Identify the attributes of McDonaldization. Hollywood probably does not actually have a master plan to export the American way of life around the globe and displace local culture, just as American music may not necessarily be a progenitor of democratic government and economic cooperation. In what ways has this company undergone the process of McDonaldization throughout its history? Many people in a society will have different cultures, but we all generally agree on a way to behave in society thats usually based on the dominant culture in that society. Western stylesnewfangled delights like nylon stockings, pierced ears and eye shadowalso began to replace the austere blue tunics of Mao-era China. To begin discussing the topic of cultural imperialism, it is important to look at the ideas of one of its founding theorists, Antonio Gramsci. A key danger of cultural imperialism is the possibility that American tastes will crowd out local cultures around the globe. However, cultures such as India have adopted American cultural and economic ideas to create a hybrid of foreign business models and local cultures. Actors such as John Wayne and Marilyn Monroe came to represent aspects of masculinity and femininity that were adopted into mainstream culture during the mid-20th century. What, if anything, has been lost because of this process? Although similar marketing tactics have been employed in the United States, Bollywood seems to have mastered the art of cross-media integration. Modernization theory is used to explain the process of modernization within societies. Media Buzz Ltd Wide availability in the major cities Yorkshire Reporter: Monthly: Tabloid: 2013: Fight Racism! What is the effect of globalized media on world cultures? In other words, wherever a consumer is likely to travel within a reasonable range, the menu options and the resulting product remain consistent. American movie studios are generally much more successful than their foreign counterparts not only because of their business models but also because the concept of Hollywood has become one of the modern worldwide movie businesss defining traits. Invention Technological change has a broad impact on culture. At the end of World War II, English writer George Orwell used cold war, as a general term, in his essay "You and the Atomic Bomb", published 19 October 1945 in the British newspaper Tribune.Contemplating a world living in the shadow of the threat of nuclear warfare, Orwell looked at James Burnham's predictions of a polarized world, writing: . Some possible websites to research include the following: Now answer the following questions regarding the site that you picked: Bush, President George W. address on terrorism before a joint meeting of Congress, New York Times, September 21, 2001, The English ethnic group contributed to the major cultural and social mindset and attitudes that evolved into the American character. Looking at the world as a whole, Schlosser, Eric, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001), 4. Cultural hegemony refers to the power of the dominant culture to overshadow and even overtake local cultures. How does vertical integration relate to globalized media? A world-empire (examples, the Roman Empire, Han China) are large bureaucratic structures with a single political center and an axial division of labor, but multiple cultures. With McDonaldization, four aspects of the business are taken to the extreme: efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. How do vertical integration, first copy costs, and the information economy relate to one another? What sort of multimedia content does the site use that might relate to its main product? The process of identification is subjective, and "icons" are judged by the extent to which they can be seen as an authentic symbol of that culture. After September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush framed the issue of terrorism as a cultural conflict as much as a military one. How so? The idea that media actually spreads a culture, however, is controversial. Hooray for Bollywood! Time, September 16, 1996,,9171,985129,00.html. bi-monthly newspaper of the Revolutionary Communist Group; Times Literary Supplement weekly literary and cultural journal; Although culturally specific variations exist, any McDonalds in a particular area has basically the same menu as any other. Unsurprisingly, McDonalds is the prime example of this concept. McDonaldization is characterized by efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Although this plan did not succeed as hoped, it raises the question of whether Americans should truly be concerned about spreading their cultural system if they believe that it is an ideal one. Gramscis concept of cultural hegemony is pertinent in the modern day not because of the likelihood of a local property-owning class oppressing the poor, but because of concern that rising globalization will permit one culture to so completely assert its power that it drives out all competitors. Examples of Social Media (Ranked by Monthly Users) 1. Of the total population Each response should be a minimum of one paragraph. Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state. McDonalds has opened up many culturally specific versions of its chain, all employing its famous Golden Arches. Tomlinson, John. Common Cultural Diffusions. Do you think that the current trends will continue, or do you see local cultures reasserting their power? In this activity, you will research a media outlet and then answer questions about the choices that the web producer, editor, or manager made regarding its content. Essays on subjects as diverse as the pros and cons of social media, the successes and failures of the French Revolution, and an account on Lizette Farah; No matter what the topic, type of essay, or discipline of study, essay writing can be daunting without access to the right resources. The "classical" theories of modernization of the 1950s and 1960s drew on sociological analyses of Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and a partial reading of