepts that reach the stage of categories will be abstract, representing stories of many, reduced into highly conceptual terms. 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