Max Weber, and were strongly influenced by the writings of Harvard sociologist Talcott Parsons. Even though many of these empires have seen their powers wane over the years, they still maintain a cultural link to their previous colonies. For many of the more extremist factions, this has turned into a form of racism as well, where many things that are Western are hated or despised. The music and dance numbers are essentially cinematic forms of music videos, both promoting the soundtrack and adding variety to the film. Strongly influenced by the theories and writings of Karl Marx, Italian philosopher and critic Gramsci originated the idea of cultural hegemony to describe the power of one group over another. Social Context Examples. in the form of jokes or urban legends.With the widespread use of the Internet from the 1990s, the distinction between mass What effects has technology had on international economics? What might its purpose be? Why? Just as the automation of fast foodfrom freeze-dried french fries to prewrapped saladsattempts to lower a products marginal costs, thus increasing profits, media outlets seek to achieve a certain degree of consistency that allows them to broadcast and sell the same product throughout the world with minimal changes. Speaking after the attacks of September 11, 2001, then-President George W. Bush presented two simple ideas to the U.S. populace: They [terrorists] hate our freedoms, and Go shopping (Bush, 2001). These twin ideals of personal freedom and economic activity are often held up as the prime exports of American culture. The British Empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor states. How has the Internet changed the value of experience goods? Name a positive and a negative way in which culture may respond to an outside force. American cultural mores, such as the Western standard of beauty, have increasingly made it into global media. Is there anything that might not relate to its main product? How does the digital divide affect developed and developing countries differently? Of course, there is some truth to this, but it is by far the exception rather than the rule. Analyze the ways that local cultures respond to outside forces. What are some examples of local cultures resisting the influence of foreign culture? Media Entertainment, information and publications are typically digital with rare exceptions such as a physical newspaper. How does it damage society?,,9171,985129,00.html, Rather, local cultures respond to the outside culture of U.S. media and democracy in many different ways. Although the fast-food restaurant is somewhat different in every countryfor example, Indian restaurants offer a pork-free, beef-free menu to accommodate regional religious practicesthe same fundamental principles apply in a culturally specific way. Social contexts are all about society and what you need to know about your society in any situation.Society has rules around behavior and interaction. Cultural Imperialism: A Critical Introduction (London: Continuum, 2001). Examples of American cultural imperialism include brand name products, mass-produced food and, perhaps of primary importance, video media. What are some examples where local cultures have embraced foreign culture? Says Fred Schneider, We are old. Modernization theory was a dominant Creative outputs that have cultural and artistic value often have no physical form. What predictions can you make about its effects in the future? Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. Social networks: Social media facilitate the formation of social networks, or groups of people who share interests and communicate with each other online. First of all, media are often much more flexible than believed; the successful exportation of the film Titanic was not an accident in which everyone in the world suddenly wanted to experience movies like an American. Cultural imperialism (sometimes referred to as cultural colonialism) comprises the cultural dimensions of imperialism.The word "imperialism" often describes practices in which a social entity engages culture (including language, traditions, rituals, political and economic structures, and ways of life) to create and maintain unequal relationships between social groups. The branding of the company is the same wherever it is; the Im lovin it slogan is inescapable, and the Golden Arches are, according to Eric Schlosser in Fast Food Nation, more widely recognized than the Christian cross (Schlosser, 2001). Yet, more importantly, the business model of McDonalds stays relatively the same from country to country. Marxs ideas remained at the heart of Gramscis beliefs. The idea that media actually spreads a culture, however, is controversial. During the early 21st century, much of the United Statess foreign policy stemmed from the idea that spreading freedom, democracy, and free-market capitalism through cultural influence around the world could cause hostile countries such as Iraq to adopt American ways of living and join the United States in the fight against global terrorism and tyranny. Is the application of antitrust legislation to media companies positive or negative? However, cultural imperialism has potential negative effects as well. Explain the purpose and influence of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The McDonaldization of the globe applies not just to its namesake, McDonalds, with its franchises in seemingly every country, but to any industry that applies the technique of McDonalds on a large scale. It is cultural in that the customs, traditions, religion, language, social and moral norms, and other aspects of the imposing community are distinct from, Fight Imperialism! The pervasiveness of cultural influence is difficult to track, however, as the young Chinese woman says that she wanted to have the surgery not because of Western looks but because she thinks they are pretty (Kristof, 1987).. The media sends messages that reinforce cultural values. Linguistic imperialism or language imperialism is occasionally defined as "the transfer of a dominant language to other people". But were completely hardcore. Describe how hegemony applies to different aspects of global culture. Because of this, one of the industrys quickly expanding career fields employs people who manage the online outlets of a more traditional media outlet such as radio or television. This language "transfer" (or rather unilateral imposition) comes about because of imperialism.The transfer is considered to be a sign of power; traditionally military power but also, in the modern world, economic power.Aspects of the What is the digital divide, and who is trying to close it? These two economic and cultural aspects are clearly intertwined, but the idea of a foreign power unilaterally crushing a native culture does not seem to be entirely true. As a new faculty, it is our priority to develop an Indigenous Strategy that is collaboratively developed, productive and purposeful to affect long-term change in the educational outcomes of Indigenous students and the intellectual and cultural integrity of Indigenous teaching and research across the faculty. As a movement, nationalism tends to promote the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people), especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland to create a nation state.Nationalism holds that each nation In his book Cultural Imperialism, John Tomlinson argues that exported American culture is not necessarily imperialist because it does not push a cultural agenda; it seeks to make money from whatever cultural elements it can throughout the world. In some circumstances, there may be a backlash against what can be seen as a hostile culture. World-systems analysis argues that there have been thus far only two varieties of world-systems: world-economies and world empires. cultural imperialism, in anthropology, sociology, and ethics, the imposition by one usually politically or economically dominant community of various aspects of its own culture onto another nondominant community. Are there any online-only content sections of the site? The culture was still a mix of nationalitiesmany Dutch and Germans settled as wellbut the ruling majority of ex-Britons led British culture to generally take over. It began with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. The numbers also feature many different Indian national languages and a hybrid of Western dance music and Indian classical singing, a certain departure from conventional Western media (Corliss, 1996). Please respond to the following short-answer writing prompts. Using the models you listed above, classify the following media industries: book publishing, television broadcasting, and live-event ticketing. Cultural Messages and the Media. At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, Applying the concepts of an optimized financial market to cultural and human items such as food, McDonaldization enforces general standards and consistency throughout a global industry. Has this process made the company more efficient? As early as 1987, Nicholas Kristof wrote in The New York Times about a young Chinese woman who was planning to have an operation to make her eyes look rounder, more like the eyes of Caucasian women. Local cultures can respond to outside forces in many ways. How might these relate to the corporations main purpose. How does having a larger, more efficient media company help society? One well-known example of this is Indias Bollywood film industry. From a spread of Western ideals of beauty to the possible decline of local cultures around the world, cultural imperialism can have a quick and devastating effect. Multinational, nongovernmental corporations can now drive global culture. These pop songs are disseminated well before a movies release, both to build up hype and to enter multiple media markets. Although such jobs used to require extensive technological knowledge, modern online project managers, online media editors, and web producers spend much of their time determining how best to display the content online. These four things are four of the main aspects of free markets. The European roots of the United States originate with the English and Spanish settlers of colonial North America during British and Spanish rule Scotch Irish, 4.3 Scots, 4.7 Irish, 7.2 German, 2.7 Dutch, 1.7 French and 2 Swedish). The Athens, Ga., new wave pioneers are wrapping up their last-ever tour. For example, the internet allows people to connect to social groups and media that represents a particular worldview.This can result in tribalism whereby people no longer see themselves as part of a greater society. It is closely tied to the similar theory of cultural imperialism. It could even be argued that American cultural exports promote intercultural understanding; after all, to sell to a culture, a business must first understand that culture. What are the three basic business models of media? Adaptations based on traditional folklore provide a source of popular culture. Cultural imperialism was around long before the United States became a world power. How does the information economy differ from the traditional economy? In his book Cultural Imperialism, John Tomlinson argues that exported American culture is not necessarily imperialist because it does not push a cultural agenda; it seeks to make money from whatever cultural elements it can throughout the world. By contrast, some local cultures around the world have taken to Western-style business models so greatly that they have created their own hybrid cultures. How do local cultures respond to the influence of foreign culture? How do the media increase profit margins in foreign countries? Let's expand our horizons beyond those sushi dinners and daily tweets with some examples of cultural diffusion in society today: In New York City's Chinatown you'll meet the largest concentration of Chinese people in the Western hemisphere. A cultural icon is a person or an artifact that is identified by members of a culture as representative of that culture. What is the effect of digital communication in developing countries? Just as imperial Britain economically ruled the American colonists, so did Britain strongly influence the culture of the colonies. Repatriation is the return of the cultural property, often referring to ancient or looted art, to their country of origin or former owners (or their heirs).The disputed cultural property items are physical artifacts of a group or society taken by another group, usually in the act of looting, whether in the context of imperialism, colonialism, or war. Therefore, in some ways U.S. media have become more widespread, and also more worldwide in focus. Pick a media company that interests you, such as a magazine, a television station, or a record label. These values are perhaps most visible in celebrities and the roles that they adopt. However, the idea that other local beliefs need to change may threaten people of other cultures. Media imperialism is a critical theory regarding the perceived effects of globalization on the world's media, which is often seen as dominated by American media and culture. What is globalization, and how does it affect the media? The spread of culture works in mysterious ways. A note about the documents included on this page: These documents were originally selected for the project Our Documents: 100 Milestone Documents from the National Archives, a national initiative on American history, civics, and service.They were identified to "help us think, talk and teach about the rights and responsibilities of citizens in our Instead, local cultures seem to adopt American-style media models, changing their methods to fit the corporate structures rather than just the aesthetics of U.S. media. Today, cultural imperialism tends to describe the United States role as a cultural superpower throughout the world. How do the editorial decisions of the site reflect the influence of the Internet? This is known as a sphere of influence, which can range from historical connections between countries to cultural and political control over another nation. In this rags-to-riches tale, hard work and talent can lead to a successful life no matter where one starts. Unlike Marx, who believed that the workers of the world would eventually unite and overthrow capitalism, Gramsci instead argued that culture and the media exert such a powerful influence on society that they can actually influence workers to buy into a system that is not economically advantageous to them. While cultural imperialism might cause resentment in many parts of the world, the idea that local cultures are helpless under the crushing power of American cultural imposition is clearly too simplistic to hold water. Corliss, Richard. Examples of Spheres of Influence. How are citizens of developed countries who lack useful Internet access affected? This concept of culture is rooted in Marxist class struggle, in which one group is dominated by another and conflict arises. Give examples. Rather, the films producers had judged that it would succeed on a world stage just as on a domestic stage. This argument that media can influence culture and politics is typified in the notion of the American Dream. Kristof, Nicholas D. In China, Beauty Is a Big Western Nose, New York Times, April 29, 1987, According to Tomlinson, No one really disputes the dominant presence of Western multinational, and particularly American, media in the world: what is doubted is the cultural implications of this presence (Tomlinson, 2001)., There are, of course, by-products of American cultural exports throughout the world. Indias largest film industry mixes melodrama with musical interludes, lip-synced by actors but sung by pop stars. Media now rely heavily on synergy, or cross-platform media distribution. As well as these cultural practices, there has also been a geopolitical dimension: For a long time there has been resentment by many in the Middle East at the policies of America in their region. The numbers also feature many different Indian national languages and a hybrid of Western dance music and Indian classical singing, a certain departure from conventional Western media (Corliss, 1996). Not everyone views the spread of American tastes as a negative occurrence. One-to-many communication: Social media allow for one-to-many communication, meaning that a user can communicate with many people at once. According to Gramscis notion, the hegemons of capitalismthose who control the capitalcan assert economic power, while the hegemons of culture can assert cultural power. What are the two ways that media companies make money? Media works in an uncannily similar way to fast food. On one hand, foreign cultural institutions can adopt successful American business models, and corporations are largely willing to do whatever makes them the most money in a particular marketwhether that means giving local people a shot at making movies, or making multicultural films such as 2008s Slumdog Millionaire. These four attributesmore than any specific cultural ideasare the primary features of globalized American businesses. In its broadest strokes, imperialism describes the ways that one nation asserts its power over another. American imperialism refers to the expansion of American political, economic, cultural, and media influence beyond the boundaries of the United States.Depending on the commentator, it may include imperialism through outright military conquest; gunboat diplomacy; unequal treaties; subsidization of preferred factions; regime change; or economic penetration through private Cultures have embraced foreign culture superpower throughout the world to outside forces many Mcdonaldization of society ( 1993 ), the idea that other local beliefs to. As imperial Britain economically ruled the American Dream imperialism: a Critical Introduction ( London:,! Are there any online-only content sections of the dominant culture to overshadow and even local! Free markets costs, and control create a hybrid of foreign culture sections of the reflect! Listed above, classify the following media industries: book publishing, television broadcasting, and does. 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